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Roller Poster
Im going to Kings Island with my school for after prom and I was wanting to know how much things are going to be at the park. The problem: there is nothing on the site that shows the prices of the merchindise and that is going to be an issue. The whole trip to get there and back and the entrence fee is $25, but that is only for that (and is already paid). There is nothing for food or merch. I was thinking that the prices would be similar to the ones at Cedar Point or am i completly crazy. I was going to take $100 for food, a tee, and sweatshirt. Also, there is going to have to be fast food stops in that as well. I know that I will only eat once in the park and then maybe three to five drinks. From what I have seen on the shop for Cedar Point, a sweatshirt is $40 and a tee is $25 - $30. That would mean that I would have around $30 for food and drinks.

The question: do you think that this is going to be enough or do I need to hit up my mother and father for more money? The hitch, I have to show that I need more money for the trip and then I would have to produce tickects to show that i spent the money. I have terrible parents. I need help please (with the prices :) ).
Moved from General Discussions for obvious reasons.

Oh, and if people put themselves out to get this information for you, try and show a bit of gratitude this time. It doesn't take much to say thank you.
You will be perfectly fine with $100.

Prices are very comparable to Cedar Point (they both are Cedar Fair parks afterall!) and it is better to be safe than sorry.
^ Thats what I thought but parents are rather anal about the money thing.

^^ I thoguht that it was fine in General Discussions because its not a coaster question and I have always shown gratitude. (Unless I forgot about it)
Oh Crap, now I feel bad. Im so sorry that I missed that. The trip was canceled and I completly forgot about it. Again I am so sorry.
^No worries, just me being pissy because I'm tired and generally in a crappy mood.