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Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper


From CoasterForce
Staff member
Social Media Team
Yes, I'm aware that a topic about PA's development exists, but I thought this could do with a specific topic.

On Twitter, I've been chatting to @tucoaster who nudged me towards this page: http://www.tucoaster.com/coaster/ver/pa ... ocido.html

Apparently, "rumors point to a Dive Machine, with long track layout and a record drop."

There's bugger all on RCDB and I can't see anything on the usually well informed PA Community. (I'm not a member of PAC so can't view the forums anyway.) It's mentioned on it's wiki page though.

Surely there must be more details about?
I thought they were getting a Eurofighter for 2012, thats what was said a few months back anyway.

The year I finally decide to get myself to Port Aventura they're possibly going to build my favourite type of coaster for the year after.

I partly hope it's a Eurofighter now so I don't feel I've missed out! :p
That Eurofighter was actually meant to be for last year. Which never happened, thankfully.

To be honest, I've heard more rumours pointing towards it being a flyer than a Dive Machine. From what I've read on some of the Spanish forums. I'm sure Oriol is better in this topic though!
From what Oriol has been telling me he's read on Spanish forums, it's going to be in China, and they'll have to shut Khan at the end of this season to build at least part of it.

Dunno how true this is, so don't kill me!
Ben said:
From what Oriol has been telling me he's read on Spanish forums, it's going to be in China, and they'll have to shut Khan at the end of this season to build at least part of it.

Dunno how true this is, so don't kill me!

I hope end of the season doesn't mean September! I'd be gutted if I miss out on Khan! :(
Yes, but if it was close enough, building a Big Apple would mean they'd have to close it. Not exactly my idea of epic. I'm not Ben/Jake ;) Just saying :p
So it's going to be at the back of the park?

Rush said:
Ben said:
From what Oriol has been telling me he's read on Spanish forums, it's going to be in China, and they'll have to shut Khan at the end of this season to build at least part of it.

Dunno how true this is, so don't kill me!

I hope end of the season doesn't mean September! I'd be gutted if I miss out on Khan! :(

Highly doubt it, they won't take out their biggest coaster for the Halloween Season. Their Halloween event is pretty big and gets a LOT of people going to it.
I *heard* sort of November/December but PLEASE, this is only what they're discussing on Spanish sites and is by NO means whatsoever true or certain in any way!
I quote myself from the other Port Aventura topic:
andrus said:
Sorry for the double post but it has been more than a year since last post so I thought it was time to bump this topic! :)

It's kind of old news but when I searched the internet I found an interview from August 2010 at Port Aventura Community (originally from parksmania) with Sergio Feder, former CEO at Gardaland and now working at Port Aventura.

He confirmed (as we all know) that Port Aventura will open a new kids area for the 2011 season. But he also confirmed that the park in 2012 will open a new attraction focusing on teenagers that will be "a new global reference attraction and possibly unique in Europe in size and quality".

What can this "global reference attraction" that is supposed to be "unique in Europe in terms of size and quality" be? Let the discussion begin once again! :--D

Source: http://www.pa-community.com/p/artic...-en-2012-una-atraccion-de-referencia-mundial/
For those of you who's interested of the location of the coaster the interview also revealed that the coaster will be built next to the Sesame Street area. No info on which type of coaster it might be though, but the general idea at PAC is that it's either going to be a B&M DM or a flyer.
Also, I don't knoe if this has been mentioned but the contracts to B&M were apparently signed off on December the 20 something?
Rush said:

The year I finally decide to get myself to Port Aventura they're possibly going to build my favourite type of coaster for the year after.


....I suppose this is just an excuse to go back next year!