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Finally got to see AVP2. Was better than the 1st but far to dark could not really see what was going on half the time.
^ You didnt mention seeing Resident Evil 2...

I thought it was blooming awesome. I dont know how true to the game it was since, I havent played any further then the first one, but I really enjoyed the sequel of the film. Good action, good effects, plenty of all out, blow ya brains to smithereens action.

^The sequel was bollocks.
And the third one is even worse. :(

Anyway I watched 'Dragon Wars'.
It was only released in America so I had to work extra hard to get a copy over here.
It was alright, the story was a bit far fetched and the CGI wasn't amazing.

Taylor said:
For the sake of curiousity, what's the population of America? I have a hard time believing that 20,000,000 people or more tuned in to that website at the same time.

300,000,000 people.

1. People can look at the website more then once.
2. It is a movie you tard, they made up the number.. lol.
I love Play.com. My pre-order of Sweeney Todd came today, and it's not out until Monday. Obviously, I've just watched it. It's still amazing, and despite the almost impossible task, I do think it's my favourite Burton.

10/10, still.
Mark said:
^ You didnt mention seeing Resident Evil 2...

I thought it was blooming awesome. I dont know how true to the game it was since, I havent played any further then the first one, but I really enjoyed the sequel of the film. Good action, good effects, plenty of all out, blow ya brains to smithereens action.


Sorry I was going to mention it but forgot how to spell it. Was a good film just as good as the fist and no worse than AVP2. Made me jump at the start when the tanker hit the car.
300,000,000 people.

1. People can look at the website more then once.
2. It is a movie you tard, they made up the number.. lol.

Oh, I didn't know the population was that much, which is why I was like, wtf.

I started to watch One Missed Call last night despite the crappy reviews, but I fell asleep about half an hour in, so I'll probably finish watching it today sometime. It seems okay so far but I don't understand why they continue to pick up their phones and listen to the messages.
RE: Johnny Depp

Whoops.. Got the two mixed up.. easily done.. still same sentiment applies.. But Friday 13th had more nudity.

It may be a bit of surprise to you young uns with all your interweb grot where at one click you can see something REALLY disgusting.. But when i were a lad seeing a nudey girl in a movie was quite a nice feeling - nudey flesh not being so freely available and all that..

So friday 13th wins brownie points over nightmare because i got turned on by it when i was 11 and was watching it at a party while sitting next to claire saunders (who i really fancied at the time)
LFTL said:
I started to watch One Missed Call last night despite the crappy reviews, but I fell asleep about half an hour in, so I'll probably finish watching it today sometime.

I'd cut you losses if I were you. It really isn't going to get any better.

I just watched Awake. What a pile of steaming horse crap that was. It's only 85 minutes long, but felt more like 4 hours. Just **** on every conceivable level.
Smelly said:
Whoops.. Got the two mixed up.. easily done
Friday the 13th DOES contain a very young Kevin Bacon though, and his death terrified me for ages - but then I was 11 when I saw it!

Coaster Ollie said:
The sequel was bollocks.
And the third one is even worse. Sad
I hated the second RE, didn't mind the third once since I'd stopped caring by then! They're all a travesty compared to the games though.

Saw Speed Racer and Doomsday. Speed Racer is an odd one, it's clearly aimed at 8 year olds so it's hard to be that critical since they'll love it (30 minutes too long though). I don't think it's a total success but it IS like watching a cartoon brought to life (particuarly Wacky Races), and some of the visuals are stunning, so I mostly enjoyed it. 5.5/10

Doomsday, O.M.G., one of the WORST films I've seen in years! I've liked Neil Marshall's previous films but he's lost it on this one, it's a crappy mix of Mad Max and Escape From New York set in Glasgow, rubbish acting, pathetic dialogue, laughable plot. It's well shot but that's the only positive. Only enjoyable from a "so bad it's funny" POV. 1/10.

Getting very excited about Indy now, bring on Thursday! :p
I watched the third Resident Evil last night. I thought it was ok. Not as good as the first or second but I still enjoyed it for what it was. Mindless violence, blood, guts and gore. Ironic that Slayed Mad Max in the last post, since I thought RE3 also had some real Mad Max inspired moments, and the bits with the birds was kewl.
Mark said:
I watched the third Resident Evil last night.

Not seen the 3rd one.. But i have a question

In the first movie you get a 2 second flash of her front bottom as she's rolling on the floor in her operating gown.

In the second movie you get a 2 second flash of her nipples

What do you get of hers flashed at you for 2 seconds in the 3rd movie?
^Rofl. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Resident Evil the one where she gets raped by a forest? Lol, that was classic.

Just watched Indiana Jones: Raiders of the lost ark. This film is so awesome, Ford is great as Indy and the film is just exciting and energetic. Just two more episodes (TV movies) left of young indy and Temple of Doom and Last Crusade to watch before I see Crystal Skull on Thursday...Can't wait :D
peep, you're thinking of the cult 80's video nasty 'Evil Dead' directed by Sam Raimi and starring Bruce Campbell - not the 'game to movie' tosh which is Resident Evil (actually, I quite liked the first one, and the second was alright as well, in a 'leave your taste at the door' kind of way)

Evil dead is aged pap, which spawned the sublime Evil Dead II - Dead by Dawn. However, Evil Dead is fab and everyone in the world should watch it :lol:
I'd cut you losses if I were you. It really isn't going to get any better.

Yeah, my stepdad returned it before I even had a chance to finish watching it. Anyone wanna tell me how it ended, or how they stopped the phone calls?
I saw Pulp Fiction yesterday for the first time.

Loved it. Funny seeing some stuff which is in Kill Bill as well actually. But, this is better.

Also, Mia is like, the best character in any film ever made.

I officially <3 Tarantino now.
Smelly said:
Mark said:
I watched the third Resident Evil last night.

Not seen the 3rd one.. But i have a question

In the first movie you get a 2 second flash of her front bottom as she's rolling on the floor in her operating gown.

In the second movie you get a 2 second flash of her nipples

It was more than a 2 second flash in the second one.

I think all the movies I've seen with mila (insert rest of name here) have something showing.

RE 1 and 2

The fifth Element in which you get to see her boobs not once, twice but 3 times. although they are blurred in 2.

Can't remember in Ultraviolet (Which is pap) but she does get naked... then have needles put in her eyes *shudder*
(L) For Ben.

Pulp Fiction is one of the best films I've ever seen. Probably Tarantino's best work, and the quality of performances from Uma, Sammy, John and Bruce are brilliant. And the gimp scene is just the icing on the cake for humourous discussions following :p
Speed Racer is an odd one, it's clearly aimed at 8 year olds so it's hard to be that critical since they'll love it (30 minutes too long though). I don't think it's a total success but it IS like watching a cartoon brought to life (particuarly Wacky Races), and some of the visuals are stunning, so I mostly enjoyed it. 5.5/10
If you mostly enjoyed it, surely it's worth more than 5.5.

I thought it was pretty awesome. FAR too long, but it was so entertaining to look at. When a film is that pretty who gives a toss about anything else.

I did see it for free, though, which probably helped me enjoy it. :lol: