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"Now Showing"

peep said:

Really bizarre and I have absolutely no idea what the hell was going on or why. The cast were great but ultimately if I don't understand what's going on I'm not going to enjoy it. Two people walked out in my screening and the audience reaction when it finished was a collective "wtf?". I still have no idea why anything that happened, happened. Silly film.

Have you read the JG Ballard novel? Just wondering how closely it follows the original narrative and whatnot. Still interested to see this, just difficult to find a screening in my area.
I have not. Pretty much every review I've seen from people who have read the book have said it's extremely close to the source material. To the point that some claim it as a negative thing as obviously some things done in books have to be translated differently on screen.

I think if you've read the book and love it then there's a good chance you'll love the film. I just struggled to find a decent narrative (I get what it was trying to say, but it was as messy as a table after a child has rampaged through a bowl of spaghetti).
I don't know if anyone has recommended it yet but Intruders - Shut In is a pretty good movie. Its trailer kinda said it all. Here it is:


Vision starring Isla Fischer is also a great thriller. I'm not the type of person that works really hard to know the ending. Kinda just goes with the flow. So the twist was a great surprise for me. Amazing.


Then of course, Ransom Rigg's Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children movie adaption directed by Tim Burton starring Eva Green and Asa Butterfield. Just kinda disappointed with Emma's peculiarity change.

I finally got around to see The Martian. This movie was great! It was funny, mostly scientifically accurate, and was overall a fun experience. Did not think the ending would've turned out that way, but still liked it nonetheless.
The Witch

I was so excited to see this because the trailer looked awesome and then I was hearing really good reviews. It didn't live up to my expectations at all. I know what it was going for and it was very atmospheric in the same manner that The Woman in Black is, but I thought the story just fell a little flat and when it did get to its "peak" it all just moved quite fast and then was over.

10 Cloverfield Lane

Strange one, I thought they were onto a winner with a very clever plot and an amazing sense of mystery. The ending was good however i felt that there were too many plot holes and aspects of the film that were just not explored to the extent they deserved. Although it was a great film and was well made i think it could be improved by just wrapping up the story a bit better.
Batfleck vs Superman

Now it wasn't as bad as some of the reviews made out to be, but it was enjoyable, had some really great moments in it. BUT it had some utterly frustrating moments in it, before I get into that it did not need to be 2.5 hours long. 2 hours would've been plenty!
My main gripes were;
- Wonder Woman should have been better. I liked how it was built up, hope she gets a better outing in future.
- Louis Lane, sheesh I know she's main character but she always runs into danger. Then Superman saves her Deux Machina.
- Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, should've been mentioned not shown. Don't go down the Marvel path of advertising another movie within a movie which distracts you from the movie you're seeing for a future movie. Just tease us like Robin's suit with Joker's writing on it in the Batcave did.
- Oh both our mums names are Martha we should be best mates? Hmm.

If Ben Affleck can get his hands on a stand alone Batman film direct and star it might have real promise! He did really well as Bruce Wayne.

I enjoyed it, there's just a lot to pick holes in more than the Nolan trilogy. It sits 4th on the list behind the Nolan Batman's. It's not a car crash as people make out, lets all remember Batman & Robin.........
Re: "Now Showing"

Dave said:
It's not a car crash as people make out, lets all remember Batman & Robin.........

You're right. It's not a car crash, it's a **** trainwreck. Seriously this was worst superhero movie since 03 Hulk. Why do I care less about the titular character than some C character in another movie? Horrible script. There is zero emotion, they fight for no **** reason, and the casting. OH LORD THE CASTING!

Jesse **** Eisenberg s a disgrace. I have been saying since he was announced he would be bad, but never in my worst nightmares would I have seen that dumpster fire. Megan Fox in Jennifer Body said that was a horrible acting job. It was offensive to the senses and I hate him even more.

Affleck was better than I expected but still ****. Zack Snyder sucks.

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Zoot(opia/ropolis) - Overall solid movie. I was worried that this would be riddled with cliches (it is a little, but not to the point of major distraction) and generally trite given kids* will watch anything with cute animals. Disney's at their top standard with the design and animation, with some brilliant landscapes and character design. The two leads work well together, and there's some excellent side characters. If there's anything that lets the film down at all, it's the plot. The application of the main moral dances between clever and sledgehammer (that one line from adult childhood bully was a fly-by lecture), but I've seen worse. Overall, worth a 7/10 from me.

