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Overrated and Underrated Roller Coasters

I have yet to ride a bad boomerang and there's only like 1 or 2 SLC's i'd consider horrible. I love Riddler at SFNE!
If express platform 13 is nearly as rough as cock n roller coaster at Disney it gets a middle finger from me
Are you talking about the Paris version? Because there's pretty much no headbanging on the version in Walt Disney World.
Overrated: Taron, Troy, Wodan, Smiler, Fenix, Black Mamba, Galactica and Vekoma Motorbikes.
Underrated: Infusion, Silver Star, Lost Gravity, D apostrophe Wervelwind, Grand National, Nemesis Inferno and Xpress: Platform 13
Galactica isn't overrated. I haven't seen many people hype it up that much.
Seconded! I’ve never been to Alton Towers (want to rectify that soon) and I don’t doubt that Nemesis is the superior ride but that doesn’t make Inferno bad, it’s just a shame that Tussauds chose to invite comparison. I think it’s a fun, intense coaster with brilliant theming and possibly my favourite soundtrack to a ride ever. It was also my first coaster with inversions so it’s always going to have a special place in my heart.
First of all, go ride Nemesis at Alton Towers. It's one of the best rollercoasters in the UK and probably (in my opinion) the best invert in Europe.
Second of all, you've got to love those last two sweeping helixes on Inferno; and how they just whip you around those turns.
Not so sure about it having the best soundtrack to a ride ever when Soarin' exists though.
First of all, go ride Nemesis at Alton Towers. It's one of the best rollercoasters in the UK and probably (in my opinion) the best invert in Europe.

Trust me I want to! Alton Towers is a bit out of my way unfortunately and I don’t drive so need to plan a trip with friends properly sometime. When I do eventually get there Nemesis will be my top priority ;)
Over rated. Maverick at Cedar Point. I genuinely don't get the love. It was ok I guess, but it has far too many similarities to Rita and Furious Baco for my liking. And hellooooo - it launches you straight into a trim brake. WTF is that about? Nowhere near top 10 material for me. In fact, I'd struggle to place it in the top 10 coasters at Cedar Point, let alone anywhere else.
Fight me. Don't care.

Under rated. Goudurix. You know what? I liked it. It's big, it's beautiful, it's actually quite intimidating and I thought it rode pretty well. I was bracing myself for torture that never came. There's much, much worse out there (most SLC's, for example).

Kingda Ka. I used to love this thing, but I've ridden Top Thrill Dragster since then which is much, much better. However, my one and only ride on KK remains one of the scariest and most intense things I've ever done in a theme park and I still have a soft spot for it. It certainly doesn't deserve all the hate it gets.

Might come back to this one, I'm sure I'll think of a few more...
Are you talking about the Paris version? Because there's pretty much no headbanging on the version in Walt Disney World.
I’m talking about the one in Florida I hear the Paris one is much better but I ****ing hate the one in florida
I’m talking about the one in Florida I hear the Paris one is much better but I ****ing hate the one in florida
I...uh...found the Florida one to be quite smooth ? it just needs a retheme like the Paris one is getting soon
Overrated: Taron, Troy, Black Mamba,

Underrated: Lost Gravity

I don't know if it's underrated per se. I think most people who have ridden it rate it pretty fairly. Definitely unassuming though, as plenty of people who haven't done it aren't aware of how much punch it can pack.
I...uh...found the Florida one to be quite smooth ? it just needs a retheme like the Paris one is getting soon
I rode the Florida version in April 2019 and while I found it to have a little bit of a rattle, I certainly didn't find it painful by any means, although I admittedly sat in the very front car, so it could be worse further back!

Speaking of which, Rock'n'Rollercoaster is one of my candidates for an underrated coaster!
Overrated: Taron, Troy, Wodan, Smiler, Fenix, Black Mamba, Galactica and Vekoma Motorbikes.
Underrated: Infusion, Silver Star, Lost Gravity, D apostrophe Wervelwind, Grand National, Nemesis Inferno and Xpress: Platform 13
Smiler and Fenix I've never heard to be overrated, and for the Taron, Wodan and BM I would like to know how many times you've ridden them... Because in Europe they're at least top 3 in their type.

Lost Gravity and D'wervelwind I've not heard to be low rated (For the second one it is seen as one of the best spinners even). But for LG I do have to say it's one of the worst things Mack has ever created (in respect to the available technologies at the time).
Xpress could get more love indeed, because of the entire experience, the ride itself is like any other Vekoma from that time...
Over rated. Maverick at Cedar Point. I genuinely don't get the love. It was ok I guess, but it has far too many similarities to Rita and Furious Baco for my liking.
The only problem I have with Rita is that it's way too short. And Furius Baco, besides being rough, is a ****ing faboulus ride!

Think I'll love Maverick ?