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Revolution Makeover


CF Legend
Blackpool have posted some images of what the ride will look like on their Facebook page.



I think the new logo looks great but dislike how dull the one shade of grey is. Could have mixed it up a bit.
Thank **** they've got rid of that HIDEOUS Orange and Blue.

To be honest, this is actually a good move with the colour scheme, it fits with Avalanche perfectly and due to them being right next to one another, it's a good move. It's clear that PB are putting far more thought and movement into make the park more attractive, it needed it.
I thought that too Lofty, then I saw the eye-sore of Nick land lurking behind and realised that it just wasn't working :lol:

I looks a bit too much like a bridge now, but it's more appealing than being a peeling ;)
It did need this, its been looking acient for ages now.

Its the end of an era though, its been Iron Bru for ages!
I like this. When I think of the north, I think of grey, steel structures. What better tribute? It look smart and fits in perfectly.

Well done, PBB.
^ Have you been to Newcastle? It has a passing resemblance to the Tyne bridge. Tbh, go up anywhere up north of Stoke and you'll find some kind of steel structure that looks a lot like Revolution.
The last photo of it looks good,

but I think it might be a little too grey. Couldn't they add a streak of blue or something?
owenrita121 said:
^ I live in the north, and that made me laugh.
And now that you mentioned the Tyne bridge, I get it now.
Hallelujah, Praise the lord.

I thought the reference was pretty straight forward and totally valid. Lol.

I've ALWAYS hated the support structure, I hate the unsupported "end" to it, I know it's perfectly structurally sound (OBVIOUSLY), but it just make my OCD go mental.
Hmmm, at first I wasn't sure as it's very plain, but it's growing on me.
The ride is very mechanical (it's very simple with just the one loop, and the way it re-treads the same path each time in and out kinda puts me in mind of a piston or similar machine part). The grey suits that very well, and has been said already, it avoids clashing with Rollercoaster (I'm refusing to use the **** new advert of a name).
Hopefully, this also means that Revolution has a good few years in her yet :D
Yeah its very bridge looking, but it will look much better for it. The orange and blue looked tired. Bravo BPB.
The new colors are OK. They're a bit boring. I would've liked if they had a darker shade of color for the track and supports.