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"Now Showing"

Muppets Most Wanted

About what I was expecting. A few laughs and some fun songs, but all the cameos were the best part! Nothing great, but an enjoyable, good family movie. Don't need to see it again any time soon.
I said I'd post it, here goes! Three months have been leading up to this review!

I had been wanting to see this movie and was THRILLED to see that my school's University Activities Board had gotten us an exclusive pre-midnight premier for it...I got to see it before most JUST because I went to Wright State. I invited a friend after letting her borrow my copy of the book to read it, and after (potentially bombing) a chem exam on Thursday afternoon, I picked her up and we went to grab dinner at this really awesome nightlife district called The Greene where the theater was.

It really depends on what you look for when a story that originally was played out in your head is played out on the big screen. As a visual person who's most interested in seeing ideas, I found it to be awesome. The capture the flag scene was really good, the ziplining scene was fab, and seeing all the factions living and interacting was really neat. I will admit that it was a tad off sequentially (mostly in the Dauntless initiation fights) and they omitted bits and pieces of it (the ones that come to the top of my head immediately are Jeanine trying to re-create the drowning bit from Tris's fear landscape and the total omission of visiting day) or changed things here and there, but overall, the world of Divergent really translated well onto the screen and I loved seeing these factions living in this post-apocalyptic version of Chicago, particularly Erudite headquarters. Theo James's portrayal of Tobias/Four was on point, and the Choosing Ceremony was exactly as I had imagined it in the book.

And it also depends on who you see it with. If you're with more people that also read the book, it's LOADS of fun. Observe:

There's a part they added where Tris throws a knife at Jeanine and it pins her hand to the computer monitor. It wasn't in the book, but we all cheered and clapped. Same thing happened a few other times.

Overall, a fun evening and an amazing way to bring the world and people in these books to the silver screen, and as long as you aren't overly nitpicky and watch it with an open mind, you'll love it. Can't wait for Insurgent!
Had a free ticket so I saw


The book is awful, poorly written and just a bad story, but I spent the time reading so I decided to waste more time by watching it. I was expecting awful and I got a steaming pile of crap. The worst part, besides the lack of any personality in the acting (except Miles Teller who is pretty awesome as a prick and Kate Winslet is solid) is the god awful soundtrack. Easily one of the worst I have ever heard and took so much out of the movie.

The story is basically trying to keep people from free will, because **** you and what you want to do. About as **** as you think it would be. Combine that with just bad characters and a movie that is way too long, well, you get a **** movie. It will make a retarded amount of money and they will finish the awful trilogy because someone appointed Shailene Woodley as the next star.

Still not as bad as Twilight but close. Definitely will be in running for worst movie of year.
Re: "Now Showing"

Lol, I love how well your posts are just the total opposites. I admit ive seen the trailer (no idea when we're getting it) and it looks poo. That won't stop me from seeing it.

I've been watching a bunch of blu rays recently. First is Disney's Hercules. I loved it as a kid and the Ps1 game is amazing. I was glad at how much I still enjoyed it despite the blatant CGI being blatant. The music is also fab, one of the best Disney soundtracks.

Also watched Cinderella. It has been a very long time since I last saw this and wow, I forgot how evil the step sisters and step mum were, pure evil. Excellent. I really like the music and the mice scenes but I found the prince character pretty much non existent, how does he really know cinders is right for him? It's all a little silly and clearly cut down but overall it's an enjoyable film even by today's standards.

The boys: story of the Sherman brothers. Well if you don't know who they are then slap yourself on the wrist and go Google them, clearly the best song writing duo in the history of music. The documentary was well made and made more poignant when you realise it was made by their sons and a year or two before one of the brothers passed away.

Tonight I'll be seeing the new Muppets movie and I'm really excited.

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Saw Muppets Most Wanted at the weekend.

I loved the Muppets movie from a couple of years ago. It just worked, the songs were catchy, fun and generally fit into the film well. It was also very funny. This film tried very hard to re-create the same feeling of humour etc and missed it by miles. The songs weren't that funny or memorable, the jokes just weren't funny (apart from one or two) and it didn't feel right. Also Ricky Gervais really didn't fit in and just looked awkward throughout. Tina Fey is the shining light in this film because, as always, she was fab. The cameos also came thick and fast and there were some very surprising people in there but it was like they were there as a distraction from how awful everything else was. As you can tell I was more than disappointed by this film.

Later today I'll be seeing a film which isn't out until May which means I have to sign an embargo so I can't tell you my thoughts on the film until the end of April which kinda sucks. Still, excited to see a film so early and not because of my job.
Re: RE: "Now Showing"

I really hope its Spidey 2, X-Men, or Godzilla. Can you say yes if it is one of those? I enjoy your reviews as your opinions seem close to mine.
It's not a big blockbuster but it is a comedy. I assume they want to see if its funny before they release it :p

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The films that I am mainly waiting for this year is xmen days of future past, love the xmen movies. The amazing spiderman, haven`t seent he first one but i will soon enough. And my final one is The inbetweeners movie 2, loved the first one and I think that they needed to make a second one because it is missed by quite alot of people.
The inbetweeners was anything but good. I loathe that they're making a sequel, will be avoiding like the plague.

Last night I saw Captain America: Winter Soldier in 3D.

It was brilliant, the action scenes were intense and exciting, the 3d was good, there were plot shocks and the TWO extra end credit scenes were very exciting. I'm a huge fan of the Marvel film universe though, I think it's been put together in a very clever way. Btw I'm pretty sure at one point someone is listing bad people and another big marvel character is named which hints they might be going ahead with that film too which is exciting.

