Coaster Ollie said:
Toy Story
Havn't seen this film for years but it is still one of my favourites.
The vocal talent is perfect and now everytime I hear Tom Hanks voice I can't help but think of Woody.
If you havn't seen this movie yet then what planet have you been living on?
I dug out our old VHS copy for Maxi-Minor_Furie a few weeks before Christmas, and Toy Story 2. We also have Buzz, Woody and Rex toys that he sits and plays with while watching
Needless to say, I've now seen both films 50 times, sometimes 3 times a day!!!! (Okay, he only watches 20 minutes or so at a time :lol: ).
Both superb films though. I watched them both at the cinema on release (sans children), and loved them. The fact that repeated watchnig doesn't grate shows just how good they are.
He's now moved on to Monsters Inc (got that for him for Christmas), and we have Mike, Sully and Waternoose toys too :lol:. It's not as good, but still much better than pretty much everything else in the world

The other Pixar films just don't seem to have the same kind of quality -they're still awesome, but just not quite there.
Peep - Time Bandits is an awesome film. One of my favourite childhood films! Easily a 4/5, just don't view it as a Python films, as it isn't. It's not as good as Brazil, but it's still one of Terry Gilliam's best!
Back on track. I watched Pan's Labyrinth last night, finally (had it on the V+ box for months). I hate watching heavily hyped films, but I can usually put aside all the awesomeness I've heard about them and watch objectively.
It's a great film though, superbly made, and very haunting. I don't mind subtitled films as Madame_F is a bit deaf so we always have them on anyway (plus with SSIL_Furie being deaf, we often see subtitled movies at the cinema). Well worth watching if you're in the mood for something a bit different!
Also watched... Terminator 2 with Minor_Furie... I still can't make up my mind about T2. It's well made, mindless action movie fun. I can't deny that, but the storyline is actually rubbish, and the whole paradox thing irks me in extremis! Gah, it's such cheesy fun though! :lol: