Re: Reddude333's RCT3 Creations - Kekkyojin Intamin Wingride
It's impressive how each of us has improved since I joined. I love your landscape, with clean, mastered terraforming - smooth hills ! Treework is definitely over-average but you may use too much of the same species. And what about some bushes (I know there are some around the enterprise, but otherwise) ? Asian theming feels just right, with pure, relaxing lines.
My only conplaints so far are the fences and the coaster's colours. The fences have neutral colours, which indeed is relevang given your theme, but their overall looks is too... "generic" to my liking. Have you tried anything else able to do round fences ?
I'm puzzled by your colour choice. Sure it does look good, not too flashy at all which suits your theme. But I feel you've went the opposite direction : to me it lacks some character. (in other words - why all this grey ?

) I would try some pale but distinctive tones like pale brown with light red, green supports and red rails, stuff like that. I'm sure some compromises (pun unintended) could add some (but not too much) colours to your coasters
Still, it's a major achievement and I will certainly not just follow it, but even share it