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Rank your Ridden B&M Inverts

1. Nemesis
(Stands out above the rest. Mental ride.)

2. Montu
3. Black Mamba
4. Katun
(Basically all contenders for no. 2)

5. Chinese Fireball
6. Batman @ SFMM
7. Hungarian Hortail
8. Nemesis Inferno

God, was this really my last list!? 😂 Some significant additions needed since my last ranking in 2019! New additions in Bold, moved in Italics.

1. Black Mamba
2. Montu
3. Great Bear
4. Alpengiest
5. Nemesis
6. Katun
7. Chinese Fireball
8. Hungarian Hortail
9. Nemesis Inferno
10. Afterburn
11. Batman @ SFMM
12. Batman @ SFOG

Great Bear - Unique, fun, floaty. A very underrated invert.
Alpengiest - The first half of this ride is better than anything below it! It's just a shame the midcourse grinds it to a hault, could be number 1 of the inverts :(
Afterburn - A bit too strong on the positives for my liking.
Batman at SFOG - Wayyy too strong on the positives for my liking

Nemesis - Hopefully retrack gives it the necessary love to get back on top!
Black Mamba - Goes to the top after some truly incredible night rides at Wintertraum in 2021.
Batman at SFMM - Dropped as I found Batman at SFOG absolutely disgusting to ride.
God, was this really my last list!? 😂 Some significant additions needed since my last ranking in 2019! New additions in Bold, moved in Italics.

1. Black Mamba
2. Montu
3. Great Bear
4. Alpengiest
5. Nemesis
6. Katun
7. Chinese Fireball
8. Hungarian Hortail
9. Nemesis Inferno
10. Afterburn
11. Batman @ SFMM
12. Batman @ SFOG

Great Bear - Unique, fun, floaty. A very underrated invert.
Alpengiest - The first half of this ride is better than anything below it! It's just a shame the midcourse grinds it to a hault, could be number 1 of the inverts :(
Afterburn - A bit too strong on the positives for my liking.
Batman at SFOG - Wayyy too strong on the positives for my liking

Nemesis - Hopefully retrack gives it the necessary love to get back on top!
Black Mamba - Goes to the top after some truly incredible night rides at Wintertraum in 2021.
Batman at SFMM - Dropped as I found Batman at SFOG absolutely disgusting to ride.

Black Mamba is shamefully overlooked these days.
Front row is still amazing imho.
1. Black Mamba - Amazing coaster! Constantly hugging the terrain with plenty of near-misses and the theming is incredible. It's one of the rare occasions on a B&M where I found front row to be more intense too.

2. Montu - A big old-school invert with some whippy and forceful moments (especially the bat-wing).

3. Nemesis - Super forceful and intense but a little on the short-side these days since I've been on the others. Love the terrain hugging on this one too though.

4. Nemesis Inferno - It's still a good, whippy and intense invert, but just no where near as good as the others on this list.
1: Nemesis
Still reigns King. Fast paced and the perfect amount of intensity.

2: Black Mamba
Very close to Nemesis. Basically the German nephew, amazing theming and great use of the Invert model with it's trenches and all.

3: Montu
A little overrated in my opinion, but it's definitely one of B&M's most intense coasters, maybe a little too long for it's own good, but it's still a top tier invert with an insane amount of whip.

4: Oziris
The newer and more refined version of Montu, not quite as intense but still pretty forceful.

5: Monster (Gröna Lund)
The least intense of all, but setting can go a long way and that's what makes this coaster such a memorable experience.

6: Dragon Challenge (Chinese Fireball)
if I was to rate it based on my duelling rides back in 2006, I would of put it in the top 3, but as it no longer dueled on my last rides in 2014, it did hurt the experience. On it's own it was a solid ride, but it did have a couple of dead spots.

7: Nemesis Inferno
Inferno has always been a solid coaster based on my rides, it just doesn't have enough for it to stand out above the rest.

8: Dragon Challenge (Hungarian Horntail)
It was a good coaster, but it's one of the few B&Ms which I have felt headbanging, the cobra roll has the main culprit. It also died out in the second half.
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Black Mamba
Nemesis Inferno
Batman the Ride
Dueling Dragons (Red)
Dueling Dragons (Blue)
Raptor - one of the most unpleasant experiences I’ve ever had on a B&M so that **** is dead last.
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1. Montu - An absolute beast of a coaster. It's intense, whippy and has some standout elements (batwing obviously). Until I rode this I didn't think much of the ride model, but this coaster absolutely shows how good B&M Inverts can be. Currently top 10 worthy.
2. OzIris - This coaster shocked me with how close it came to beating Montu. The drop is stellar and the layout is so unqiue and unexpected. I loved the interaction with the plaza/terrain. Each element provided something new and exciting and the zero g's were just perfection. Again currently top 10 worthy, but sadly just at number 10. Given i'll be riding Untamed in a month it's days are numbered. It'll be a shame to loose it to be honest. Absolutely cracking ride.
3. Nemesis Inferno - Here's where the quality drops from exceptional to just good. I always have a good time on Inferno, it's a lot of fun and each element hits well. I always find the loop to be nice and forceful and the zero g to be suitably whippy. It's nothing mind blowing, but it leaves me smiling on the break run.
4. Nemesis - Dare I say here's where the quality drops again... I just don't get the hype. The first half is excellent, i'll give you that. I love the uniqueness of the first drop directly into the corkscrew. It's a nice punchy start to the ride, especially when combined with the wild helix that tears your face off. But then the ride dies. The zero g is... ok? Nothing compared to the Inferno inversion. Then once you hit the first stall the ride dies completely. The loop is surprisingly lacking in force, the second stall is dull and then the final corkscrew never fails to give me absolutely nothing. I wish I could appreciate the ride more, but honestly give me Oblivion, Smiler and Wicker Man any day over Nemesis.
4. Nemesis - Dare I say here's where the quality drops again... I just don't get the hype. The first half is excellent, i'll give you that. I love the uniqueness of the first drop directly into the corkscrew. It's a nice punchy start to the ride, especially when combined with the wild helix that tears your face off. But then the ride dies. The zero g is... ok? Nothing compared to the Inferno inversion. Then once you hit the first stall the ride dies completely. The loop is surprisingly lacking in force, the second stall is dull and then the final corkscrew never fails to give me absolutely nothing. I wish I could appreciate the ride more, but honestly give me Oblivion, Smiler and Wicker Man any day over Nemesis.
That was pretty much my experience upon riding it in 2019; however, my 2022 ride was significantly better, and now I consider it one of the best B&Ms I’ve done. I think Nemesis is prone to having some bad days, and on those it is a decent ride, but nothing more. When did you ride it?
That was pretty much my experience upon riding it in 2019; however, my 2022 ride was significantly better, and now I consider it one of the best B&Ms I’ve done. I think Nemesis is prone to having some bad days, and on those it is a decent ride, but nothing more. When did you ride it?
Oh unfortunately i've visited the park many times over the years and the only memorable rides I have on it are from 2012's fireworks event where I managed to get some front row rides during the fireworks themselves. That was quite something, although sadly situational. It's unfortunately down there as one of the weaker B&M's for me. Galactica is pretty much the only one i'd score below. Even Kraken tops it. However that being said, i'm excited for the retrack. It's nice to see a much loved ride receive the attention it deserves.
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I don’t blame you for saying that, I just wanted to figure out if you just rode it one day or on multiple occasions. As the latter one is the case, I might not agree with you, but a)it’s down to personal preferences and b) You are likely to have had more rides on it then I did.
I just saw my „old“ opinion in your post, and thought it might have been the same issue.