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CF Legend
You may know or not know that I am going to America for the first time in my life next month.
We'll be out there for two weeks covering the end of July and the Start of August. We're staying about 20 minutes drive away from Disney.

As we've never been before we're obviously going to try and do everything. So the places we're going to are...
-Busch Gardens
-Kennedy Space Centre
-Airboat on the Glades

I've set up this topic just for to get loads of advice.
What queue sizes should we expect? What are the rides and shows that shouldn't be missed? Any other hints and tips for the parks (like order to do rides in and stuff like in Disney if you get a 1.5l of water you can refill it for free at any of the Disney Restaurants).

So yeah. ANY advice that you can give will be greatly appreciated. We want to make the most of the trip. If I think of anymore questions then I'll ask but even if you have something to say that I haven't asked then please post it.

Thanks in advance for your help. :)
Disney, Universal, Sea World, and Busch Gardens are all probably going to be pretty packed day in and day out this time of year. I haven't been to BGT in a few years, but the others I did last year and know a little more about.

Disney will always be pretty damn packed. If you know how to use the FASTPASS system you never really wait that long for anything. Magic Kingdom I don't remember which ride goes the fastest so I would just get one for the one you want to get on the most first. Hollywood Studios get a FASTPASS for Toy Story Mania right away! Everyone thinks Tower of Terror or Rock 'n' Roller Coaster, but that is wrong. Toy Story Mania runs out of passes very early in the day and usually holds one of the longest lines at Disney each day from what I saw. Animal Kingdom I would again go for the attraction you would want to get on the most simply because this is where the least amount of attractions are. If I had to guess I would say Dinosaur simply because Expedtion Everest has a pretty fast moving queue. Epcot is what I found to have some of the longer lines. I would get a Soarin' FASTPASS first as those ran out fast then get over to Test Track pretty quick because that holds a long line for a bit too. Remember that you don't have to return between your hour period either! You can return anytime in the day after your start time. That way you can even build up 4-6 passes throughout the day and have an awesome night! Also single rider queues are helpful if you're willing to split up.

At Universal IOA I was surprised just how many people go to Harry Potter and nothing else. I walked on Hulk, Spiderman, and some of the water rides when I was there last summer. That being said don't count on that. I would get there before the gates open and go right to Harry Potter and do the Forbidden Journey and both sides of Dragon Challenge first. Although you can have luck late at night at Universal, I found both times I was there last year that the last hour of the day was dead. I waited about 5 minutes for Harry Potter my first time because it was 10 minutes to close. At the Universal Studios Park, you will be surprised at how fast you can do this park. Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit was the longest queue I waited so I would do that first. (It it's open) From there Simpsons Ride probably, but really the crowds stay at IOA.

Sea World is super easy to do fast if you only want the credits and a show or two. Manta and Journey to Atlantis typically hold the long lines. I would do either one first (Manta is a lot closer to the entrance however.) so maybe Manta then Journey to Atlantis right after. Waiting in Manta's queue though is not boring as there are tons of aquariums to look at! Probably is my favorite queue line actually. Journey to Atlantis is boring and outside so can get hot if it takes a while. Hit Kraken last of those three, but don't be surprised if it looks like nobody is there and you wait 45 minutes. They have the SLOWEST operations of any coaster I have ever seen. (That wasn't a bad day ask anybody.) So just be ready for that. Killer Whale show is the big one if you want to do that get to it early before the start time to get good seats and sometimes they have to turn people away too.

Busch Gardens haven't been in a few years so I can't help too much. I do know they sell (Or at least did last year.) a Rapid Ride Pass. If you're willing to spend the money at BGW it was very helpful and can dodge the queues quite a bit.

Don't miss these attractions and should be able to do them all in a day without too much trouble. I will put them in order of best to worst not the order to ride them in cause there are too many to give you a good order beyond what to start with. (My opinion obviously so alter it any way you like.)
Disney: Magic Kingdom
Space Mountain
Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
Pirates of the Caribbean
Splash Mountain
Haunted Mansion
Stitch's Great Escape
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin
Jungle Cruise
"it's a small world"
Peter Pan's Flight
Hall of Presidents - A lot of people miss this, but it is actually a great show.
Enchanted Tiki Room

Disney: Hollywood Studios
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
Tower of Terror
Toy Story Mania
Star Tours - Updated this year, but I've heard lines aren't bad.
The Great Movie Ride

Disney: Animal Kingdom
Expedition Everest
Kilimanjaro Safaris
Kali River Rapids
Primeval Whirl
It's Tough to be a Bug (Show) - A bit of a kids show, but still worth seeing if you have time.

Disney: Epcot
Soarin' - My favorite simulator it's really amazing!
Test Track
Mission: SPACE
Spaceship Earth
The Seas with Nemo and Friends

Universal Islands of Adventure
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
Dragon Challenge (Both)
Incredible Hulk
The Amazing Adventures of Spiderman
Dudley Do Right's Ripsaw Falls
Jurassic Park River Boat Adventure
Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges

Universal Studios Park
Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit
Revenge of the Mummy
Men in Black - My favorite shooter ever
The Simpsons Ride

The other parks are pretty straight forward. Get the credits and maybe another ride or show that catches your eye.