Also, it's two hours later and I've still got Shakira in my head

*and me

tomahawk said:
Dave said:
It's not a car crash as people make out, lets all remember Batman & Robin.........

You're right. It's not a car crash, it's a **** trainwreck. Seriously this was worst superhero movie since 03 Hulk. Why do I care less about the titular character than some C character in another movie? Horrible script. There is zero emotion, they fight for no **** reason, and the casting. OH LORD THE CASTING!

Jesse **** Eisenberg s a disgrace. I have been saying since he was announced he would be bad, but never in my worst nightmares would I have seen that dumpster fire. Megan Fox in Jennifer Body said that was a horrible acting job. It was offensive to the senses and I hate him even more.

Affleck was better than I expected but still ****. Zack Snyder sucks.

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Based on a lot of your reviews, we seem to have very different tastes in films. This time, however, I agree with you 110%.

F**k me, that film was a steaming, sloppy s**t of a movie. It's a mess. The whole thing is just all over the place. Maybe it's my "fault" for not being too up on the whole Marvel universe, but that's not an excuse for this absolute s**tshow.

The script is appalling. Admitedly, it's a superhero movie, so I wasn't expecting All About Eve levels of wit, but this really demonstrated just how bad bad dialogue can be.

Jesse Eisneberg. Jesus t**ty-f**king Christ he was awful. He's always awful, but this took awful into whole new dimension. Apparently, putting on a silly voice and waving your hands around is "acting". He's clearly taken a master-class in Mannerisms over Substance by watching Robert Carlisle in Once Upon a Time. S**te!

The whole thing was s**te! I can't think of a single redeeming feature. Not one.
Saw Zootropolis again, still absolutely love it.

Hardcore Henry

I was looking forward to seeing this purely for it's unique style (the entire film is GoPro POV footage). Unfortunately it was lacking plot and there are moments where it gets a bit tiresome/boring. However it's still worth watching for just it's unique style and they do some great sequences with it. Sharlto Copley (District 9, Chappie) is the film's light relief and is really random, I'm still not sure why the villain of the piece was never looking at you/the camera, it was really distracting. Barely anything is explained and the plot holes are the biggest you'll ever see, so it comes to no surprise to know that they were making it up as they went along :p Still, bits of it look great, I just hope it doesn't become an over-used film-style.

Midnight special

I really liked this film, it's a bit slow but it builds some great tension and the mystery of what's going on slowly unravels as time goes on. The visuals are also pretty great and the whole film sort of reminded me of 80s family adventure films (with some slightly more mature scenes - blood/violence).

Batman vs Superman

I know, I know, really should have stayed clear of this one but if I'm going to slag a film off I like to have seen the film to fully know what I'm going on about. Surprisingly there were some aspects of the film that I liked. Unfortunately the film is 95% full of useless rubbish resulting in a rather unremarkable film. I literally didn't care about any of the characters and it felt like the film never tried to make me care. The way they shoehorned in Wonder Woman was atrocious (like, who the hell is she?), the really unnecessary repeats of the Batman origin was dull, tedious and frustrating, the random dream/nightmare sequences were pointless, the link/build-up for the Justice League was hilariously poor and omg, the shining moment "Martha!". The script was utter garbage.

It's not even so bad it's good, it's just tedious rubbish - I was so bored, it just wasn't engaging in the slightest.

Oh and the 5% that was good? Just some of the photography, nothing of substance.
Havent Posted in a while on this thread so....

Welp, just when I thought Disney Animation cant top either Big Hero 6 or Wreck it Ralph. Is this movie perfect? No. But it is one of Disney Animation's best films. The comedic relief was spot on and the story was very well developed. The character design is nice and the action scene choreography was great. BUT WHAT THE **** WAS UP WITH SHAKIRA? She had 1 line in the whole movie and then the **** song that got obviously forced into the movie. TBH the song is not that very good either. If you're going to force a catchy song at least plug it in somewhere that makes sense and give the character some relevance. But overall, I really did enjoy the movie.

