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RCT2 Help, Information and Requests


Hyper Poster
Hello everyone,
Lately there's been a lot of topics asking for help in RCT2. I've been able to answer the questions rather in depth, so I thought I'd set up a topic for people wanting help.

Just post your question about how to theme or make coasters, hacking, scenery pieces, or other things and I'll hopefully get back to you with the answer.

Is there any way to get the railroads to operate in shuttle mode?
Well, I've never tried it, but I believe that you can use 8 cars per trainer to find your ride and change the operating mode to shuttle. The next time I get into RCT I'll test that out and see what happens.
CP6 I know I've been bugging you aboot this for a long long time it's just that I try to do the get rid of the supports thingy but they bloody won't go away! And what do you mean by "You aren't lowering the track back to where it was before are you?". Does that mean I have to lower the track back to ground level or something? Arrrrgh! This is making me angry!
Ive got a huge problem with my park - Basically its my first attempt at using hacks (im using 8 Cars) and somehow or other i managed to stop people entering my park. It is open and there's a path connected to the entrance. The peeps walk up to the entrance and dont go through it. :evil:

Do you know what i can do to sort this? if you want to see the park please PM me.

The Claw- Hmm, I'm sorry if I've said track because I meant land. I'll put up the picture once again.

Once you lower the land, place the block, and pull up the land is your support gone?
If so, then it works... if not, then your version (you're in Australia, right?) might not have this little glitch in there.
But assuming it does work until there, you cannot lower the land back to the height it was when you placed the block. You see, the block is still there... if you were to do the underground view you'd see the block. But if you lower the land back down over the block again, it deletes it... so if you don't do that it should work.

Whizzkid- Unfortunately, I'm not thinking there's much you can do. I had the same thing happen to me (see
Crystal Springs Oasis). You might try asking some people over at www.nedesigns.com, but I haven't found any way of getting around it. Sorry!


This is a TRAM CAR track, with hacked railroad cars. To do this, Build you tram car track as normally and then open 8 cars, edit ride stats, find your ride, and change the "Train Type" to whatever railroad thing you want. An interesting thing I noticed is that on the way back to the start station... the train runs in reverse... quite interesting actually and rather realistic.

Thanks everybody, keep the questions coming.
Well CP6 yes I am in Australia and I am going to take the theory that my version DOES NOT have the bloody glitch in it. All it does is get rid of the foundation thingy at the bottom of the support. Thanx for trying anyway. I'm gonna have to find out a way to make the support go away myself. By the way, is there a trainer or some tool where I can create custom track pieces for rides so I can make giga coasters go vertical corkscrew coasters have banked corners and stuff?
Yes, I really don't know what's up with that support thing. Use the invisible support blocker scenery (you have it since you downloaded Winter Wonderland). It's located under the "small scenery tab of the game. Another thing I just thought of is 8 cars. Have you used the zero clearancing feature before? If so, open up the park that you're having the support troubles with and Restore Clearances in 8 cars. It's a long shot, but well I don't have anything else.

For making coasters do stuff they can't, there's not a hack that will make that track do what you want. However, you can use other tracks through merging and general raising or lowering to make things look different then they are. For example, I've included a screen from Fright Nights by Phatage (one of my favorite parkmakers that can do some insane stuff). He used the Impulse track to create a look of a vertical drop. You can't merge an impulse with a giga (or I don't think so, I haven't tried), but instead he merged it with a B&M coaster so he could go vertical, and then just built the impulse right over that with 8 cars. It's very nice actually.

I know I've downloaded that park it is amazing! Too bad the ride has an Ultra-Extreme Intensity rating. Anyway, so how do you merge track like that? do you have to zero clearance both tracks and then raise/lower the track onto the ride? Also, the wierd thing aboot the supports is that on your Winter Wonderland park for example, the supports are gone but if you get rid of the base block and then replace it won't work. How odd.
Again, that's probably a version thing with the supports. The file comes from US version and when you delete my supports, Aussie version kicks in and doesn't let you do that... so lousy.