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I`m seeing captian america tonight. I liked the inbetweeners but there are some people like peep that loathe it, to be honest I do not want it to get the sequel bug and turn really bad.
300: Rise of an Empire

Despite going in with practically zero expectations, I still left the screening massively disappointed.

The plot was fantastic, one of the most elaborate games of chess I have ever had the pleasure to witness; the casting superb, Eva Green literally blows everything else out of the water; the score impeccable. But the CGI was so abhorrently turd it ruins all of the rest of the good work, the choreography in the live-action fight scenes are also bloody fantastic like the rest of the film. :(

I seriously do not understand how the powers that be regarding that film, sat down to watch the final edit with the CGI added over the top and DIDN'T go WTF have you done to our film, go fix it!?!?! There's better quality computer graphics available on the PlayStation2!!

5/10, but had the potential to be a great film!
To continue the raping of my eyes I watched:


**** this was awful. Like, so bad I was falling asleep and was tempted to leave, but since I paid for the "suites" theater (recliners, 21&over, full restaurant menu and alcohol) I stuck it out. Darren Aronofsky is as overrated as it gets. This is an absolute dumpster fire of nothingness, and when you think something will happen, it doesn't. The only similarity to the Bible story is the name, Noah. You would think making a movie about one of most known stories in the Bible they would keep it close to the same, nope.

I wish I would have listened to advice not to see it, or at least wait for redbox. Next up is Captain America 2 sometime next week, hopefully that saves this streak of dumpster fires.

I saw the trailer for it and the trailer was the most incredibly clichéd trailer I've ever seen :lol:

Watched Captain America 2 Yesterday with MMF. It was good. I enjoyed Thor and thought Thor 2 was "okay", but the rest fo the Marvel films I've find sub-par to mediocre. CA2 was actually good. Okay, it was never going to be a cerebral workout, but it was more than just mindless explosions.

I don't know what all the surprise plot stuff is everyone was on about though - I found it all pretty obvious, but no spoilers for you in case you haven't already guessed the plot.

It was well paced though, had enough plot twists and turns to keep it interesting and it was well focussed - something a lot of these films tend to forget. It was completely over the top and unrealistic, but it IS a super hero film :)

So yeah - really solid action film, more than the usual brainless trash, great way to pass two and a bit hours of your life. 8.5/10
Jordanovichy said:
Was it really that bad? I've heard nothing but good about Noah. Was considering paying the ridiculous price and going.

Whoever said it was good must have been high as the international space station. I've been trying to think of worse movies, and I still can't come up with any that are significantly worse. Jack and Jill might be close to as bad, but not worse. I also can't stand Aronofsky's work. It's also a "if you do anything to harm the earth, you deserve the worst death imaginable and if you eat meat, HOW DARE YOU. It's all very preachy, and not in the way one would expect from something based on a Bible story. Al Gore probably jerks off to how "environmentally friendly" it is. Take Inconvenient Truth and 2012, combine some Emma Watson sobbing, Russell Crowe running around like a madman, and a few failed action scenes and there you go.

Speaking of which, Emma Watson is one of the ugliest criers in the world. Crowe was actually quite good, but the rest wasn't worthy of being scooped into a bag and lit on fire on the neighbors porch.
Muppets Most Wanted

Soooooooo much better than the last one. I'd been slowly giving up hope on another decent Muppets film, but for the first time since Treasure Island it was hilarious instead of cringeworthy. I thought maybe I was getting too old for it, but no, the last couple of films were just crap! :lol:

The gags were epic, the soundtrack amazing (especially the unexpected Titanic moment <3). A great laugh.

Re: "Now Showing"

Saw a couple of films this week:

The Grand Budapest Hotel

Absolutely brilliant. Really funny, but in a subtle way. You totally get caught up in the world of an old hotel that's losing its grandeur, and there are some great cameo performances all the way through. I loved it.


For those of you who don't know, it's about a paranoid schizophrenic who hears voices and becomes an animal hoarder. I thought it was pretty good! I'm not sure where tomahawKSU is getting his "nothing like the bible" idea from, as all it does is take the story, which is actually very short and lacking any real depth, and try to fill in the massive plot holes from the original novel. It's not totally successful, which isn't surprising given the suspension of disbelief needed to follow the source material, but it has a good crack at it. There is an over-the-top, less-than-subtle environmental message in the first half an hour or so, but it calms down later in the film and becomes more about whether the schizophrenic follows the voices in his head or does the right thing. It's worth a watch.
Watched The Possession the other day based on someone's recommendation from work. Well, it was an okay horror movie. Somewhat forgettable, but it had a few freaky moments like the MRI scene. The younger girl in it is a decent actress as well. I'd give it a 6.5/10.

Next up was Tangled, which I'm shocked I hadn't seen prior to this weekend. I loved it. Not quite as good as Frozen, but still very good with some very catchy songs. Rapunzel is so cute and so is Flynn, totally got emotional at the end </3 I'd give it an 8/10.

Oh and I got half an hour into Brave, but fell asleep. I'll probably watch the rest one day soon. Merida's hair <3
Under the skin

A Scottish indie film which managed to get Scarlet Johansson to star in it. It was absolutely dreadful. It was just so tripe I can't even explain it, it's a very slow film. Sometimes that works for me because it's the best way to tell the story but this was just so slow and then if anything happened it was random, unexplained and then forgotten about instantly. The only people that would 'like' this film are those trying to justify their waste of money on a film degree. I bet Ciall will love it.

Rio 2

I quite liked the first one, really nicely animated and it had some fun, upbeat songs. I couldn't see how a sequel could work but somehow they made it happen. I was shocked by the Phantom of the Opera inspired piece and I loved all the scenes with the villainous bird. Once again the animation was excellent and the 3D was fitting to the lush settings. So it's a fun film for all the family, let's just hope they don't ruin it with a third film.