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Rail strike is Illegal and will be blocked every time.

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  • only tards use trains

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  • I want to murder the RMT leader

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  • Stupid one for a giggle

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No matter what they say//want the RMT can not strike as every action is illegal. As the grounds they site are either ill thought out or even non existent. More competition on the rails would be the best move not the big 5 running the lines. Virgin, UK GOV, First Trans pennine, Midlands, Central/southern rail. More companies are needed to help this action.

(most of the problems are in the south but even that is such a ares ****.)

If only the tards could actually share a brain they would see that they ain't getting anything back apart from less money coming in and problems staking up.
You clearly don't have a clue....

They are striking to save jobs, which is a strong position to stand in. I always think they should put more jobs into the matinence of the railways to help improve it into EU standards, (maybe not high speed, more on time and reliable) its not as silly as Tube drivers striking about pay, which is ridiculous, as they earn £30k a year.
This is a General Poll topic & doesn't belong in Life Outside, which is for trip reports to places outside of Theme/Amusement Parks. Moved
gothicprince said:
No matter what they say//want the RMT can not strike as every action is illegal. As the grounds they site are either ill thought out or even non existent. More competition on the rails would be the best move not the big 5 running the lines. Virgin, UK GOV, First Trans pennine, Midlands, Central/southern rail. More companies are needed to help this action.

(most of the problems are in the south but even that is such a ares <img>.)

If only the tards could actually share a brain they would see that they ain't getting anything back apart from less money coming in and problems staking up.

I swear if I ever see you in the flesh, I will choke your furry little neck.

Yes, unions have problems, mainly human ones: corruption and human greed are in abundance, but on the whole they still do the best for workers. My personal opinion is that insted of asking "how can comapny A strike when company B has it much worse, and is doing nothing" the question should be, " Why isn't company B striking aswell?" I firmly believe that if everyone got as angry as these few lonely unions then maybe we could change things for the better.

As for more competition, well it wouldn't really make any difference when it comes to rail. Service is so poor, the network so underfunded and the consumer so apathetic that it wouldn't change anything.

This may steer the topic to far into politics, but I think the railways are the clearest example we have in this country of how flawed the constant privitisation of public goods and services is.
Making the railways private is one of the best things the government has done. Yes there have been accidents and some companies aren't up to scratch as others, but from what I see its much better today then say 10 years ago when a lot of train lines still had slam door trains from the 1950's!
Dave said:
but from what I see its much better today then say 10 years ago when a lot of train lines still had slam door trains from the 1950's!

Slam door trains loved it <3

But yeah, the rest of Dave's arguement is sound...

Plus there's a lot more train companies than you have listed... So it's not JUST 5... :roll:
Dave said:
Making the railways private is one of the best things the government has done. Yes there have been accidents and some companies aren't up to scratch as others, but from what I see its much better today then say 10 years ago when a lot of train lines still had slam door trains from the 1950's!

Neither of us are old enough to really compare, but statistically our trains/railways are the pits and have been for atleast the last 15 years, and then theres the price, which is beyond extortionate and continues to sky rocket every year with non existant improvments to efficiency or punctuality.
The RMT had called for national rail strike, however due to a FABULOUS bit of law/legislation that the last Conservative Government put in, if a ballot for a strike isn't done pretty much 100% correctly the strike is deemed unlawful and the union legally isn't allowed to go ahead with said strike. In this case the RMT sent out multiple ballots to some signal stations and sent out ballots to non-existent signal boxes! (This also helped out BA with their striking Cabin Crew at Christmas)

Bob Crowe is hiding behind the "safety of the railways" in this case and it's a pretty weak one. There has been only been one fatality in the past 8/9 years on UK railways, a vast improvement in the time before then.

Network Rail needs to make cuts and savings like most companies at the moment. The RMT leaders seem to not realise this.

What I do LOVE about this countries railway network is that we have; Network Rail who own the actually railways and are responsible for their maintenance. Companies who own the trains - Rolling Stock Companies (ROSCO), of which there are 7. And finally 29 or so Train Operating Companies who run different lines according to their franchise agreement by the incompetent Department for Transport.

Basically it's a mess and was a huge mistake by the Conservatives, and then Labour who promised to keep the railways nationalised when ahead and privitised them anyway! Idiots.
^ BUT they are starting to see that its gone tits up and people like Lord Adonis have started to properly research the worst lines, i.e. East Coast which is now owned by the state.
I hate unions and I hate the way railways are run. It's all a massive mess as said before and it is frustrating to think about it all.

