That really aggravates me (it's pick on Ollie weekend :lol: ).
Some poor bloke has spent weeks slaving to produce the game. He's trying to entertain, and get himself (or herself) a reputation for producing fun games.
You come along and steal it. this isn't some faceless organisation like EA, where you could (almost, but not quite) justify pirating the software. £50 on the shelf price for a game is a lot - and if it's a bad game, you don't want to pay for it, it's a big risk.
however, this poor guy has just been done out of a fiver, or a tenner or something. It's money that goes directly (pretty much) to the actual guy sitting there doing the coding. If he doesn't get returns, he's not going to keep on writing games. If he stops writing games, it's one less coder out there bringing new, original and fun ideas to the industry. It's another opportunity for EA to excuse the continuous dross they release.
So don't steal from the little man!