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PortAventura fast pass.


Roller Poster
Hi guys,
I have a question!
I'm going to PortAventura this summer and I think to buy the fast pass which offers unlimited access to the attractions. I'll buy it for me and my best friend because she isn't a park enthusiast and I want to have a good day no matter how we have to wait in line.
But how does the fast pass function?
Can we choose the seat we prefer? And will be seat together?

I have never been in PortAventura and this will be my first journey abroad without my parents.

Thank you! :)
For like €50 you can get the unlimited fast pass with guaranteed front row rides on Baco, Khan and Shambhala. The front row is a exclusive fast pass only thing sadly on Sham.

posting from somewhere in the world...
Thank you Mushroom. :--D I have the last question!
Can I and my bf seat together or will the staff separated ourselves? :--D
They separate everyone... Only kidding, of course you can sit next to him!

posting from somewhere in the world...
Thanks! You saved my plans. :angel:
But I've reade somewhere that customers decided ( if we wait in line) our seats. Is it true? :roll:
Port Aventura's ride hosts are complete arses. But if you insist on choosing your seat, they'll back down from arguing. I hate their ride staff, they are some of the worst ever to be employed. Baco has the best staff, they're not so fussed. Its mainly Dragon Khan that they have a problem with you choosing a seat.
Oh thank you very much. :--D
Oh maybe I'll buy the fast pass and I won't have this kind of problems ( I hope.). I think is ridiculous we can't choose our seats! :roll:
If you're staying in a hotel, the fastpass deal is amazing. When I last went 2 years ago, I paid 50 euro and that lasted me my entire holiday of 10 days. You get a wristband and thats yours for however long you stay on resort.
Interesting! But I'll stay in a hostel in Barcellona because we don't have too much money and I'm saving it especially for the fast passes because I pay it for her. :)
I have read that I can buy the combo ticket TRAIN + PARK.
I don't really know about the combo ticket of trains and entrance. This is where Oriol needs to come into the conversation. But still, trains to/from Barcelona are dirt cheap.
You can take things in the park, that's not a problem at all. They rarely check your bags when heading into the park, so don't worry.
Screaming Coasters said:
Actually, I found the food to be reasonably priced and very good quality.

Thanks for all the informations you give :) :angel: Thank to you i'm planning a good day in PortAventura!!

However I'm not stingy but i don't have too much money to spend because I will spend most of it in the fast pass. :)
Screaming Coasters said:
If you're staying in a hotel, the fastpass deal is amazing. When I last went 2 years ago, I paid 50 euro and that lasted me my entire holiday of 10 days. You get a wristband and thats yours for however long you stay on resort.

I thought "Fast passes" are only valid for a day and not 7/10/14 days. With the holiday package if you stay within the theme park you get "free" entrance tickets for the duration of your stay so this is what u prob mean. :--D I'm going there next Sunday for 2 weeks.