I'm glad that the strike got called off, otherwise I would have been fecked next week when trying to get into work.
Even though I sit on the right side of the political fence, I believe that the railways are an important part of our country and should be nationalised and run at non-profit for the sake of our economy, commuting "rights" and dare I say it, helping the environment.

Thankfully I got off my fat arse and learnt to drive. From the little and unpleasant experience I've had from using trains, I'm glad I drive as it's cheaper, quicker and convenient. There's a joke at work knocking about the moment; "I use public transport because I'm rich." Yeah, it's not a funny one, but the irony is there.

Anyway, waffle aside, I personally couldn't give two ****s about a train strike* as I got off my fat arse and learnt to drive, therefore only rarely do I need to travel by train, therefore even ****ing rarer am I affected by a rail strike.

* but I do appreciate the economic downsides etc.
Dave said:
^ BUT they are starting to see that its gone tits up and people like Lord Adonis have started to properly research the worst lines, i.e. East Coast which is now owned by the state.

And will be re-franchised at the end of this year. The government get FAR too much money from the Train Operating Companies to re-nationalise now. The only reason that the East Coast Main Line franchise went into public ownership was because National Express couldn't afford to run it anymore after bidding a stupid amount of money for it and then not making enough to pay the government!

Lord Adonis has been one of the best Transport Ministers (and now Secretary of State for Transport) for a long LONG time in the UK Government seeing as he has actually knows what he is doing. Just a shame he probably won't be there in couple of months!
Now I have a, BIG, stinking, huge, opinion on this. For the time being this is how I make my money in my life when I travel to different shops.

In Short
I don't mind strikes, with a valid point and/or at the correct time of day when it won't affect the economy.
Some train company's are great and some are that spot that a biting insect gave you and it hurts every time you sit down! (Pain in the ass, but part of life!)
I will be affect by strikes always but will get where I need to if I have to. Normally by coach in these hard times.
If its illegal strike it will always be taken to court and won end of.

In Long
First off Southern need to start to ****ing get their act together. Out of the trains I catch with them 9/10 trains have a delay without a valid reason. 1/20 Trains has no delay and 1/20 trains is delayed with a vailed reason like the one on Thurs when I found a sports bag on the train and caused a security scare. :oops: .
Now where do I start with First Capital Connect (Thameslink awhile back) They are the scum of the earth of train services. However some of the trains they run up north are aok. In actual fact sooner or later they will be not running and go bankrupt if they keep on the way they are enough said they are worse than southern.
Virgin all experiences great. Only ridden twice so biased.
South Eastern 50 50 have to say neither good nor bad.
South Western Superb seriously every time I have had trouble sorted out no matter what!.
Gatwick Express Best of the Best.
That's all I can say about train companies now strikes.
Striking at Easter during the day they can shove it up their asses. They also should have privileges taken away as well. Why? Who pays your wages? The Customer. When do they travel most? Day time during holidays and to get to work e.t.c. Get my point? There is a time and a place for everything. And 6-9 April was not. Also do it in the correct way and do it legally for ****s sake. Any court will turn over a strike which is illegal in any way like this one. So do it right. Also doing it right first time will also help you get your message across they are doing for the right reasons not the wrong reasons.
Right now onto privatisation.
Yes good idea. Depending how much a train company pays to have the trains on the track, depends who goes first when a strike and/or delays occur. (My point being Gatwick Express get priority over southern and other train companies.) This also gives the government steady income and one less thing to worry about. We also get better fairs and seating (though some don't see it) through competition. So re-nationalisation? My answer would be to **** on it and flush it down the pan!
Last but not least the environment.
Here is a good table of CO2 emissions per a 150 mile journey.

To see more comparisons in this table click this link below \/
http://www.transportdirect.info/web2/Jo ... tingloop=Y
Very efficient way of reducing carbon foot print, even though some companies and journeys take the piss with crowding and delays. But get it right and you are fine.

Thanks For Reading! I am going to contribute a lot to this conversation.!
Steven said:
Now I have a, BIG, stinking, huge, opinion on this. For the time being this is how I make my money in my life when I travel to different shops.

In Short
I don't mind strikes, with a valid point and/or at the correct time of day when it won't affect the economy.
Some train company's are great and some are that spot that a biting insect gave you and it hurts every time you sit down! (Pain in the ass, but part of life!)
I will be affect by strikes always but will get where I need to if I have to. Normally by coach in these hard times.
If its illegal strike it will always be taken to court and won end of.

