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Port Aventura |"Shambhala"| B&M Hyper

This is so going to be my holiday this year (looking at about £350 for 7 nights all inclusive with 3 days at PA/water park and a trip to Tibi, if anyone's interested!) That '&' looks utterly ridiculous.

For those who have been to the park, you will know how far away the Western area is from the China area. :)

Now this one is my favourite: :)
I agree this coaster is looking wonderful, and the ampersand is one wild looking element - especially being a large as it is.
Looking better and better each day now. Hopefully we can get some pictures of the splashdown zone soon.

This is so going to be my holiday this year (looking at about £350 for 7 nights all inclusive with 3 days at PA/water park and a trip to Tibi, if anyone's interested!) That '&' looks utterly ridiculous.

How are you getting it for that price? Would love to hear it as me and the missus are looking into going this year - last time we went was in 2009.

Thanks =]

EDIT: How come the quoting isn't working?
How are you getting it for that price? Would love to hear it as me and the missus are looking into going this year - last time we went was in 2009.

I'd hazard a guess at Expedia, or something similar.
^^ HOLY CRAP! That's the lift hill of Diablo on the left, isn't it! I can't believe that Shambhala is THAT high. There's tall, and then theres, well, ... wow...
Martyn B said:
How are you getting it for that price? Would love to hear it as me and the missus are looking into going this year - last time we went was in 2009.

I'd hazard a guess at Expedia, or something similar.
lowcostholidays.com and attractiontix.com
Kebab said:
^Pretty sure it's one of the woodies. Either way, Shambhala is gigantic! :)

No, it's not. That has to be either Diablo or Silver River Flume's lift hill.

Anyway, somebody posted some random Russian leaflet showing a concept of Shambhala and pretty much confirms what we knew: trains will have V-seating.

Thats great the Behemoth style trains are way better than the traditional side by side seating. It really does provide a much better point of view for each rider even if it does make the trains longer.
Nic said:
Martyn B said:
How are you getting it for that price? Would love to hear it as me and the missus are looking into going this year - last time we went was in 2009.

I'd hazard a guess at Expedia, or something similar.
lowcostholidays.com and attractiontix.com

What dates?

Does anyone know how behemoth loads? Is it two and two or is it all 4 in one bay? Just wondering because it would be weird if it was 4 together and if your in a two then one would have to sit on one of the front seats with a stranger while the other sits behind you.
^ Behemoth loads with 2 bays of 2. The B&M hypers have a very quick boarding process because of the simple restraints.

I hope the trains aren't colored like that :S I don't like the yellow and baby blue.
Venom2053 said:
^ Behemoth loads with 2 bays of 2. The B&M hypers have a very quick bordering process because of the simple restraints.

I hope the trains aren't colored like that :S I don't like the yellow and baby blue.
Bordering? Think you meant Boarding?

There's nothing wrong with those colours, I'd imagine that it's more golden as opposed to yellow, plus, the blue looks the same as the actual track's blue, so it'll fit nicely.
^Yes I fixed it.

I was more pointing to the pairing of the colours. The blue matches the track which is good but the yellow or gold stands out too much. I was hoping for a darker colour like black or a different shade of blue. The blue almost looks like the turquoise on Leviathan which isn't the best match.
Has anyone noticed PortAventura's color scheme for most of their rides consists of blue's, reds and yellows? Just like the park logo? Stampida = blue/red trains, Furius Baco = Blue track (some red on the trains), Dragon Khan = red track + blue train + yellow restraints, Hurakan Condor = Yellow-ish tower, red cars + yellow restraints. And now by the looks of it, Shambhala = white/blue track with yellow trains, don't ask why I thought that out :)
Kebab said:
Has anyone noticed PortAventura's color scheme for most of their rides consists of blue's, reds and yellows?
It's actually easily explainable to be totally honest with you;

Stampida = blue/red trains
Opposing colours, the colours of the trains were actually decided before the park logo was as it is now, these were running at the time of the Universal ownership.

Furius Baco = Blue track (some red on the trains).
Now, this one isn't a definite, but, my guess is that they were basing the colour scheme on the fact that it's Baco, Catalonia's God of Wine, the liquid element of wine an the fact it dives over the water, it also fits in really well with the whole Spanish area for the shutters on the buildings and the seaside areas etc.

Dragon Khan = red track + blue train + yellow restraints.
You do realise they also used to have a Green train and they're still running the Purple train? The red on Dragon Khan is simple really, it's an imperial colour and totally fits in with the overall theme of the China area. Red also stands out against the blue sky of the backdrop etc (until Shambhala). It was a very clever choice of colour.

Hurakan Condor = Yellow-ish tower, red cars + yellow restraints.
Yeah, the choice for these colours were also very clever, not in terms of the car/restraints, but the tower itself, when you're there, you realise that it's not actually a yellow tower, it's made up of a lot of textures of cracks etc which make it seem yellow-er than it actually is. Also, the red gondola's and the yellow restraints are very bold against the tower, this could explain why they were chose.

And now by the looks of it, Shambhala = white/blue track with yellow trains, don't ask why I thought that out.
I think the colour scheme of Shambhala has been chose for several reasons, as I say "THINK". My thoughts are that the white colour of the spine, blue of the track and silver of the supports are simply pretty "mild" colours and aren't actually there to be strong colours as to detract more than it already has from Khan etc. They're also in homage to the Lung Ta flags (Prayer flags of tibet). As they're usually, Red, Yellow, Blue, White & Green (so don't be surprised if you see a lot of green in the area too).

So, yeah, It's nothing to do with the logo of the park at all I don't think as 2 of the attractions out of the 5 named were actually created before the re-branding when PA broke away fro the Universal group.
Yeah, it's the most significantly simple, effective colours, a lot of parks do this, it's more cheerful in my opinion.
New update:

The camelback after the splash is halfway up, crossing over Khan's lift (jeez, are they EVER going to stop raping Khan's beauty? :cry: ) so we can assume that the splash track has also been installed.


And somebody found/stole this picture showing an aerial view of what has been built so far:


Souce: Quaresma from PA-C