I’d say that my favourite of Blackpool’s crop is
Nickelodeon Streak. It’s not the greatest woodie I’ve ever ridden, but the layout is fun enough and it’s not too rough either.
I’d say that Big Dipper and Grand National have stronger layouts than Streak on paper, but the roughness puts them down a peg to varying degrees for me.
Big Dipper is the less rough of the two, and has some nice pops of airtime in places, but is still pretty rough and a bit too rough for my personal taste.
Grand National has an excellent layout, and would easily be one of my favourite Blackpool coasters if it were smoother, but my last ride was just absolutely
brutal. I may have ridden in a bad seat, but it was just a non-stop battering from start to finish; easily one of the roughest coasters I’ve ever ridden, and I’d say it’s in my bottom 15 overall purely due to how ridiculously rough it is.
So in terms of personal preference, I’d rank the 3 of them as follows:
- Nickelodeon Streak
- Big Dipper
- Grand National
However, in terms of the actual layouts, I’d almost say that my ranking would be the inverse of that. It’s the roughness that holds Dipper and National back for me, National more so than Dipper.