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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

They where made by rach LfL

Ava 7/10 just generally nice.

Sig 0/10 I dislike high constrast/inverted colours sorry
^Great set, 9/10 for both.
Colourful, well designed and interesting.
Very good.
Haveing the top 1o as well lessens the impact though, so 7.5/10 overall, could be higher if you just had the Nemesis sig.
Ava: 9/10 - Nice clear shot and the colours show nicely.
Sig: 9/10 - Unusual to have a top 5 instead of a top 10 but they're quite good choices and the pictures are really good. :)
What you said!
Ava: 9/10
Sig: 10/10
(copied from your post)
The avatar only falls short of a ten because I feel that it lacks some colurs. The sig, however, easily deserves a ten.
Wakka Wakka Wakka!
Muppet Oddjob!
A bunch of games!
And a Steven quote!

That's a nine.



It's not my thing, but it doesn't look bad.
Hmm, weird set to rate.
The ava is simple but I like it.
The sig, I'm not keen on as the NMTB bit ruins it and the image of the Big Dipper behind it is very dull and grainy.

Ava: 7/10
Sig: 4/10