I'm not going to improve on Predator, well not yet, but I'll take all of your comments into concern as I'm gradually developing my NoLimits skills, and thus in the future I can look back on my older projects (ala Rusty Jack and Predator), and compare the difference in newer projects
Dave: Like I said above, I'll take this into concern next time I do a project with similarities to this, and looking on it I do agree that the section does look "unstable". Thanks for pointing that out
The Grape Wizard: Thanks for mentioning that, I wasn't expecting too much of this, it was a practise for me alone after all.
Ollie: Also, thanks. I'm working my way up from compact coasters, to larger coasters as I progress, but living in the UK, I become easily inspired by compact coasters such as those at Alton. It does have a few nasty bumps, but thats mainly because I decided to rush the layout and work pretty much entirely on the theming. I'm going to give Wings3D a go for my next project hopefully, I'm completely new to it but I've heard it's pretty easy to catch onto.
Brad: I had the same thoughts at first, but I was thinking of which park Merlin can use to compete against Flamingoland's Mumbo Jumbo. Well, Thorpe already has Saw; Alton already is building something new for next year, and Chessington is in need of something. I was taking Merlin (being a new owner of the park), as advantage to risk take. But a drop of that steepness placed ina family park is rather stupid