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Rate the Person Above

I'm not really sure if I can give you less than a 10.

Wait, I can.


;) Just for funsies.
What can I say, Sam has to be a
ing 10/
ing 10
Offers free hosting at ImageShack - Awesome!

Pity I won't see you again at this years GF, as I reckon you'd be more outgoing and less overwhelmed and great to chat to!

Apart from some over-opinionation, great member :)

Furie! How could it be anything less than 10/10?!?!

(on another note i love posting in this topic because i'm quite sure i'm unknown to plenty of the forum and that makes it fun ^.^)
Ollie said:
9/10 until I meet you. :)

Then it'll go down? ;)

Erm... Tough one... You've come on leaps and bounds since you first joined, but you still have a little way to go. You've become a well integrated member though, and the general membership seems to like you.

9/10 because it means you're still a little bland ;)