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Raptor - B&M 'Wing-Rider' - Gardaland

All those rides are indeed interesting to me as well. Apart from for me the launched Abu Dhabi ride. But then these are opinions and I wasnt meaning to question yours. i was just wondering why you felt that way.

For me the simple fact that this is a new type of ride for B&M to take on makes it more interesting for me. Just as I found the construction of Medusa, Air and Apollo. (Kumba and BTR were just before I became an enthusiast). Add to that the addition of not knowing the layout (which as I mentioned before makes it much more exciting for me) I'm following this one more closely than any other this year even if I am not expecting a Ratings monster.

(no, we're not playing the "BUT THATZ THIS YEAR! game, because you're pulling strings and all of them are new rides)
And I'm not trying to be annoying but I have nooo idea what you meant by that.
Indeed, They are all new rides
To paraphrase Douglas Adams, "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Anyhow moving on. I'm pretty interested in all 3 of B&M's projects this year (all 4 if Ocean Parks Stand-Up moves forwards) as we don't know much about 2 of them and the other contains that interesting looking 540degree zero-g hill.

It's also a nice change of pace from last year with only Intimidator holding the fort for B&M.
Even though the theme suggests otherwise, I'm expecting this ride to be more like Air than any other coaster I can think of. Especially given the recentness of 13, which was marketed with an intense scary theme in a similar fashion. Whether or not such similarities between different parks in different countries will show is another thing entirely.

If it's anything like Furious Baco, or Air, which are both totally different... I'll like it, possibly love it. Furios Baco is amazing. Better than the oh so overated Khan. No idea why people hate it.

As for UC's point here...
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:35 am
^Yeah, people said that with X. Let's face it, there is no "coaster revolution" any more. Types will fade in and out of popularity, but the days of there being some massive new ride that leads to an arms race are more or less over (e.g. Magnum, Kumba, B:TR).

Parks are too well established at this point, and the prototypes we see nowadays are either so bizarre and specific that they don't really catch on (S&S Free Fly) or are simply another manufacturer's take on something that's already been done (X-Raptor).
I pretty much agree. But I think the last revolution, of sorts, was the launching coaster. It's still having it's impact now, what with rides like Maverick and now assumably Cheetah Hunt or whatever it's called, showing the vastness of what can still be done with the launch. Launching coasters are almost as varied as their chain lift counterparts these days.
Joey said:
No idea why people hate it.

Because it's painful and completely lacks anything in the thrill department after the launch?

I'm curious about this ride, just to see what B&M do to counter the whole "it's a superb ride, as long as you're on row 5, inside right" issue Baco has (I did that, it's less painful, but dull instead).

A "proper drop" with those trains could be fun, and I think you're right Joey, this is more likely to be a "fun sensation" coaster like air, rather than a high intensity ride. Time (and a layout) will tell...
I LOVED what B&M did as their version of Vekoma's flyer, I thought it really took it to the next level.

Thats why I'm excited about this project. I'm a massive B&M fan anyway, so this is my most anticipated ride for 2011 (even if I probably won't get to ride it). I'm trying to figure out what elements the ride will have, what kinda pacing and such.

For the past few years B&M have been improving their hyper coasters to have a completely open feel, with the new seating arrangement, you always have a front seat feel (kinda). I think this is maybe a development on that idea. You'll have no track above or below you, that why I think B&M were attracted to it.

Anyway, I hope there's new updates soon, I love this stage of construction, the track usually flies up. Wouldn't be suprised if it's almost all up in a week.
Joey said:
Even though the theme suggests otherwise, I'm expecting this ride to be more like Air than any other coaster I can think of. Especially given the recentness of 13, which was marketed with an intense scary theme in a similar fashion.
I don't think so. In the press release Gardaland said that it'll be "the most intense ride in italy", meaning that it has to surpass both iSpeed and Katun which is a very forcefull ride! Whether it'll be more intense then Katun or not is probably a matter of opinion though, but X-Raptor will sure be on the more intense side of the trhill scale!
Alternatively, Alton Towers claimed 13 was going to be the world's most frightening rollercoaster - which it clearly is... as long as you haven't actually been on the ride or read anything about it other than the press releases ;)

Inversion it is!!
I'm really curious how the seating will look in comparison to the 4th dimension trains/furious baco.
andrus said:
Joey said:
Even though the theme suggests otherwise, I'm expecting this ride to be more like Air than any other coaster I can think of. Especially given the recentness of 13, which was marketed with an intense scary theme in a similar fashion.
I don't think so. In the press release Gardaland said that it'll be "the most intense ride in italy", meaning that it has to surpass both iSpeed and Katun which is a very forcefull ride! Whether it'll be more intense then Katun or not is probably a matter of opinion though, but X-Raptor will sure be on the more intense side of the trhill scale!
That's just marketing. Every park likes to claim it's coaster is the most intense. Thorpe claimed that when Inferno opened.

Besides, "intense" is one of those words that doesn't really mean anything and is interpretable in so many different ways. Most people associate it with positive Gs, but how many parks accurately give the the right G forces?

If it does turn out to be an Air in dressed up like Oblivion, that will be a bit tragic in a way. I appreciate that marketing a ride as something NOT scary is difficult to get right, but I wish more parks would take on the challenge. I have a huge appreciation for Air, because via it's marketing ALONE it got my mother, who won't go on ANYTHING ELSE to ride it, and yet it's enjoyed by so many and it remained the most popular ride in the park for years.

As for that photo, wtf is going on. This thing is looking cooler.
I know this isn't going to add anything to the discussion, but I feel its worth mentioning. I absolutely LOVE what Gardaland have done with the website for this new attraction. I know they also went to a fair bit of effort to theme the area around the construction site on park. There's a clear back story, the website is beautifully themed, and they've gone to a lot of effort to get construction photos which also add to the story (with the inclusion of costumed characters). Other parks should look at the excellent job they're doing and learn from it.
Well I personally think you can do it in two ways. You can take the sensible option, do the marketing like Garda have where yu do mention it WILL be intense, do actors and the like.


You can go with the Towers, do an update every so often and say it's the 'Ultimate Roller Coaster' and go completely off the charts saying how amazing it is.

In my opinion, Garda are being sensible..
To be fair though UC, Alton was giving next to no info about the ride and all of the hype was being generated solely off of the claims that Alton was making. While it is true that both Alton and Gardaland are using actors and elaborate updates to hype the ride, Gardaland has been giving updates that show you the ride in construction.
Of course, 95% of people aren't enthusiasts and most likely don't look at construction updates. So.. marketing strategy isn't a total fail regardless of how they update anything.