Last month Tobi on depicted the layout of the area.
Red - Area for normal park guests
Blue - Connecting bridge that has not yet been built (the tower crane currently sits here) *
Yellow - Area taken up by the hotel
Orange - Restaurant presumably accessible by both park and hotel guests

* As well as just being logical to connect to the two otherwise dead ends of the area, the bridge can be made out inbetween the theming on the Rookburgh model. The walkway is marked by the blue square. The red line is the first launch overhead.

Graphic by PHL Marcus on
Layout of the hotel
Red - Hotel Room Towers
Green - Stair wells
Yellow - Lift Shafts
Orange - Reception, lobby, and now since this graphic was made it seems there will be a 5th Tower here too (as mentioned later)
Light Blue - Possible additional small rooms?
Dark Blue - Restaurant

Tobi explains the connection between the hotel and park for guests will be through the restaurant building. The restaurant consists of 2 floors however the upper level only covers half of the building - this level connects to a long passageway/corridor underneath the hotel rooms of Tower 1 which leads to the stairs and lift of Tower 1. The restaurant itself could also be used. After breakfast is served for hotel guests it could then be opened during the day for the park guests and then after park close serve dinner as normal.
The back sound barrier façade appears almost complete with the previously mentioned Air Rail Company writing now added, and on both fake gates of "Tor 1" and "Tor 2" the dragon inspired Air Rail Company symbols/logos are present.
The hotel towers dominating this end of Rookburgh.

It comes quite close your hotel room door.

Just over the fence at the bottom you can see what appears to be more rooms being constructed out prefabricated concrete sections. Together with the two sets of door ways facing that direction in the neighbouring stairs and lift tower (which serves Tower 2) - it seems there will be a 5th Tower of hotel rooms here. Should definitely provide great views of that track directly in front of it.

Mario M on