This track merge is quite a simple one to pull off. The inverted impulse coaster (the vertical box track) has nothing to do with the coaster. It's just scenery. The track is really merged right before and right after this element. It uses a B&M track that can do these kind of elements and then merges it onto the giga coaster. The inverted impulse track was either built and then lowered onto this track or was built where it is now under zero-clearance mode. I find lowering to be easier. I would ask Phatage which method he used, but he never tells how he does his hacks. I'd say he used zero-clearancing.

And about the stats, you really can't get a hacked coaster to have realistic stats. The hacking sort of screws that over. But I don't usually look at stats (or open my parks) so they really don't matter to me. I can usually tell whether or not a coaster would be a killer or not... it's more commen sense then anything I guess.
CedarPoint6 said:
For example, I've included a screen from Fright Nights by Phatage (one of my favorite parkmakers that can do some insane stuff). He used the Impulse track to create a look of a vertical drop. You can't merge an impulse with a giga (or I don't think so, I haven't tried), but instead he merged it with a B&M coaster so he could go vertical, and then just built the impulse right over that with 8 cars. It's very nice actually.

That looks really stupid! Couldn't he have at least used the B&M vertical drop, so the track doesn't change half way through?
Well, he wanted to keep as much of the giga look as he could so that's why he used the impulse where he could... Now he could easily have tightened the top hat and used the giga throughtout, but this was easier and I don't really mind the look... When you see how the coaster operates as a whole it's simply amazing.
Hey can i have that fright nights download and what is a good way from making blocky stations?

thanks if you can help :D
Here's the Fright Nights Download:

I suggest checking out other Spotlights, Runner Ups, and Designs on that site (New Element). They are known for having the most intricate work in the RCT community. Also look out though, because many downloads are still RCT 1 as that is still trhiving there along with RCT2.

As for stations... experiment with shapes. Even a rectangle or square can turn out nice if you add detail. I have two examples of pretty good stations for you- one with custom scenery, the other without.

This first one has no custom scenery. You can see how he used different textures, almost creating different buildings as one. Don't be afraid to use paths or even ride tracks in your theming... sometimes it will turn out just right. This is in the Enchanted Elements series by SFgadv02, who I believe used to be 'Air' here at CF...are you still around?

And with custom scenery you can do so much more. To be honest, this screen doesn't really have much custom stuff, which makes it even better... But the way Artist put this thing together is really very nice. He took advantage of the area lining the path to put a lot of nice stuff for people to look at.
While reading the topics for the competition I saw people talking about zero ground clearance and how it was going to be in the next competition. I have no idea what this is or how you do it. Can you explain please?
Actually, it's your lucky day... I've just finished the page on zero clearancing over on my new RCT Hacking website. Go here to see it, and click on the zero clearancing link on the right.


If you need me to clarify anything or have any further questions, please ask.
Hey man, sorry for such a n00bed question, but where to I post LL park adverts. round these parts. I mean its a pretty good LL and i just wanna get some comments on it?

Well, to be honest I don't think anybody even uses LL around here anymore. You can post it in the RCT2 Forum, and make sure you make sure people know that it's there. Looking forward to it.
Hiya dude. this is one that probably gets asked a lot but How do I add cutom music to one of my rides? I have found a fantastic piece I want to use, just have not got the foggiest clue how to do it. What format do they have to be in too? Will mp3 work?
Well, I've never tried it... but RCT actually comes with a tutorial for it. Open Windows Explorer, go to the C Drive, Program Files, Infogrames Interactive, Roller Coaster Tycoon 2. Once there, open up the 'Data' folder. There should be a notepad document entitiled 'CUSTOM'. Open it. Instructions are there.

My comments:
You can only have 2 bits of custom music, and if you plan on having other people download the park, you may want to consider not putting it in. There have been problems when other people go to delete the music file (or even add it in) where all RCT sounds disappear. It's just a whole bad deal right there, but if you're doing it for your own pleasure, go right ahead.