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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

^It was for me as well. But when I refreshed the page it worked in time. :)

Anyway. 7/10 for both.
Fits your rather evil sounding name well enough, but so far as I can tell its just random blood everywhere for no reason.
Ava: 9/10.. awesome shot, but don't like the wave in the middle and the contrast with the white background
Sig: 10/10.. you sexy bitch you. :)
Avatar: 9. I had a little issue with the thin line going across his beard, until I realised that it was his wand (silly me). Still, a very good avatar.

Sig: 10. That's it, really. Nice touch with the I.
Cheers, i think it's a quality set but i can't take the credit, that's all Rach's!

Ava: 9/10 Like the types in the background

Sig: 9/10 Simple but effective
They are a tad messy if you get what i mean. Too much in the sig. Ava is good though.

So overall....

Avatar: Great, 8/10

Sig1: No Å, 2/10 (With Å, 10/10, of course)
CC: 6/10, a little messy
NP: 7/10, good but not outstanding.
Ava: 6/10 It's alright. Nothing special though
Sig: 8/10 Average ride, but nice shot. Colours could be a bit brighter though.