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Olympia-Looping at London's German Christmas Market

That song always reminds me of this.

Oh my word! Need to get on that!
Yesssssss =D>

Best new coaster in the UK for years :lol:

Can't wait to finally get on it.
^I meant for during the time its there and was implying I need to book train tickets or something to get there. Edited for clarity.
Seriously annoyed about this. It took me a four hour drive plus a two and a half hour queue to get across the closed German boarder in order to get this at Oktoberfest last year (as an add on to a work trip to Vienna). Was totally led to believe it would be leaving the travelling circuit.

First it turns up at Vienna and now in London. I'm gonna go and throw it some serious shade. Might even ride it again, who knows.

It won't beat my solo rides in the pissing down rain though.
Same boat as Sue. So much effort to get to a German fair to ride it because it would be the last ever chance, and now it shows up bloody everywhere. It's fab news though and great for the Brits to not have to go to Vienna/Germany. Just don't expect too much... It's crazy for a traveling coaster and fun enough, but it's honestly not much better than the average creds at other parks. It's really not that amazing.
Are there any other decent rides / creds there? Im up in london a couple of times a week with work so I can just pop in as and when really...

Glad this is coming to London actually CBA to go to Vienna or wherever it was.

Not that the above statement will annoy anyone 'cough gavin' 'cough sue' 'cough Thom' 'cough ben' :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
^ Last year they had a couple of amazing flats, I did the Mondial Inferno and the Breakdance and they were ridiculously good. Cred wise they aren't great, the XXL mouse is ok, but just ok.
I find it funny how everyone is gooning out about this, yet I've managed to ride it in two different locations this year.
It still runs the best at Oktoberfest. The forces it pulled in the last seat with 7 car trains were obscene. <3

^You wanna play the 'I've been on a Coaster you haven't' game?


How long ya got?

Plus actually most of us have already ridden it. With seven cars.
I've never ridden it. But I did go on Knightmare at Camelot loads and I imagine it's much the same.

Robbie said:
I've never ridden it. But I did go on Knightmare at Camelot loads and I imagine it's much the same.


I rode it at Oktoberfest last week. The forces are intense in the back car but overall it is pretty much "Knightmare with 5 loops", which isn't a bad thing. For a travelling ride it is very impressive but I did come off slightly underwhelmed, the restraints are awful too until you learn how to ride it.

An operator told me that it will run with 7 car trains at Winter Wonderland but I will believe that when I see it.
I've not been on it, but, did ride Magnum Force which was taller and faster, albeit less forceful and in all honesty - weren't a big fan, so I don't think I'm gonna love it.

Also, Tilen, you're a douche :lol:
^ Sorry about that, but I've obviously joined/liked a couple too many of the British based coaster related sites. This thing is bloody everywhere...

I didn't want to come across as rude, but I guess you need to have enough friends on this site to get a hall pass for saying anything even remotely disconcerting and get away with it...
The " :lol: " represented me making a joke, I didn't take anything you said to heart ha. If you've been on it, that's fabulous for you - it will be nice that some people who couldn't be arsed to travel from the UK to get to it can finally ride it now :D