Edit: Forgot to mention water parks. Haven't done those in ages, but Disney's are pretty good if you like the water parks! Also if you are willing to pay for it Sea World's thing I here is good where you swim and interact with the animals and only a few people get to do it every day.
Thanks. You've both been really helpful. :)

Do you reckon it's going to be a push to get everything done?
Bare in mind we'll only have like 10 days where we can actually spend in parks. As 2 of the days we're arriving and leaving and 2 of the other days we're doing the Space Centre and the Airboat (and probably a waterpark in the afternoon).

Is there anything else worth doing in the area? Any good mini-gold courses etc?
You MUST see Fantasmic. MUST. If you miss it you are a damn fool! There's lots of cool mini-gold courses dotted along the sides of the road, the pirates themed one was always my favourite. But then there's the Fantasia golf course on the Disney complex which is pretty awesome too.

Don't neglect the World Showcase at EPCOT, I love it and always have a fun time wandering around and getting some cool photos. EPCOT is strange, there's plenty you might miss if you don't really focus on where you're going and what you're doing. I feel that a lot of the rides are 'hidden', it's kind of hard to describe but you'll see what I mean when you get there.

Another thing I would say is that, although obviously there are the must-do rides, don't ignore anything. Because you've never been before everything needs to be tried and tested, just because you've heard bad things about a ride from someone doesn't mean it's utter crap! Make up your own mind about things.

I've been to Florida in July before and really didn't have a problem with the queues. We bought the Universal fast pass (forget what it's called) but didn't actually end up needing to use it because the parks were so dead!As long as you get to the parks for opening you should find yourself with plenty of time to do everything you want to do because the parks have really long opening hours. Also, if you are a Disney goon it's worth getting one of those Hidden Mickeys books to take into the parks with you, I find they're always fun, make you notice things you otherwise wouldn't have a noticed ;]

With regards to Harry Potter, I'd go straight there. I went at Christmas this year so the park was RAMMED, but we found we turned what was potentially a 2 hour queue into a 15 minute one by using the single-rider line. I know it's nice to ride with family etc, but this really doesn't make a difference on Potter because each the seats are sort of 'shielded' off from each other, so it feels like you're riding alone anyway. Obviously if you want to see the full queue (which I'll admit, is pretty impressive) then of course go for the full length queue the first time around, but after that I really do recommend the single-rider line.

Another thing I'll mention about Universal (and Busch as well, but more so at Universal) is the locker system. Take as little bags with you as you possible can. Obviously it can't be avoided, but Universal make you put your bags in lockers for everything. You don't have to pay to use them, but they really are a nuisance and you can end up queueing longer for a locker than for the ride itself! So yeah, if bags can be avoided that'll really save you some time.

That's all I can think of for now, ask questions though, I've been enough times to probably be able to help you out ;]
nadroJ said:
With regards to Harry Potter, I'd go straight there. I went at Christmas this year so the park was RAMMED, but we found we turned what was potentially a 2 hour queue into a 15 minute one by using the single-rider line. I know it's nice to ride with family etc, but this really doesn't make a difference on Potter because each the seats are sort of 'shielded' off from each other, so it feels like you're riding alone anyway. Obviously if you want to see the full queue (which I'll admit, is pretty impressive) then of course go for the full length queue the first time around, but after that I really do recommend the single-rider line.

See, it could work both ways going straight to Potter. Everyone seemed to run to Potter when I last went (admitedly, it was last July, so it hadn't been open very long) but this left the rest of the park pretty quiet for the first hour or so. So we were able to get a fair amount done. We then queued for Potter later on in the evening. Even though it is good to experience the Potter queue once, it is definitely worth taking advantage of the single rider queue like Jordan said. It really seems to work. And, once your on the ride, you can't look to the sides very easily anyway due to the restraints. So it doesn't make much difference.

nadroJ said:
Another thing I'll mention about Universal (and Busch as well, but more so at Universal) is the locker system. Take as little bags with you as you possible can. Obviously it can't be avoided, but Universal make you put your bags in lockers for everything. You don't have to pay to use them, but they really are a nuisance and you can end up queueing longer for a locker than for the ride itself! So yeah, if bags can be avoided that'll really save you some time.

Whilst it is annoying having to put your bags in the lockers at Universal, their system does seem to work quite well (when theres not a massive queue for them). And at least they're free too. Which they're not at Sea World/Busch if I remember correctly.

Also, you were asking about drinks. Universal do a similar offer to disney with the refil cups. I can't quite remember off the top of my head how much they are. $6 seems to ring a bell... But then its around $0.90 to refil with soft drinks and free for water. So it might be worth taking advantage of those. I know we always tend to use them when we go because its much nicer to have a cold drink than a warm bottle of water thats been in your bag all day :p
A question about flying to America.
My dad said security is the tightest in the states and it's going to be even worse now Bin Laden is dead and they're on maximum threat level or something.

