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I saw Saw 5 last night.

Well, it explains the cock ups they made in the others to make them make sence and the last trap was horrific!

I notice viral 4 was on the adverts section which was good to see in full quality!

Film Rating: 7.5/10. Its good, but its not OMG amazing.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
I quite liked the end, it was kind of surprising. As for the frustrating thing, the reason it frustrates me is because everytime I watch it I always think/want something different to happen and for him to somehow convince himself not to go in the room in the first place (then again what kind of movie would that make?) or to find a way of escaping.
Just relating back to 1408. I suppose the ending isn't that bad; it's just one of those very odd unexpected ones that I've seen plenty of times before, I like the formula of these but it didn't quite work out as much as those such as the Butterfly Effect and even Vanilla skies, but there again it's a film adaption of its own novel. I still keep it as a 7/10; especially have to having a look back at Shining last night which took atmosphere to another level and became rather disturbing (Screechy old-sounding music, uneventful moments of silences etc.).

Back onto 1408, I do love the scene where he's at the window, but lets not spoil it :)

And has anyone else seen Slumdog Millionaire asides from me and Gavin? It's the best film on the damn big screen at the moment I truly recommend you to not ignore this, as; in my opinion, a must see!
^ I WANT to see Slumdog pretty bad, if not only to see if it lives up to the hype, but I expect it'll come out on DVD soonish, so I might just wait until then.
^I thought it was going to be a load of turd after seeing what the film was actually based on but I must admit it is executed extremely well and it is one of films that you will have stuck with you after watching. It really is a magical experience, with plenty of giggles and the characters you can get to like instantly.

I explain it as the darker version of Forrest Gump set in an Asian slum. It really is amazing and is actually easily comparable to Forrest Gump in terms of enjoyment. And yep I must say I really enjoyed it!
^ Well, since I've never seen Forest Gump (I know, shocking), that comparison doesn't really help me, but I do hope I'm pleasantly surprised when I get the chance to see it!
^^How can you compare it to Forest Gump? Quite a few of us have seen Slumdog on here Kebab. I think it was an excellent film and deserved the attention and awards it got.
Warning to all people who have little sisters who love Hannah Montana!

May 1st it comes out in Cinema's all over the UK :shock:

Hannah Montana The Movie!

Plot: As Hannah Montana's popularity begins to take over her life, Miley Stewart, on the urging from her father takes a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners, Tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in life the most.

^ Haha I saw the advertisement for that last time I went to the movies and I almost choked on my popcorn. She needs to like, **** off somewhere because:

1) She is NOT hot/pretty like she clearly thinks she is
2) She has done NOTHING to be famous
3) Terrible singer, and very annoying
4) Sings about love songs and heartbreaks when she is only fifteen
5) Her smile pisses me off
6) Child millionaires make me sick
^ I think NOT.

Sorry, you may think Miley is pretty, but I absolutely am not jealous of her looks whatsoever. Sure everyonme would like to have as much money as she does, but she doesn't deserve it.
Don't LARP! Just don't do it!!! Steel is the ONLY material for a sword!

Finally, finally, finally saw Wall-E (Blu-Ray) last night.

What a gorgeous film. Breathtaking, all the right references, brilliantly creative, almost ruined by far too Disneyesque humans.

Not sure where it fits in the Pixar list yet. I'm on watching N0 2, MMF is on watching 4. Minor_F dislikes it. So it doesn't pass all the Pixar tests, but it's certainly a really superb film :)
kimahri said:
furie said:
Don't LARP! Just don't do it!!! Steel is the ONLY material for a sword!

What about lazer?

Lazers are a good material yes?

Nope. Real arrows, or paintballs. It has to hurt (but not be too lethal). It makes you play the game very differently if you know you're going to get hurt by it. I love watching people who play laser games sitting crying at the side of Paintball games, out in under a minute. :lol:

Erm... Can't think of a way to bring this back on topic... two seconds...

Burn-E! Awesome! :)
furie said:
Burn-E! Awesome! :)

Haha, that was awesome, best Pixar short?

Watched Stripes last night on DVD.

It's an early 80s comedy with the legends that are Bill Murray and John Candy. Bill Murray's character decides to go into the Army and drags his friend into the army with him, much amusement ensues. I thought it started really poorly, didn't really grab my attention, the occasional funny line but it wasn't great. The about half way through something happens and all of a sudden it's an excellent comedy with lots of action. I do recommend purely because of the second half of the film.

Rating: 3/5

Then I tuned into Channel 5 for Species 2.

I haven't seen the first film but I don't think I really needed to. I only kept an interest in the film as Katherine Willows from CSI was in it :p Oh, and Michael Madsen, the loon that he is :) I thought the film was quite enjoyable, especially as it was clearly a cheap crappy sci-fi sequel. I did lol at some of the effects and some parts made me jump. The most worrying thing is that there is this really disturbing scene where the aliens are having sexual intercourse and I can't get it out of my head. You may think I'm pervy for this but I think it has traumatized me, especially afterwards when...

the male alien kills the female by ramming his alien genitals down her throat to kill her

Very odd. Rating: 2/5