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^Don't listen to Gav', he's miserable. Endgame is considerably better than just "meh". It's not perfect, it's not the greatest film ever made, it's not even the best film in the MCU, but as the swansong of the series so far it isn't too bad an effort.
Quite slow and talky to begin with, but this is arguably the better half of the movie as our remaining heroes come to terms with the aftermath of 'the snap'. Some quite gut-wrenching scenes here. But then about half way in someone comes up with a hair-brained plan that is "so crazy it just might work" <sigh> and it's back to business as usual with witty banter, heroic entrances and a big CGI smashy smashy finale.
Too long, too predictable, but still fairly satisfying overall.
Saw EndGame at a midnight screening last night. It certainly faffs around a lot to start off with. It really kicks off about half way through and is full of shocks and surprises that made me happy. I don't think it juggles everything as well as Infinity War but it has some incredible moments and there's a lot of fan service. Overal a fitting end to the Infinity Stone Saga, will be interesting to see where the MCU goes next.
Agree with @Howie here. Nothing amazing but worth watching. Some of the more talky scenes could have been cut down though. Film felt longer than normal films but didn't feel 3hrs long, kept my attention well I guess.
Avengers Endgame

Enjoyable to watch, but I can't decide of the massive plot holes are enough to ruin it a bit. Definitely not as good as Infinity War though, which was much more streamlined and polished.
Sooo, Avengers: Won't Endgame is surprisingly satisfying with its character arcs and acting. After all this time, these characters feel fleshed out, and you care about most of them. The final fight was grand in scale and impressive, but, by the end, it just became too much stuff on screen. I preferred the first half actually, with the characters (and world) dealing with such widespread death. By the end though, it just became so messy for me. The film has such an ugly look to it, very gray and dull. Wasn't nearly as visual interesting as Infinity War. The worst thing by far was the length though. Three hours is a long time, and I felt every second here. By the end, I had a headache and was dying for it to conclude. They could've cut a half hour out of it. Toss in spoilers:. Overall, I'd recommend it only if you like or have been invested in this universe. It's the "biggest movie ever," but, honestly, it's all things you've seen before.
I watched Avengers: Endgame tonight. It's definitely a film that will stand the test of time, no doubt about it. Endgame is quite literally the end of an era for the MARVEL Cinematic Universe, as the whole conquest for the Infinity Stones and the original Avengers comes to a close. Thankfully for you that haven't seen Endgame yet, there aren't any spoilers ahead!

- Once the Endgame gets started, it just doesn't stop. A relentless pace throughout the last two hours of the movie makes for constant action and on-the-edge-of-your-seat moments.
- Some good jokes were thrown in there, courtesy of Rocket Raccoon (My favorite Guardian of the Galaxy) and Captain America had a few good one-liners.
- The plot line and narrative is incredibly in-depth, with heaps of references to other MCU films before it - and a few cameos too! ;)
- Avengers: Endgame makes for a very satisfying conclusion to the last ten years of MARVEL movies. Here's to over twenty more!

There are many more great things about Avengers: Endgame that I can think of, but they would spoil major parts of the movie itself.
- The ending battle (a tradition with superhero movies in general) is somewhat hard to follow, as is the middle section of Avengers: Endgame. There was obviously a lot of CGI animation needed in it, and unfortunately, it shows.
- Parts of the narrative are hard to follow, as the characters split up during several points in the film - while the action at one location dies down, it instantly switches to another. I feel that this was one of the things that Avengers: Infinity War did better than its sequel.
The Curse of La Llorona
Not bad, but by no means mindblowing. A few creepy moments but too much reliance on jump scares that didn't even make me jump. The premise was cool and showed promise but the execution could have been better.

Double post, meh.