What's different about what you can and can't take on a flight with you to America? What can't you take on hand luggage. I've looked on the Monarch website (who we're flying with) and it just has general ones and nothing about America. Although that's what you're allowed on the plane. Not what you're allowed going through American security.

Also while I remember. I know the parks are meant to be strict with their rules of no loose items on rides. What about glasses? My dad and brother both wear them and on rides over here just hole them as they're on the ride. Can they do that in America or will they have to put them on the platform or in a locker before the queue or something?
Ollie, its the same as flying to Europe with regards to what you can take on the plane.

Disney are not fussed about glasses but coasters that invert I would assume they have to be secure. All parks do not have bag areas (Disney would take your bag on with you), you have to place your stuff in lockers before you ride. Universal parks they are free for a certain time, the other parks you have to pay I think it was a 1/4 or something like that. If you turn up to get on the coaster or ride with a bag you get turned away.
Ok thanks. Don't they have greeters or whatever they're called at the entrance to all the rides? So surely they won't let you in the queue if you have bag.

Also with Downtown Disney. I heard that after a certain time they open it to over 21's only? Is this true and if so what time is it?
Ollie, the Downtown Disney thing was about 10 years ago there is no age limit now.

Yes there are greeters at the rides but we saw a number of people try and get on rides with bags. if people have them on their left and the greeter is on the right they cannot always see them.
That was for that little section that they spited last year or the year before. With all the "clubs" down. God knows what it was called. Gone though. Don't worry.
That's good then. I always get spited with age restrictions on holidays.

In Tenerife I couldn't go in the Casino because I was 17. Although it was only 2 weeks before my 18th birthday. And now it's 21 so I can't drink or gamble in public. :p

Another question. Barnstormer is closed while they move it. Maddie said Primeval Whirl was shut because a worker died and Spiderman is getting upgraded to HD.
Will all of these be closed when I visit? Or will they have opened again by then?
Again all these details can be found on their websites.

Barnstomer will be a missed cred for you as will Primeval.

I thought Spiderman was open though, they are doing the work out of hours.
Hard to believe I'm going in 5 days.
Only just started looking at park opening times. Apparently Magic Kingdom is open till 2am some days during early August when we're there. Does that means it's just the resort that's open till the times in the link below or are all the rides open till then?
http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/parks/ ... /calendar/

If it is then 11pm-2am closing times are insane as I was expecting it to be something like 7pm. :p

If the parks open at 9am what time would you recommend aiming to get there for? How busy is it early in the morning and is it worth getting there really early to beat the queues?

Also I've heard that people in America will still be in school during the first week we're there. Can anyone confirm this and will this mean the queues won't be as insanely long as I'm expecting them to be?
I think what you're looking at Ollie is the Extra Magic Hours. Select major attractions are open during those times to resort guests only. (Need to show your room key to get in the queue.) At least one park each day has them just about sometimes an hour early in the morning or three hours after close.

This link has the info on what rides are open during Magic Hours:
http://disneyworld.disney.go.com/plan/c ... agichours/
I don't know if you already know this or not, but I think Busch tickets are two days. I havn't been to Busch since Cheetah Hunt, but I did all the coasters in one day, and the second day I rerode and saw shows. SheiKra opens an hour later than Montu (I don't know about Cheetah Hunt), and Kumba doesn't have much of a wait. I hope this helps.
Ollie are you staying in a Disney hotel, if you are you can use the magic hours if not you cannot.

Also just so you know the rail services at Epcot and soon the Magic Kingdom will only run for 1 hour after the park is shut, after this time you will need to use their bus system. If your driving its ok but just to warn you it can take hours to get from the Magic Kingdom back to the car park if you leave straight after the fireworks.

Primevil has been testing so you might get lucky.
If you go to Universal you should stay in one of the on site hotels for a night and you get free two day Express Plus passes and early entry to WWOHP, I did it this year and it was worth it.
We're staying in a villa about 10 minutes away from the Disney Parks.

I don't think I have got it confused with the extra magic hours as if you look at the link I posted I was looking at 'Park Times' I know the emh are for hotel guests only. If you look at 25th July it says park hours are 9am-1am. The one that confused me was on 5th August where they swapped the dates round so emh was above park hours. But still according to that the park seems to be open from 9-11 most days with a few days next week being open from 9-12or1am.

Also just looked up the ride pages on Animal Kingdoms website and it said Primval Whirl is "Re-Opening September 14, 2011" which is a shame. Although I do hope with it testing they can open it much earlier while we're there.

Also does anyone know what time the fireworks are at the Disney Parks as I can't find it on their site and I assume you want to get there super early before it starts to get a good spot.

Oh and apparently the Swiss Family Treehouse is closed while we're there as well. We obviously picked the right time to go with rides shut and being refurbished lol. :p