slash1994 said:
7/10 made me chuckle, but i thought my joke as good, everyone has pissed themselves before now...
Slash, I've heard that joke dozens of times and told it even more often. I've even posted it here a few pages back. So to speak, I see/hear/tell that joke about twice a week.
And it never gets old. I'd given it a 10.
Cripollo, 10 for your avatar, 9 for the joke. Made me chuckle.
A man was on holiday in a town somewhere in Arabia. One day, he had nothing to do, so he walked to the bazaar area to rent a camel.
"This is a very good camel", the camel man said. "Just say "phew", to make it walk. If you think that it goes too slowly, say "phew-phew", and it will start running. To make it stop, just say "amen". It can't get simpler."
And the man "phew"-ed away. The camel walked slowly out of the town, and out in the desert. It humped along, but the man wanted it to go a bit faster. So he tried a "phew-phew".
Not had the word passed his lips, before the camel started galloping like it had the devil himself behind him. The man was utterly shocked by the sheer speed of the animal, and hung on for his dear life.
Suddenly, he saw that the camel was heading straight for a ravine. He had completely forgot how to stop the camel, and tried all the synonyms to "stop" he knew. And none of them worked. In desperation, he shouted a short prayer, and finished with amen. And the camel stopped on the spot, its hooved mere millimeters from the edge of the ravine.
"Th-that was close. T-t-too close. I-I'm-I'm alive! Phew!"