I saw
Golden Compass last Wednesday, when it was released.
I thought it was good, but not perfect. I'm quite a fan of the books and the film would have been alot better had it been drawn out longer, but New Line wanted a film in under 2 hours. The extended edition of the DVD is supposed to be about 2hr 30, which is an extra 40 minutes of footage (and all the cut scenes) which should be alot better.
I think it would have been made better had they used the original timeline from the books, and not mixed up the Svalbard and Bolvangar scenes. Although I understand why they did this (to have the big fight at the end) I still think that it would be better and more logical to keep them in the right order. It should also have had the original ending (i.e. the part where Asriel opens up the window into the parallel universe.), but this is being tagged onto the start of the second film, The Subtle Knife, should it get made.
The film has had a very poor opening in the US, but it has taken Europe by storm, having taken $3.1 Million from the UK in the opening 2 days (which I think is just behind LOTR, certaintly bigger than Narnia.) However, New Line sold off the foreign distribution rights before the release of the film, so will not make money from the European sales. Selling the foreign rights covered about 60% of the films budget, and taking into account outside investors and tax breaks, they are already covered for 70%-80% of the budget. It is almost definate that the film will be profitable for New Line, I just hope that its enough for the 2 sequals.
If not, they better put the proper ending on the DVD version of Golden Compass, since its already been filmed and only cut from the film at the last minute!