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Rides that would be better without an element?

Surely Hersheypark knows about this issue, right? I know new trains are ridiculously expensive, but would it not be worth them looking into it? I haven't ridden Skyrush so I can't speak from experience but the lapbars sound absolutely shocking.
They aren't as bad as everyone makes out, they are a bit tight compared to the more recent Intamins or Macks though. Clearly it's not an easy fix to fit the current trains with new restraints.
Too many to mention really but here's 3 major ones;

Wildfire's 2nd inversion over the cliff. The track climbs slightly to be able to invert, losing momentum, momentum which affects the entire rest of the ride poorly.
Helix's final inversion. While it does offer a different sensation to the rest of the ride, it's hot garbage and ends a brilliant ride on a low point.

Outlaw Run. The final of the two rolls. Didn't want to put this in because it seems like I'm picking on RMC a little and the rest of OR is fan-bloody-tastic but why the **** did anyone think the 2nd roll would be a good idea? It's nearly vom inducing as it's so slow.

That’s known as hangtime.

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The helix on Big One - This might have been better before the MCBR started slowing trains to a crawl, but it only succeeds in giving you a good view of the lift hill.
The helix on Big One - This might have been better before the MCBR started slowing trains to a crawl, but it only succeeds in giving you a good view of the lift hill.

I see what you mean. By the time it reaches that stage I’m ready for something big to finish it or for it just to end and it just seems a bit boring so I definitely agree

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I am in agreement with a lot of people here when I say:

Storm Runner - that stupid banked S turn crap. What makes it worse is that the Flying snake Dive is one of my favorite elements on any coaster. So you have an incredible element followed by ?

Lightning Rod - non-inverted-half-loop.... other than the most unoriginal name for an element, it would be nice to see the coaster extended in that spot. With the speed that it carries there you could easily add another 1000 feet of track