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Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper

It's about time rumours starting popping around for PA, this place has gone way too long without a serious investment.

It interwining with Dragon Kahn to me sounds a bit off. I would like to see it happen, but can't see why they would. Still, would be cool! Something to market I guess.

Dive Machine would be good, I'll keep watching!
^They were never going to put a loop on a Flyer either...

I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't REALLY see a 300ft+ monster coming from B&M, but, there's no way of saying they WOULDN'T. Maybe with a steep lift, a new type of support structure... If a park wanted it ENOUGH, there's no saying what they MIGHT be able to push B&M into doing.

Personally the thought of a hyper going like, over and then through Khan kinda makes me sad, but, whatever.
While money does talk, I seriously doubt B&M is going to get into giga coasters given all their work with their 4D ride(s).

If a giga is coming to Europe, my money is on Intamin.
Aren't some of their hypers like, 240ft? I don't see how adding 60 feet or so would be outrageous or impossible.

I'm not saying that's what I think it will be, but to say it'll never happen is silly.

If it's that huge, I can see something like I305 fitting nicely into that spot, although from what I've heard about it I'd MUCH prefer a B&M Hyper...

Whatevs, we'll find out eventually.
I agree with the comments about it going above and through Kahn, I think it'll just look messy and ruin the look of Kahn. However, I am interested in the height.

With no inversions it's got to me a mega, surely?

I reckon it'll fit in nicely at PA.
Wow. I hope to god that these rumours are true. That distance is actually MASSIVE. It takes at least 5/10 solid minutes to walk from Tutuki through to Khan. So it seems it'll be following the railway?
Eugh, the profile of Khan on the skyline is iconic. To change that at all would be very silly indeed.

Am I the only person who doesn't see the point in Hypers? What's the point in going taller and faster just for the sake of it? Yes, the first drop is awesome, but the rest of it is pretty pointless.

I think they'd be better off getting something like a B&M invert. Yes, there's tons of them around and about the place, but it'd fit in well with the rest of the rides at the park.

Anyway, whatever they get will, I'm sure, be great. I'm looking forward to it.
^To be fair babes, when the only hypers you've been on are Goliath at SFMM and PMBO, I don't blame you for not thinking they're fab <//3
True, but I just can't see the point. OK, perhaps going on a good one might change my mind, but I doubt it.
andrus said:
^^Do you have any source for this? I'm very interested in reading more of this!

IF this is true it's the most awesome news in a long time!! The tallest B&M ever built, and maybe even a giga, in my favourite park :--D<3

Source: Spanish forum boards (CAPTE.org/PA-C)

Martyn B said:
1000 metres in lenght isn't that long really, thats almost half the lenght of I305...

Well, at least 1000 metres.

I agree that if the rumours are true and this coaster is placed next to Khan, it will shadow and dwarf the good old Dragon. It's like if Disney were to put a bigger castle next to their castle...

About the height, I am positive that B&M could come up with a solution to break the 300 feet barrier. If any park (in this case, PA) is willing to pay them to do so, I bet they will. Not that PA are short in mone right now. InvestIndustrial came to the park with 80 million € just to invest just on rides and the park in general. Sesamo Aventura has cost roughly 15 million euros. Do the maths and you will see that they still have a good 65 million € to invest on this project (I guess they won't spend that much, but they still have a good chunk of money to waste on this project).
- The coaster will go under Khan's first drop and over the lift hill (maybe that's why Fumanchu needs to go).

I hope this isn't true, I haven't been to Port Aventura, but from photos Dragon Khan just looks awesome how it dominates the skyline and it would just spoil it and look messy if part of a bigger coaster went under Khan's drop and over its lift hill.
Why are we so worried about the the iconic Dragon Khan skyline? agreed it is an awesome sight, even from the plane!! and especially when driving into the park, but surely the sight of a 250ft+ coaster towering above it is an even more impressive sight and Dragon Khan will still give that amazing ride as it always does.

However..... How true are the rumours? im sure we will find out soon enough, Fingers crossed that its not an Invert or a Flyer, Great rides but i think they need something thats going to grab the headlines, 3ooft B&M giga coaster? think that might do the trick !!.
DarrenBloomfield said:
Why are we so worried about the the iconic Dragon Khan skyline? agreed it is an awesome sight, even from the plane!! and especially when driving into the park, but surely the sight of a 250ft+ coaster towering above it is an even more impressive sight and Dragon Khan will still give that amazing ride as it always does.

That sentence is kind of an oxymoron:
Why are we so worried about the the iconic Dragon Khan skyline? agreed it is an awesome sight, even from the plane!!


but surely the sight of a 250ft+ coaster towering above it is an even more impressive sight

If you have any imagination, surely you could see that Dragon Khan won't look as amazing and photogenic if it has another coaster (more then likely with different colour track & supports) in the background or EVEN foreground of that icon picture from 'The Wall'?

However..... How true are the rumours? im sure we will find out soon enough, Fingers crossed that its not an Invert or a Flyer, Great rides but i think they need something thats going to grab the headlines, 3ooft B&M giga coaster? think that might do the trick !!.

To be fair, I do agree with you on this, I think they need a BIG iconic coaster, I mean, when Dragon Khan was built, it was such an iconic ( and huge) coaster to be built for Spain. They need another eye opening coaster experience![/quote]

Well done moaning bitches :p
@ Lofty....

I dont think i came over clear enough, appogies there, the point i was trying to get across is yes it may ruin the dragon khan skyline as good as it is but it would be replaced with something with alot more "WOW" factor, But what facts do we really know.... Not much at all, it probably wont even be a B&M Hyper, but if it is it may not intrude with dragon khan, it can be placed almost anywhere in the park, Goliath SFOG proved that... But still we wait in anticipation.... :)
I think the issue is that, yeah, Hypers are very impressive. But they're ALL really tall and big and stuff like that. Khan is impressive because its so massive for its type of ride, plus it has all the inversions criss-crossing over themselves.

Khan's impressiveness is unique compared to a hyper's impressiveness... or at least that's what I think.
Re: [Rumour] 2012 B&M for Port Aventura

It's almost official that construction for the new coaster has begun. Last weekend, some people saw stakes next to Khan's lift hill. According to previous rumours, the coaster's lift hill and final section should run parallel to DK's lift hill and could even cross it over.




Source: PA-Community.com

Shall we the title of this topic, then?
Re: [Rumour] 2012 B&M for Port Aventura

I wouldn't say two wooden posts = DEFINITE B&M OMG just yet :p