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Seem like like a awesome member, but I only see you around the fourms anly at times. (I guess the same could be said about me)
LiveForTheLaunch said:
300/10, I mean, how could I say otherwise? You're like, one of the most loved on here :P


ONE of the most loved???

Taylor... 5/10 for being utterly inperspicacious!

ONE of the most loved???

Taylor... 5/10 for being utterly inperspicacious!

I apologize Furie. Does this sound better?

10000000/10, and the #1 most loved member to ever grace the forums.

Also, do you mean inperspicuous? The word you put didn't quite show up on dictionary.com :P

7.5/10 for David, don't know you that well.
valleyfair! said:
9/10 A great member and I notice you more then your post count describes. But we don't talk on AIM or MSN.

Thats because I don't have any of those... :P

jacob21, 7/10. Don't notice you very much!