A Quiet Place
This movie made me mad. I wanted to see it when I came out, but never got around to it, so I was pleased when it showed up on Netflix. The movie carried itself pretty well for a film that lacked dialogue, but there were way too many annoyances for me to really enjoy the film. I'm not one to nit pick and I can usually enjoy movies for what they are, but first of all, the characters were just stupid. Yeah, let's let our youngest child walk way far behind us with creatures on the loose and then act surprised when he gets taken. Let's get our wife knocked up and bring a crying baby into a ****ty post-apocalyptic world where ANY noise results in certain death. So this new family member basically puts the lives of the entire family at risk. Stupid. There were definitely some tense moment, and overall I guess I enjoyed it but the characters needed to be smarter, except for the dad who I liked but he died, so meh.

Saw a couple of films at the weekend. First was Long Shot. I liked this, there were a few cringey moments that made me sad but the relationship between the two main characters felt natural and worked really well. The plot is absurd but it's fun so you just go with it.

Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile. What a title. I was looking forward to this as I enjoyed the documentary about Ted Bundy, what a fascinating but deadly character. I thought the casting of Zac Efron was fantastic. However I found the film to be disappointing. It tries to center the story around the girlfriend and how she slowly found out about his awful side shenanigans but it kinda ruins the film. I wasn't really a fan of how any of it was put together really, think there's just too much to cover in a single film, it would have worked better as a series.
As usual, here's a post of films that came out in the last few years and only got around to seeing last weekend.

Get Out
This absolutely lived up to its hype. A delightfully twisted story with intriguing characters. The set up is ridiculous, but works so well, especially with the amount of social commentary it manages to weave in.

Also excellent, though took a while to really sink in. It's got a real sense of threat and vulnerability that some horror movies are too overblown to get and the fact that the movie spends so much time around the realism of the characters' lives really helps and helps to lodge the big scenes in your mind. The lead actress does a great job in rivalling Winona Ryder for "hysterical mother." I did sometimes feel like the film was labouring its slow atmospheric scenes a little, but that's about all I didn't like.

Thor: Ragnarok
I'm not a Marvel person, but this was decent enough. The start felt like it was moving from location to location a little fast, but once Thor found Jeff Goldblum planet, the whole thing settled down into a pretty funny action flick.
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

I didn't really like this film that much unfortunately, even though I was really looking forward to it. I highly preferred the Ted Bundy tapes as it gave the viewer insight into his charming ways but also recounted the gruesome details of the crime. Because this was so heavily focused on his relationships, I almost found myself feeling sorry for him at times which is not at all what I should be thinking about someone like Ted Bundy. If the viewer knew nothing about him prior to watching this, the film may have even evoked some level of sympathy and so I didn't think it was executed as well as it could have been. I'd rather have sat through a 2.5 hour film that focused on both the relationship and the killings much like the documentary series did rather than a 1 hour and 45 minute film that focused on his personal life. Zach Efron was a fantastic choice of cast, but I thought the use of "Sheldon" was a bit of a weird one because let's face it, he's always going to be seen as goofy Sheldon from Big Bang Theory no matter where he goes in his career. Still, an interesting film despite somewhat poor execution (no pun intended).

Caught up with a bunch of stuff on Netflix at the weekend. First was Snowpiercer. I had seen this film recommended a lot over the years on reddit. It was weird. The concept is interesting if flawed. The cast is insane and they do ok with what they have. I think I just had more questions by the end and felt a bit dissatisfied with the overal film. Meh.

Wine Country - a new comedy with a pretty basic premise of a bunch of friends going on a weekend trip to get drunk on wine to celebrate their friends 50th birthday. Typical drama unfolds due to secrets etc. It is very funny at times and the cast look like they are having a great time with it. Some of the way things were shot were a bit off but aside from that it looked nice too. I recommend if you want a good laugh.

Apostle - From the same writer/director as the two Raid films (which are excellent) is something quite different. A guy travels to a remote island run by crazy religous peeps to save his Sister who has been kidnapped and kept prisoner. It has a bit of a creepy Wickerman vibe, and then it gets a bit supernatural and weird and then out right nuts (in a good way). The cast are excellent and there's some interesting twists. It's shot beautifully and the moments of action are fantastic. I really liked this film, it was weird but it works.

