[ Bear ]
Roller Poster
I'm not sure what that support is meant for, but it's definitly not for the immelman. Every immelman I've seen has a same sort of support in the top of the inversion.The reason others and myself think it looks like an Immelmann is because well the support set is pretty much the same/similar.
However your theory is possible I guess. But I have my doubts because from the street view it doesn't look like it would match up very well. The angled support seems to be higher than the track's angle of descent.
Also then where would the launch lead to instead? Especially to connect up with that curve down through the towers at Wuze? It can't be directly behind as the roof of the tunnel there doesn't have any unused supports or footers.
But that would mean the support is the highest point? It will be a really small immelman then. I don't see that happening. The support points in the wrong direction aswell.
There are a lot of unused footers underneath and around the curved launch. They were working on them when I made those pictures. So I'm sure you will find out what it's meant for soon enough