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Random news! - Maradona bitten in face by dog

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No projector. It was a Russian ballistic missile that misfired... for the eighth time.

http://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/arti ... tid=596546

At least, when Norway tests our missiles, we don't fire towards Russia. And ours actually work. So if any Russians is reading this, we really rather you didn't scare the people of Lofoten with your misfires. You have Siberia to test your rockets in. Nobody will notice if it fails there either.
^ AW POOR THING! She was adorable, hugging that teddy bear and stuff! I mean on the bright side, she lived a long and healthy life which most people don't even get to have, but still, to be murdered is terrible. The other old lady must have been pretty strong though, to be able to do that.

Poor woman, she seemed loved too!
Remember these muder loving couple?

Well they breached their ASBO on loud sex. *shudders*

The people who come up with these reports must have nothing better to do than trying to ruin the fun of Christmas. Its tradition for Santa to be fat and eat pies and drink brandy.
Santa is ment to be a jolly fat man thats one of the things about him.
Yah.. I'm so sure a kid is gonna start drinking because "Santa did it".

And that couple is gross :p . It's okay to be loud in bed but come on, the way the people made them sound is just nasty :p .
Brilliant. I know it's kinda cheating, but it is cool.

Would've been better on the Millennium though...
Chinese shopping centre builds 'women only' car park with extra wide car parking spaces so to avoid collisions while parking xD

Haha, I wish they made those here. One of the major reasons I hate going to busy stores or malls is because I know I have to park, and I suck at it. So extra wide spaces would be awesome <3

That's cool about the twins born in different decades though.
Can't see how pouring a glass of wine over some dickhead makes anyone more amazing than they may have been before, personally - can't blame her for doing it though.
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