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Random news! - Maradona bitten in face by dog

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That sickens me. Even when the shoppers were informed the employee was dead they still kept shopping! That's just wrong.
Will said:

Reminds me of this:
http://www.funnychill.com/media/460/Her ... _A_Rabbit/

Slash - somebody said in response to the news article. The teen was 17!!! At that age:

a) you shouldn't need to be having your parents ban you from this kind of thing as a punishment - you're an adult by then and should be treated as one.

b) as an adult, you should be taught how to cope in these situations, and how to react, not lash out like a toddler.

It's clear he was an unpleasant person, and did this purely from spite.
I'm sure the first thought of any child when they hear that nursery rhyme is "oh that reminds me to get the beers in tonight!".

It's ****ing political correctness no matter how they try to diguise it.

In the two cases out of 20,000 so far seen...

MMF still sings about Black sheep at nursery. The pigs are still made homeless by their mother and force onto the dole and housing benefit which barely gets them enough to scrounge together to buy some hay and straw, and sailors, most definitely, remain drunken.

Come round and listen to the family_furie tales sometime... ;)
Has the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears been changed yet?
If it hasn't, then it should!

I mean, it encourages kids to break into other peoples houses, steal their food and then sleep in their beds! How on earth is this acceptable???
^The link doesn't work for me it comes up with an alert saying, "ttp is not a registered protocol".
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