Roller Poster
I´m not saying no park has done it before, I just don´t like the look of it ?You've just proved my point...
But I guess a new coaster is a new coaster, so it doesn´t really matter that much.
I´m not saying no park has done it before, I just don´t like the look of it ?You've just proved my point...
Had a look on rcdb, yeah the Madagascar one looks quite different. This will be an interesting new style project for gerstlauer then.There is one Infinity without inversions, but that one is launched. Kärnan would be somewhat comparable as the only inversion is after the speed focused outdoor part, but other than that.
This coaster almost definitely a Gerstlauer Infinity and we've pretty much established this isn't a Junker extension so I don't really understand the unknown in the title regarding the ride type and model.
It was mostly just mumbo jumbo about that the following decade will be epic and filled with thrills, but that the site would be updated regularly with new information.Teasing has begun
2020 | Huvipuistokesä vailla vertaa | PowerPark
Huvipuistokesä vailla vertaa! #kesa2020. Uusi vuosikymmen on täällä ja se tulee näkymään PowerParkissa ennennäkemättömällä tavalla. Kesästä 2020 PowerParkissa tulee kirjaimellisesti kaikkien aikojen huvipuistokesä, mikä saa kokeneemmankin huvipuistoilijan puntit tutisemaan, veden herahtamaan...www.powerpark.fi