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Last night i saw "Dont Mess With The Zohan"

It was a crock of crap.. But still better than 99.999% of most movies which pass as "comedy" nowadays (i.e. meet the spartans, or anything with will ferrel in it.

I did giggle a few times.

But a lot of the racial stereotypes were quite offensive.

To me it almost served as an education film for young dumb-ass Americunz bought up by media-funded-education to explain the whole Israel/Palestine thing.. Albeit whilst using Steriotypes they'd recognize.. "oh, they're foreign.. that means they're stupid.. isnt that funneee.."

But ignoring the stereotype jokes (which i'd imagine our younger members or american members might enjoy more).. it's actually quite funny in places.

So : 6/10

Or 8/10 if you think all foreigners are stupid and to be made fun of.
Don't Mess with the Zohan looks lame, Smelly. Although it's not normally my cup of tea, I'm actually looking forward to the Love Guru. It looks frickin' hilarious but I have a feeling it could be a case of showing all the funny parts in advertisements and then having a lot of dull parts in the film. Hopefully I'll get to see it when it comes out, with my free movie passes, ooo.

Well, either that or Wall-E if Love Guru isn't playing at the theatre I have tickets for.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Don't Mess with the Zohan looks lame, Smelly.

It was actually less lame than a lot of movies on here which are touted as good comedies.

But I admit .. i wouldn't have gone to see it if i didnt get free tickets.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Don't Mess with the Zohan looks lame, Smelly.

It was actually less lame than a lot of movies on here which are touted as good comedies.

But I admit .. i wouldn't have gone to see it if i didnt get free tickets.
I watched Saw IV last night (DVD). It's good and gory, but the story is lame as hell.

No idea why I rented it, I thought Saw III was abysmal, still I think this was slightly better from a pure 'horror' standpoint.

Now please, just let the series die.
Furie, I totally agree with you. Actually, I didn't even think that the gore in number four really compared to the gore in the first three. The storyline wasn't good at all, and it was a bit hard to follow at times (I'm bad at understanding movies that don't have a basic storyline), so to be honest I wish they would've just ended it at three. Three was okay I thought, but one and two were the best for sure.

They're gonna have more though, obviously, because people are gonna keep seeing them. Heck, even I'm gonna go out and see the next one even though I didn't like number four.
I'm gonna watch Don't mess with Zohan, purely because it's a Sandler film, but it does look vastly inferior to his other films. Should still provide a laugh or two, which is better than some of the other **** that's being touted as a 'comedy film'.

I wish people in America would stop going to watch Epic Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans etc... As the writers/directors just keep being given enough money to make another unfunny **** sequel.
Smithy said:
I wish people in America would stop going to watch Epic Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans etc... As the writers/directors just keep being given enough money to make another unfunny <img> sequel.

I would completely agree with you there although unfortunately peeps here in the UK love these films and are probably worse suckers for this sort of tripe compared to Americans. There isn't much we can do about it apart from not watch it at all.

Watched two films the other night round a friend's house. First up was Instinct. For some reason I've never seen this film and I now want it on DVD, its excellent. The story is great and the acting is top notch (which is saying something cause Cuba Gooding Jr is in one of the lead roles). I will recommened to all. Rating: 4.5/5

Next up was Resident Evil: Extinction. This was actually better than I thought it was going to be and I had no idea that Ali Larter (Heroes, Final Destination 1&2) was in it. It was enjoyable and pretty much the same sort of thing as the first two, I hate the ending...why do film makers feel the need to do that? Not cool. Rating: 3/5
I wish people in America would stop going to watch Epic Movie, Date Movie, Meet the Spartans etc... As the writers/directors just keep being given enough money to make another unfunny <img> sequel.

I agree! Those movies are really crap, especially Date Movie. That was just a disgrace to the film world, and Not Another Teen Movie wasn't much better.

The Scary Movie movies are the only ones that do a good job spoofing and stuff.
Harold and Kumar Escape From Guantanamo Bay

I hadn't seen the first one, but I was expecting this to be funny from what I had heard. I thought it was decent, and while there wasn't anything that left me cracking up, the film as a whole was great with frequent solid humour.

LiveForTheLaunch said:
I agree! Those movies are really crap, especially Date Movie. That was just a disgrace to the film world, and Not Another Teen Movie wasn't much better.

Ah .. see Date movie is made good because of alison hannigen (who i'm in love with)

And NATM was made good because of the copious amounts of breasts on display.
Just watched Juno.

It's not really the kind of film I'm into but this was good as the acting talent was good.
It's certainly not an amazing film, but it's enough to get by on and tells the story really well.

Ollie said:
Just watched Juno.

GOD This film is SOOOOoooo Overrated.. it's okay.. but not the best movie ever as some made out.

As for "good acting".. the kid from arrested development is playing the EXACT same kid.. this is either type casting or the only thing he can do.

Boring, predictable garbage that your female date would probably like

Just got Cloverfield on DVD.

Still fantastic to watch and is one of my all-time favourite films. :p

Go see it now if you haven't!

12/10 8)
I watched that Sweedy Todd film last night.

What a pile of **** that was. One of the worst films ever made.

^Don't call it a pile of ****, it's not awefull. :x

Sweeney Todd was amazing. It exceeded my expectations by miles.

Although everyone has they're own opinions. :p