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Rides that don't feel safe

I went on the tilt coaster at the top of the Strat in Vegas and honestly thought I was about to die


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Honestly, I get vertigo when I’m high up on tall buildings or near precipices, I would prob fell safer strapped into the ride than just hanging out at the top of the tower outside. For some reason when I’m strapped to something the vertigo isn’t as bad (and it’s never bad on coasters for me, tho drop towers can be challenging)
The Smiler. Still don't trust it tbh. Every time I go on it I still look over my shoulder on the first lift to see if there's any stalled cars ahead.

Wow I’m glad I’m not the only one.. I love the coaster to pieces but there’s just something about all of its past problems that give it an edge..
I struggle with odyssey at fantasy island. Have rode this plenty of times in the past but something puts me off it now other than the inevitable pain factor. When I last rode it in 2012 the trains rattled and banged their way around the layout and felt very worn out, shunting from the car behind and shuffling around inside the rails. I understand this is probably common with most SLCs but it doesn't feel great on a 167ft 63mph ride.
I struggle with odyssey at fantasy island. Have rode this plenty of times in the past but something puts me off it now other than the inevitable pain factor. When I last rode it in 2012 the trains rattled and banged their way around the layout and felt very worn out, shunting from the car behind and shuffling around inside the rails. I understand this is probably common with most SLCs but it doesn't feel great on a 167ft 63mph ride.
Rode this last year and was actually pleasantly surprised. It was just pre-summer holidays so nice weather but most rides walk on/minimal wait. Odyssey absolutely hauled around the layout with minimal head-banging. I found the restrains to be very well padded. Caught my earring on one ride but that's no big deal. It wasn't until the very last ride of the day with just me and one other person on the train where I thought, "oh now I get what everyone means". Crawled and rattled its way around and was a different coaster compared to the full train rides I'd been doing most of the day! The train suddenly felt and sounded like it was about to disintegrate 😂
I recently rode Stunt Fall at Parque Warner Madrid and was genuinely scared for my life. The restraint lock just felt spongy, I felt it slowly moving away from me as my whole bodyweight was against it on the reverse pull up the first spike. The additional seat belt feels old and brittle. Doesn't feel safe at all 😅 1685008643923.png
I struggle with odyssey at fantasy island. Have rode this plenty of times in the past but something puts me off it now other than the inevitable pain factor. When I last rode it in 2012 the trains rattled and banged their way around the layout and felt very worn out, shunting from the car behind and shuffling around inside the rails. I understand this is probably common with most SLCs but it doesn't feel great on a 167ft 63mph ride.
It is a ride that does give wierd vibes for sure. Not sure I fully trust how it's been looked after during its entire life.
Hurricane at Fun Spot Kissimmee...looks like it is held together by ducktape and a prayer. Also just a little too forceful to feel safe.

Also Viper at sfmm because of the sheer intensity and jank of the whole experience.
After Blackpool i would like to mention Steeplechase as probably the scariest for me. I really feel exposed sitting on the horse with only a basic seatbelt around me. The janky nature of the ride only makes things worse, as it jolts you around and breaks abruptly. Other shoutout is to Wild Mouse back when it was operational. I loved it so dearly, but jesus did the ride feel like it was a giant health and safety risk. The ejector was dangerous with literally just a seatbelt.
Wodan on a hot, sunny day also feels unsafe. The beginning is reasonable fast, but the S-bends after the photo is taken are insane. Just feels as if the train would just completely derail and fly of the tracks at every turn.

Tornado at Bakken also deserves a shoutout. Spinning without any brakes, that „launched“ lifthill + the insanity of some of its turns. Oh, and then there is boost mode. I really enjoy this ride on a weird kind of way, but damn, it’s so out of control it’s just painful. According to Intamin, this is still not the highest thrill level they can provide..
The look after you realised you’ve just asked for Boost-mode

Honourable mention to the coasters I did at Brighton Pier in 2019; They were more rust than paint, making you feel very unsafe just standing next to them.
Coast Rider at Knott's felt like the cars were going to fly off the track on every turn. The first time I was genuinely scared for my safety on a coaster.
River Quest at Phantasialand. That elevator lift into the drop, the layout - the whole ride is absolutely insane. I also don’t seem to remember there being ANY seatbelts and at one point this guy literally was flung into me from the other side of the raft. Begrudgingly, he hit me but if it wasn’t me he collided with I honestly feared he might’ve been going in the water.

Still absolutely love it in all its insanity and I’d ride it again and again.
I can agree. The lack of any kind of restraint or seatbelt + the curve after the second drop make river quest really feel unsafe.
I heard that nowadays, they would not be able to build a ride like this anymore due to the curve being too close to the second drop; don’t know if it’s true, though.
Fun fact: if the rumours are true, the lack of seatbelts is the reason why the drop track (yes, the third drop is actually a drop track locked into the drop position) was never used. Wouldn’t make me feel much safer to be honest.
Iron Shark @ Pleasure Pier--or I suppose any Eurofighter, but that's the only one I've ridden. I've been on it several times, it's a wonderful ride, and I know it's safe, but...something about a lapbar that doesn't ratchet down, and a lack of seatbelts to secure it, and a first drop that actively tries to throw you off the ride, makes me nervous every time. I wish I knew more about how its restraints worked so I could feel more at ease.
personally i have not been only many rides (flat rides included). so until my parents realize magic mountain (or litterally anywhere else besides disney) wont break their bank, here my predictions

4d coasters: the ride model of 4D coasters as a whole is horrying. no matter what you tell me, droping near/at 90dg on a janky-as-hell ride while while the car does a F--KING 180, is never NOT gonna be scary

zippin pippin's ejector death hill: when ejector airtime is too much, that one moment seems to ACTUALLY trys to throw you out of the car. its the onetime buzz-bars would'nt be the best restraint

vertical lift hills: no...just no...thoses lifts will always be spooky. (as a side note, it probobally sucks when the sun is beaming right into your eyes on thoses)

(now closed) blue streak at conneaut lake park: you think E&F milers where bad, Oh boy Blue streak when it was opened always seemed one f--k up away from falling apart like legos. it doesnt help the ride looked beyond hella rough, and had some insane ejector with flawed trains. that is the one ride i would skip out on.