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Rides You Just Don't Even Think About Bothering With


Hyper Poster
When you go to a park, and you do your favourite rides, what rides do you simply not even bother thinking about riding?

One's for me include Indiana Jones and Disneyland Paris. I just never even think about going on it, it just sucks. It's just never in my agenda at all. On my last trip we began to head home and I just remembered the coaster was there. I just have no care for it.

Other's would be Slammer and Submission. They never enter my head as an option, I just ignore their existence. I just think they suck.

How about you?
Slammer - I just don't get it....

What is the point of it? Its so borning, anoying, slow, not thrilling and normally has a long queue due to slow loading so I never normally even consider riding it when I go to Thorpe. (That is when its open....)
Submission. I only ride it if it has a short queue, otherwise forget it as it's just not worth queueing for and is only a filler ride really. Ermm I'd also probably say Vortex at Thorpe as last time I went on it I only got one high swing. Maybe Samurai aswell but I haven't been on it since 2005 so I can't really remember what it was like now. :lol:

EDIT: Some other rides I don't normally bother with but have only done once:

Air. I'll only ride it if it has a short queue.

Flying Fish

Ug Swinger/Twisting Toadstool. If it's back to running fast again then I'll probably ride it again, but cause of Rita being in the way when it was Ug Swinger they only ran it on a slow setting.

Any pirate ship. With the exceptions of Black Buccannear and the one at Botton's Pleasure Beach.

Zodiac/Enterprise. Again I'll only ride them if they have short queues.
I'd agree with Submission - I only went on it last time I visited Alton Towers because the SRQ for Oblivion was longer than I wanted and it didn't have a queue :D
SnooSnoo said:

If it isn't a walk on, I'm not riding.

Honestly the only time I rode it outside of walk on was to talk to Fiona about when we were going to Buffilo Wild Wings.
If I'm entirely in control, Air. I will always ride Nemesis, out of spite for people who would really like to ride it :p

Submission, defo. And Enterprise. Zodiac and Vortex just don't exist either as far as I'm concerned when I go. And Tidal Wave.

90% of the crap at Chessington. In fact, that entire park.
bezzzzzer said:
One's for me include Indiana Jones and Disneyland Paris. I just never even think about going on it, it just sucks. It's just never in my agenda at all.

How about you?

Strange - I quite liked indy jones

My list would be:

Any waveswinger, enterprise, and Ive never really got break dances...

coaster wise - big apples, and flying fish
I knew this topic had been done before, my memories better than I thought!

http://www.coasterforce.com/forums/view ... sc&start=0

But thats over a year old anyway...

I'd go with Blade at Alton Towers, never bother with swinging ships now they're just utter gash.
Also them rides like Samurai (top scan?!!) once you've rode the Beast at Fantasy Island, no other model can live up to it.
Tidal Wave
Flying Fish
X/No Way Out
Most water rides unless I have never been on them.
All sing type rides.

There is quite alot that I dont ride really, guess I am more of a coaster person.
The rides i neaver bother going on due to foggeting about them are:

.x no way out
. zodiac
. quantum
. depth charge

you forget about them with the bigger rides at thorpe. :--D
Most of the things at Camelot sept the coasters, well most of the flats were shut anyway.
At Alton: Submission, but I seem to go on the enterprise most visits.
Ug Swinger (Twisting Toadstall or whatever now) although I use to when I was younger.
Sometimes I don't bother about Spinball or Runaway Mine Train, but if the queues are short on RMT we do, or we do singles queue on spinball.
At Thorpe: X:\No Way Out, Flying Fish, Banana Boat, Rapids (But now they're improved I will again), Storm In A Teacup we usually walk past and we usually don't bother with Zodiac, but we go on it now and then.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Error said:
Top Thrill Dragster.

It's too long for too short.


Tell me, what's a 3 hour wait for a 30 second ride? I could ride better things (say, Maverick) 3 times while waiting for one. I could also whore great rides with no line (say Gemini) in the same amount of time.

It's pointless unless there is no wait.
Rita, air, everything at Thorpe besides NI and Rush.

About all I can really think of :)
SuperSplash at TusenFryd. It's in a dead end, there's really nothing there, except for a few toilets and a burger shop and a viking farm that no one bothers with (it's manned three weeks every year. It's always dead there unless there's a hyped arrangement taking place).

I've just never felt the urge to walk down the hill just to ride that one. Tear down the farm, and bring me a nicely themed Invert that goes all the way up to Morgan Kane City, opening the area a bit more and creating a loop rather than a dead end...
I think we went down there twice PM. I can see why you don't bother though generally - it's just not worth that trek up the hill again!!!

It's a shame because it's the first bit of the park you see as you pull in off the main road :)