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Rate the Sig and Avatar - II

F.A.S.T. said:
Xpress, you post WAY to much in forum fun!

Ava: 6/10
Sig: 8/10

Can I ask why that bother's people

Anyway on to yours xpress 9/10, still lovin the batman
Not sure about this one...

Erm.. 7.5/10 for the Ava. Maybe 7/10 on the sig.

I had to have a Heroes set at some point mixed with a coaster. I had to have my favourite actress', Kristen and Hayden. I only just found out that Kristen loves coasters and was one of the first to ride Magnum, CP. Shes also a lovely person and is beautiful :--D I have to meet these two at some point in my life!

Thats my reason for doing this set :wink:
And faster than you can say "furie has a new sig" here comes my rating. :lol:

Well, The Offspring are good, so it's a good start :) Nice neat set though, consistent, clean just a shame Dexter has half his face missing.

9/10 for both though :)
You sig and avatar lack consistency as the bunny holds a sword in your sig but not in your avatar... WHY?

Also the bunny contains a bright orange ear in the avatar but not in the sig and I'm making this up as I go along and cant think of aything :|

So since its furies sig and contains his "essence?"

I rate your set


Tough one to rate because it is well made, but I do not understand the language on it, so I shall give it a nice neat 8/10 for both :)
It's a nice set 7/10

the noly problem is not your fault and that is the weather, it's pretty lousy and takes away from the look of the set IMO
Ava: Track seems too small, but I like the clouds. 9.
Sig: EXCELLENT cutting, but I don't like how the track just seems to hit a brick wall at the top, bottom, and sides, if you know what I mean. 9.
10 - The money shot!
9 - Very good, but not great

I like the idea of having a set for each of your top ten!