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Olympia Looping & Winter Wonderland stuff

Again, sorry. I just didn't think a spinning mouse deserved its own topic.

Whilst we're on the subject though, apparently there is going to be event at Hyde Park through out the Olympics next year.
^I'd be surprised if there wasn't to be honest. And I'm definitely NOT going (well, MAYBE if Olympia Looping were somehow involved). London is going to be avoided like the PLAGUE next summer, I think I'm heading out of the country altogether actually, because **** that.
I hate to think how much they would charge if it did come to the uk. I recon we could be looking at £5+ to ride it.
Probably £10+, especcialy with some of the prices at fairs near me and how big the coaster is. London Is going to be really busy next year but I should be there If Olyimpia Looping is.
I think it'd be closer to £10 than £5 certainly. How much is PMBO? And then add on the premium for it being touristy, and I think you could easily be looking at a minimum of £8.

Surely that's what'd attract them over here? I'm sure it's €5+, they'd want to add a good premium on top of that to make it worth their effort bringing it across the sea to us here.

Basically, it'll be loads. But we'll all pay it <3 Well, we would. If it happens. Which I'm sceptical about.
Olympia Looping & Winter Wonderland stuff

It would be an expensive day for me then as its my must ride coaster :)
The coasters at the fair in London are £4 and £5 I think so if something like Olympia turned up I could easily see it being at least £8.
I have megalove for the Schwarzkopft coasters..........this would be epic!!

...but it seems like a massive effort for not much gain, presumably whoever owns it would have to offer it as I doubt the Olympic/Hyde Park officials would think of it and "request" it. Although I don't really know how travelling coaster bookings work....