I also popped to the cinema to see Pokemon: Detective Pikachu and it was everything I wanted from a live action Pokemon film. I was super into Pokemon back in the day and this hit me right in the nostalgia. I thought the film looked great (altered London to become a fictonal Pokemon city is quite cool), the Pokemon all looked fantastic - the vfx teams did a great job on making them work in a real World environment. I thought the film was very funny with some decent action sequences. The plot is a bit predictable but that doesn't stop it from being a fun ride.
First was Snowpiercer. I had seen this film recommended a lot over the years on reddit. It was weird. The concept is interesting if flawed. The cast is insane and they do ok with what they have. I think I just had more questions by the end and felt a bit dissatisfied with the overal film. Meh.
Nobody listen to peep. Snowpiercer is a superb film. Original, exciting, spectacular, wonderful cast, touches of black comedy and (none-too-subtle) social satire. Highly recommended.
John Wick: Chapter 2
Keanu Reeves dressed in a suit shoots people in the head for 2 hours.
Best. Film. Ever!

John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (or John Wick 3 for short. Who comes up with these long-ass titles anyway?) is more of the same really. Only this time Keanu gets to ride a horse while shooting people in the head.
And a motorbike.
Oh, and the dogs get to wear flak jackets in this one, so yay to that! Seriously - the scene with the dogs is amazing - worth the ticket price alone.
Fizzles out a bit towards the end, but for the first hour and a bit this film rocks. Keanu, dogs, horses, motorbikes, swords-in-eyeballs... all good family fun.
Worth a watch.
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Finally got around to this. I was going to try and read the book first, then couldn't be bothered. It was pretty good. I just didn't like how there was no real explanation of why things all started going tits up. It all just started for no reason. In that respect, it reminded me of Blindness, but that was better.

Happy Death Day 2U

I shouldn't have, but I somehow ended up quite enjoying the first one. This one was f**king s**t though. Dreadful.


I had my faith shaken in the Disney live action stuff with that piece of total s**t, Dumbo, after enjoying most of the others. This was decent though. My one gripe would be that the singing voices (apart from Jasmine, but especially Will Smith) weren't very strong. Otherwise it was very good.
Pokemon Detective Pikachu

Watched this over the weekend with the wife and kids. They loved it. I thought it was good? I was never big into Pokemon so a lot of the characters kinda flew by but I did understand the base storeline from the cartoon. While this movie is unique, it was far from bad. Enjoyable if you loved the cartoons, Interesting if youre not.
Pokemon Detective Pikachu

Watched this over the weekend with the wife and kids. They loved it. I thought it was good? I was never big into Pokemon so a lot of the characters kinda flew by but I did understand the base storeline from the cartoon. While this movie is unique, it was far from bad. Enjoyable if you loved the cartoons, Interesting if youre not.
I’m watching Detective Pikachu this weekend.
My one gripe would be that the singing voices (apart from Jasmine, but especially Will Smith) weren't very strong.

I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch this as the original is one of my favs. I listened to the soundtrack and boy you're not wrong. Jasmine sounded great - especially on her new song. Aladdin sounded weak as during one jump and Will Smith is just... urgh. Glad you enjoyed the film.
I'm not sure I can bring myself to watch this as the original is one of my favs. I listened to the soundtrack and boy you're not wrong. Jasmine sounded great - especially on her new song. Aladdin sounded weak as during one jump and Will Smith is just... urgh. Glad you enjoyed the film.
Here's my big gripe with these. Why the **** can they not cast someone who can sing? Emma Watsom had the singing skills of a cat hit by a garbage truck but they cast her as Belle. Just hire singers and go from there. Will Smith has no reason to be apart of this movie.

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Urgh, yeah Watson was horrendous as Belle.

Will Smith was ill-judged casting imo. I'm not against changing up the genie a bit as that works 100% for the stage version. From everything I've seen though he just looks bored and he sounds rubbish on the soundtrack, just a general lack of energy. I'm seeing mixed reviews about him so some seem to be happy with what he gets up to.