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"Now Showing"

Guardians of the Galaxy

Excellent film. I often love the Marvel films and this was no exception. A great mix of great effects, gripping story and witty gags. It is exceptionally sad in some points but I won't go into that. I really liked it!

I am Groot.

Finally got a chance to catch this film at the cinema. Excellent film, just as amazing as the reviews were saying. Just the idea of them making it over 10 years to follow this kid growing up is insane and yet it flows really well, you feel for the characters and well, it's just a perfect piece of film making. I think the only flaw was not focusing enough on some parts and too much in other areas. It's still excellent though.
The Equalizer

Not the sort of film I would usually go out of my way to see but some friends were going and it was 2 for 1 so I thought why not.

I was pleasantly surprised. The film is edited together very well with a rich storyline. Denzel Washington plays his part magnificently, the 'fight' or rather shooting scenes are exceptional, the amount of different ways Denzel's character 'sees people off' is amazing but I won't go into that any further.

I'd recommend you go see it, it's great!
Being near to Halloween, I am trying to get in as many horror movies as possible! First on the list was Annabelle, the prequel to the Conjuring. I tried to go into this not expecting something as good as the Conjuring, which is a film I really liked. It ended up being pretty much what I expected. A creepy film about a doll, with a few creepy parts. I'd watch it again for sure, and there were a few moments where I was like, "damn, I'd faint if I were in that situation," and it turned out I was nervous to stay home alone that night, so it must have done its job. For those who have seen it, the scene with the elevator <</3

I'd give it like, a seven as far as mindless entertainment horror movies go!
The Boxtrolls

In 2D because cinemas suck. I really enjoyed this, it had a proper sinister bad guy which added a darkness to a family film you see far too rarely now. The animation was good and there were some delightfully amusing moments. It wasn't as good as Paranorman but it was a very good film.

Gone girl

Absolutely excellent, the twists in the story throughout keep you guessing and on the edge of your seat. At times you really don't know where it'll go next. The cast were actually perfect and the very long running time passes by with ease.

Dracula Untold

One of the worst films I've seen this year. I liked some of the ideas behind it but it was overall a sloppy mess. There was one small character who pops up twice and on both occasions the entire audience laughs, not because he is actually there as comic aid to help lighten the mood but because it is so poorly written and his accent is so cut and paste out of a bad B movie from the 60s that the idea of him being there is just so bad it's hilarious (and not in the good way). I hear Universal want to revamp all of their classic monster franchises, lets just hope the others are better than this tripe.

Life after Beth

Was looking forward to this film, has a good cast and a nice premise for an amusing film. Unfortunately it plays it all too slowly and the funny bits are so far apart that it feels a bit awful. There are some genius moments in there (slow jazz obsession, inspired <3 ) and the cast are very good but it's just not written well enough to actually work, even on the quirky indie film scale they went for.
While Marvel has yet to officially confirm it is happening, Captain America 3 will begin the Civil War arc from the comics. Rumors of this have been around ever since Avengers, and with the possibility of Sony signing off on a shared rights deal that will make people want to see Spiderman again, (they delayed 3 after that **** show that was 2)thus making them money again off the web slinger, anything can happen.

This is a huge deal as this is why Warner Bros pulled Batman v Superman fromwhat was originally a shared release date to a **** March one. Robert Downey Jr. And Chris Evans beat Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill.
^Yeah saw this yesterday, very interesting news. I also read an article about what actually happens in Civil war (heard it referenced many times but knew very little about it) and it makes me very excited about the future of Marvel Studios. Especially if Sony plays ball which it sounds like they will.

I went to see Rosewater as part of the London Film festival yesterday. It's the directional debut of Jon Stewart. It's a very good film, quite amusing at times and also quite sad, you really feel his pain at being trapped.

Thinking of getting some more film festival tickets for Friday.
peep said:
^Yeah saw this yesterday, very interesting news. I also read an article about what actually happens in Civil war (heard it referenced many times but knew very little about it) and it makes me very excited about the future of Marvel Studios. Especially if Sony plays ball which it sounds like they will.

Another thing to note is Fox wasn't willing to play, and Marvel just cancelled all Fantastic Four comics. This has been coming for a while, but it's interesting to say the least.

A lot of my friends are comic book guys so I remember how excited they got when they came out, and when they relaunch the series next year, I will probably pick them up.
The Maze Runner

Interesting plot but with many holes. I also felt like it was quite rushed? Overall it was ok, with some ok acting. There was something about it that didn't quite work for me but it is watchable.
Dallas Buyers Club

Felt quite overrated.


Knowing nothing of backstory, I absolutely loved it. Very well done and just a great film.
Re: "Now Showing"

peep said:
The Maze Runner

Interesting plot but with many holes. I also felt like it was quite rushed? Overall it was ok, with some ok acting. There was something about it that didn't quite work for me but it is watchable.
I agree, would be a very easy movie to do a CinemaSins video on. So many unexplained holes in the plot... Not awful but very "meh."

Finally saw this earlier. It's absolutely amazing, it's funny, touching and leaves you feeling all warm by the end. It also highly amused me that one of the main characters is from Bromley (where I live) and is nicknamed as such.

The Judge

Very well acted drama. Some incredibly touching scenes. Billy Bob Thornton felt a little underused and that the older brother should have been generally involved more. Still a solid film which will probably pick up at least a few nominations early next year.

Amazing story line and acting. The effects and camera handling made me feel like I was in WWII which was actually kind of scary in some points. The scenes felt real, maybe even too real. The only downside to the movie was its duration, 2.5 hours. Overall the movie was great and packed a punch. 8/10
Glennderp said:

Amazing story line and acting. The effects and camera handling made me feel like I was in WWII which was actually kind of scary in some points. The scenes felt real, maybe even too real. The only downside to the movie was its duration, 2.5 hours. Overall the movie was great and packed a punch. 8/10

I have to disagree.

Felt way to much like an all out action movie than a WW2 drama.

Didn't really feel for the characters. Wasn't emotional, the Germans were like sheep to the slaughter.

good action movie and worth a look especially if you like Brad/Shia

If you want a gritty real time WW2 movie then stick to saving private Ryan
Re: "Now Showing"

Finally watched the new Godzilla form.

Guess I must have put the wrong film on as I did not see the greatness everyone went on about.

It was slow boring and every time they actually had a chance to see a good fight between the animals they showed something different.

Am glad that it was more like the old tv shows.

But for me it was not this great film people went on about. Maybe it was better on the big screen. Mark liked it I felt let down.
Not in theaters but

El Orfanato

A thrilling yet sad movie. One of the best horror films I've seen in a while. Guillermo Del Toro did a spectacular job writing and the actors were great but not spectacular. They did a fair job in putting a medium in jump scares which was every 20-30 min. Highly recommend if you want a scary thriller. Yes, its in Spanish.


Wish it would jhave been an X-Men movie. Jack Gyllenhall is a scumbag who films accidents and is a sociopath narcissist creep. Previews market it completely different than what anybody expected and most in the theater were quite disappointed. Takes on the tabloid news services like TMZ and Inside Edition and all that garbage in a metaphorical way and at one point they take a stab saying ignoring dfacts isn't news, but it sells, which is all they care about.

Hipsters will claim it's one of best movies ever, like Drive, which is **** awful, and the critics love it. Gyllenhall is fantastic in it though and it was intense for the last 20 minutes or so. Enjoyable, but nowhere near the praise it is getting, or will get.