Hardcore Henry
I think I haven't had this much fun in the theaters. I really enjoyed this movie. The reviews mostly talk about the 1st person gimmick and how It isn't going to work on the long run. I personally dont see it working on the long run but this movie executed it pretty well. Haley Bennett was awkward at times but improved as the movie continued. The story was original although hard to understand at first and is in need of more development. The stunt choreography was one of the best I've seen in a while. Hardcore Henry is a fun film to see if you are into outrageous, humorous, and intense movies.
Jungle book.

Amazing CGI and obviously an already great plot. They had a lot to live up to recreating an old classic but I think they pulled it off. I loved the casting for the voices too.
I took the little lad to see Zootropolis yesterday, he liked it, but prefers Big Hero 6.
I thought it was great, the scenes in the rainforest area were very realistic, the Mr Big and Little Rodentia scenes were highlights, and of course the DMV scene totally cracked me up. Another Disney film we'll be getting as I think the kids will like it more in a few years.
^^ Just checked and we're not getting it in Hong Kong until May 26th for some reason, which is frankly bulls**t since even mainland China have it already.

We're usually among the first to get stuff, so f**k knows what's happened with this one. It makes even less sense because Alice Through the Looking Glass, from the same studio and aimed at the exact same target audience, is being released on the same day.
Jungle Book

Visually fantastic. In scenes with rain you see the water beading off the fur of the animals. Just fantastic. Voice cast was solid as well.

It was f**kin' s**t.

Because it's an independent film with transgender actresses, I'm sure it's all very "important". The script was clearly improvised, and badly. The acting was piss-poor. There was a drive to get the two main actresses Oscar-nominated, with cries of "TRANSPHOBIA!!!!!" when they weren't. It's not because they're trans; it's because they can't f**king act!
Re: "Now Showing"

gavin said:
^^ Just checked and we're not getting it in Hong Kong until May 26th for some reason, which is frankly bulls**t since even mainland China have it already.

We're usually among the first to get stuff, so f**k knows what's happened with this one. It makes even less sense because Alice Through the Looking Glass, from the same studio and aimed at the exact same target audience, is being released on the same day.
That makes zero sense. I think even the Zootopia, Jungle Book and Captain America releases over here are too close for one studio (although granted Cap is a slightly different audience). Studio release dates always baffle me.

Is Tangerine the one filmed on a mobile too? I remember there being a lot of Buzz around the non-existent release (just at a few indie cinemas which are over priced).

The Jungle Book
Decided to splurge and see it in (proper) IMAX 3D and I'm so happy I did. It's this year's Avatar in terms of glorious images that do really well in IMAX 3D, just incredibly immersive. The teams that put this together have done an absolutely fantastic job, everything is just stunning and the character animation was superb.

I love that the film was a little dark and also really happy and at one point, trippy. You don't see that enough in family films now (the dark bits of a story). The way they integrated some of the songs and music from the animated classic worked well. If I could fault it for anything it would be Idris Elba, in his first few scenes his voice just didn't work, like there was no acting going on (a contrast to his voice work in Zootropolis). A minor quibble but it distracted me slightly from the wonderful visuals.

Loved it.

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10 Cloverfield Lane

I was really enjoying it. It's been a while since I've seen a decent, tense thriller. The way it's all filmed in the same few small rooms and with only three actors (John Goodman is fantastic) is great.

Then the last 15 minutes happened and ruined it. I don't mean it was a slightly disappointing ending. I mean it literally ruined the whole thing. Lazy, lazy, lazy.

S**te. Not recommended.
Eye in the sky

I really liked this, it's a very tense drama with some light relief scattered throughout which makes it far more enjoyable. The cast are fantastic, the fact that it's basically a lot of people having discussions/arguments in various rooms via various communication devices they make it very compelling and engaging. The whole thing centres around the use of drone strikes which other films have dealt with already but this is by far the best I've seen on the subject.

Jane got a gun

Terrible film, like, just avoid it if you can. There's about 10 minutes of actual plot which is very similar to other films/tv shows and it is just bland and slow and when something does happen it's so poorly directed I just didn't care for it. I feel like there was a good film in there somewhere but the final result just wasn't anything close to something worth watching.