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Peppa Pig World for Paultons 2011


Strata Poster

I think this is really exciting news for the park. Thomas Land has had a massive impact on Drayton, and they now seem to get more families with small kids than anything else.

The only thing I'm slightly concerned about is the longevity of Peppa Pig. Yes, it's massive now, but what about in a few years. Imagine how (un) popular a Tellytubby land would be now if it had been built at the height of their hype.

Once again, this proves how switched on Paultons are to what the public want, and what will be a great addition to the park. No indication of what it's going to replace yet (if anything), and if these are 7 new rides, or just re-themed. Plus, anyone want to hope that one of those 7 is a "cred"? Wherever they build it, let's just hope they've got all their paperwork properly sorted this time! ;)
Pepper Pig is really fab though :)

I suspect it has a degree of longevity...

I do want to see more details though, I'm not excited as such, bu tI am very interested :)
Lol Peppa Pig.. :lol: Clever of Paulton's to pick up on this trend! She's the new 'it' girl for childrens television atm.
I take it this is going to go where the museum used to be. It'll appeal massively to younger kids but after them building Cobra and Edge this seems a bit small in comparison.
I guess it'll be really popular though but wont see the full success it can be until they tell us more about it or when it opens.
Yes, I'm drumming my fingers waiting for a press release to pop into my inbox.

Another sound investment for Paultons, lets hope they can theme a mega-lite to Peppa Pig :p (Yes, I know a mega-lite won't happen!).

I would imagine it'll go where the museums stand, if there's enough room there. And yes, lets hope for a new coaster as well! If I get sent any info, I'll pass it on!
The Peppa Pig Mega-Lite Psychoaster??? Bring it on! ;)

I imagine a Grandpa Pig Train Ride, a Miss/Rebecca Rabbit play warren, maybe grandpa dog's boat ride, hopefully a Mr Dinosaur ride (grrrrrrr) and perhaps a "Daddy Pig makes a complete tit of himself again" ride of some kind :)

I do love Peppa Pig and I hope that some of the tongue in cheek humour makes its way across into the new area.
A VERY rubbish drawing from me but where it says "play" is where the location of the new indoor play area is gonna be, which will be part of Peppa Pig World and of course inside the black lined area will be where the new land will be!


Looking at the plans yesterday I am thoroughly looking forward to thing as the plans look fantastic, unfortunately though, no coaster credits for you! :p

The rides themselves I suspect the park will release but they are mainly aimed around the age group of Peppa Pig which is 2-6 years. They will be brand new rides. How long Peppa Pig will stay in trend I am unsure, however the managers are fully aware of this and in a few years if novelty drops off they can theme it to what ever they want as the rides will allow us to do that with ease!
Fantastic location choice! That's an area of Paultons which has screamed for development to me for years. Are they going to theme the tractors to the theme? Or will that stay the same?

Another great investment me thinks and will prove very popular!
The only thing I'm slightly concerned about is the longevity of Peppa Pig. Yes, it's massive now, but what about in a few years. Imagine how (un) popular a Tellytubby land would be now if it had been built at the height of their hype.

I know what you're saying, but Peppa Pig hasn't 'burst' onto the scene like Tellytubbies did. Its just gradually become a hit with kids. Its been around for a few years already remember.

It is a fantastic developement for the park, and no doubt it will be a success.

I hope it gets done properly, like Thomas Land!
But should be interesting as Thomas Land is literally an off the shelf development, where as this may be custom made.
I look a bit like Daddy pig. I'm worried.

I'm actually over the moon about this. The UK is finally starting to understand the concept of theming. Who'd have thought that it would have been Drayton and Paultons to kickstart it tho...

As long as it has the words
George: "Dinosaur...grrrrowwll" *tears*" I'll be happy. (And planning permission....)
For those following, Paultons will hopefully be putting up some construction photos on their Facebook later on today :D
I'm clearly very excited Ian :lol:

Actually, I've had a few people asking for more details - friends of Madame_Furie who really are excited :)

slappy mcguire said:
I look a bit like Daddy pig. I'm worried.

There's quite a large, secret conclave of women who fancy Daddy Pig - so I wouldn't worry too much :)
I'm guessing Peppy Pig or whatever is just an English thing, right? Cause I have NO clue what you're talking about. :lol:

Whoever the hell this pig is, it looks like a good addition to the park, something fun for the kiddies (and adults lol).
slappy mcguire said:
do they all look like mummy pig tho'...? :shock:

Let's face it, if you look like Daddy Pig, you're not in a position to be choosy :p


For those who need Peppa Pig education :p
LOL!!! I love how they just drop stuff on the ground and it comes out perfect. :lol:

I wish we had Peppa Pig now. :wink:
To be honest, I never realised that Pepa Pig was major enough to warrant a whole themed area. We get a lot of those British kids cartoons here too, I always have lumped it into the same category as the other 'short' ones like Postman Pat, Andy Pandy, Brum, Maisy Mouse, Bananaman, Bangers & Mash etc etc