In Long
First off Southern need to start to <img> get their act together. Out of the trains I catch with them 9/10 trains have a delay without a valid reason. 1/20 Trains has no delay and 1/20 trains is delayed with a vailed reason like the one on Thurs when I found a sports bag on the train and caused a security scare. :oops: .
Now where do I start with First Capital Connect (Thameslink awhile back) They are the scum of the earth of train services. However some of the trains they run up north are aok. In actual fact sooner or later they will be not running and go bankrupt if they keep on the way they are enough said they are worse than southern.
Virgin all experiences great. Only ridden twice so biased.
South Eastern 50 50 have to say neither good nor bad.
South Western Superb seriously every time I have had trouble sorted out no matter what!.
Gatwick Express Best of the Best.
That's all I can say about train companies now strikes.
Striking at Easter during the day they can shove it up their asses. They also should have privileges taken away as well. Why? Who pays your wages? The Customer. When do they travel most? Day time during holidays and to get to work e.t.c. Get my point? There is a time and a place for everything. And 6-9 April was not. Also do it in the correct way and do it legally for <img> sake. Any court will turn over a strike which is illegal in any way like this one. So do it right. Also doing it right first time will also help you get your message across they are doing for the right reasons not the wrong reasons.
Right now onto privatisation.
Yes good idea. Depending how much a train company pays to have the trains on the track, depends who goes first when a strike and/or delays occur. (My point being Gatwick Express get priority over southern and other train companies.) This also gives the government steady income and one less thing to worry about. We also get better fairs and seating (though some don't see it) through competition. So re-nationalisation? My answer would be to <img> on it and flush it down the pan!
Last but not least the environment.
Here is a good table of CO2 emissions per a 150 mile journey.

To see more comparisons in this table click this link below \/
http://www.transportdirect.info/web2/Jo ... tingloop=Y
Very efficient way of reducing carbon foot print, even though some companies and journeys take the piss with crowding and delays. But get it right and you are fine.

Thanks For Reading! I am going to contribute a lot to this conversation.!

Steven said:
Now I have a, BIG, stinking, huge, opinion on this. For the time being this is how I make my money in my life when I travel to different shops.

In Short
I don't mind strikes, with a valid point and/or at the correct time of day when it won't affect the economy.
Some train company's are great and some are that spot that a biting insect gave you and it hurts every time you sit down! (Pain in the ass, but part of life!)
I will be affect by strikes always but will get where I need to if I have to. Normally by coach in these hard times.
If its illegal strike it will always be taken to court and won end of.

In Long
First off Southern need to start to <img> get their act together. Out of the trains I catch with them 9/10 trains have a delay without a valid reason. 1/20 Trains has no delay and 1/20 trains is delayed with a vailed reason like the one on Thurs when I found a sports bag on the train and caused a security scare. :oops: .
Now where do I start with First Capital Connect (Thameslink awhile back) They are the scum of the earth of train services. However some of the trains they run up north are aok. In actual fact sooner or later they will be not running and go bankrupt if they keep on the way they are enough said they are worse than southern.
Virgin all experiences great. Only ridden twice so biased.
South Eastern 50 50 have to say neither good nor bad.
South Western Superb seriously every time I have had trouble sorted out no matter what!.
Gatwick Express Best of the Best.
That's all I can say about train companies now strikes.
Striking at Easter during the day they can shove it up their asses. They also should have privileges taken away as well. Why? Who pays your wages? The Customer. When do they travel most? Day time during holidays and to get to work e.t.c. Get my point? There is a time and a place for everything. And 6-9 April was not. Also do it in the correct way and do it legally for <img> sake. Any court will turn over a strike which is illegal in any way like this one. So do it right. Also doing it right first time will also help you get your message across they are doing for the right reasons not the wrong reasons.
Right now onto privatisation.
Yes good idea. Depending how much a train company pays to have the trains on the track, depends who goes first when a strike and/or delays occur. (My point being Gatwick Express get priority over southern and other train companies.) This also gives the government steady income and one less thing to worry about. We also get better fairs and seating (though some don't see it) through competition. So re-nationalisation? My answer would be to <img> on it and flush it down the pan!
Last but not least the environment.
Here is a good table of CO2 emissions per a 150 mile journey.

To see more comparisons in this table click this link below \/
http://www.transportdirect.info/web2/Jo ... tingloop=Y
Very efficient way of reducing carbon foot print, even though some companies and journeys take the piss with crowding and delays. But get it right and you are fine.

Thanks For Reading! I am going to contribute a lot to this conversation.!

There may or may not be a good arguement there. Your sentence construction is so bad It made my brain hurt trying to work it out.