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Random news! - Maradona bitten in face by dog

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^^ He was found at home.

If i was a cynic - i'd say the dad set the whole thing up for attention and to show off his balloon.
I was watching this on and off since I got home from school while I was at my dad's having dinner. It was pretty funny I thought.. I mean it would have obviously been tragic if he fell out of the balloon but, really? A fourty/fifty pound boy in a helium balloon? No. We had guessed he was hiding at home the entire time.. And laughed at the fact at how many people got involved and how they were like "WE'RE HERE TO HELP YOU", opened the balloon, and nobody was in it :p .
It got me thinking - the news crews were covering the "opening" of the balloon live...

What if a dead young boy plopped out of it on national tv?
^Oh geez, that would be weird..

But.. Weren't they figuring you might like, die if you were exposed to only helium for that long? It's bad to inhale helium, so three hours inhaling it? Might not be so good for you.
Would be better if he was in the balloon and it birust into flames! You know, with dramatic music and everything.

Then again if it did burst into flames it woulden't be a helium balloon.
Looks like "mr cynic" was right about the balloon kid.

Kid admits to it being a scam on live tv:


"We did it for the show"

This is a family that has appeared on reality tv show "wife swap"...

EDIT: Found this in local news website.. "Balloon boy family may face huge bill"
http://www.theprovince.com/Balloon+fami ... story.html
Wow.. I'd have freaked out so bad if I were the mom, which it looked like she was. Amazing that the baby lived, but obviously it was below where the bottom of the train would not have touched him.

About the balloon kid.. Yah sure it might have just been for the show but, a bill? I mean, if it WERE real and everything, why would the family get a bill when the rescue people were just doing that they should have done? THEY were at work, being paid for it, so why send the family a bill?

EDIT- I really like the name Falcon though.. Very nicee.
If it WAS real.. they wouldnt get a bill.

If it wasnt then they've just wasted a lot of tax payers money just for their own publicity
Im doing you via Trades Description Ollie! You said Oz Baby! Immediately I thought of munchkins and yellow brick roads, tin men and lions with crappy hearts! Thanks for ruining my altogether awesome imaginative daydream of everything in Oz ending in bloody greatness!
The Balloon Boy's family have also been pitching a reality tv show about their "wacky" family to several US tv networks with no success..

When you can't find fame, let fame find you, lock your child in an attic!
, why would the family get a bill when the rescue people were just doing that they should have done? THEY were at work, being paid for it, so why send the family a bill?
Who pays the wages and equipment running costs of the rescue workers?

I saw that pram in front of a train incident on the news...Definitely one of the few things that has made me go "Oh ****" in recent times.
^ Yeah but they were just taking the precautions necessary in case the boy WAS in the balloon. Just because he wasn't, doesn't mean they should bill the family. If they can 100% prove it was a hoax, then sure, but if they can't, then no.
If my parents named me Falcon, appeared on Wife Swap and made hot air balloons then I would have been out of there like a shot and jumped straight in the balloon.

I still can't believe that the baby in the buggy survived getting hit by the train. Crazy.
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