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Rides you miss

Déjà Vu SFOG :sad3:

god I miss that coaster
White Water Landing. I only got to ride it once.

Also the one at Cedar Point with the german girl. That was a fun one.
Cyclone at Pleasureland- this was a classic coaster, loved by many people from many generations. The way it was handled when it was torn down was awful. It was such a fun ride and did not deserve the death it got. Damn you Amanda Thompson :(

Texas Tornado at Frontier Land- Again another classic woodie that was destroyed. I used to love this ride as a kid and every time I see the pictures of what is now waste land my heart sinks.

Tower Of Terror- Camelot- A great ride, and I know its still operating at Loudon Castle but I miss seeing it from the motorway at Camelot where it towered above the park.

Corkscrew- Alton Towers- What can I say? Old Corkie may have beat me blue but she was still fun and a traditional Alton 'must ride' for me. I'm excited about the new SW but Corkscrew will be sadly missed.

Black Hole- Alton Towers- I have to agree with people who say they miss this ride. The last day of operation was quite sad I've been told. I used to like this ride quite a lot before it was closed down, SBNO.

Its always so sad when a ride closes or appears SBNO. I guess eventually all of the rides we love today will end up in a scrap yard. Thats why I never assume they will be there when I go back ;)
ThunderCoaster. Before 2007, this was a beast. Literally dragging you around the track, not at all caring about the inertia wanting you to keep on in the same direction for a few more seconds. As soon as you had realised that you were going right, the coaster had already forced your body up or down a couple of times. It played yoyo with your body, down in the seat, up again, down, up, in a series of frantic tugs. Positives, negatives, laterals... the ride was all over a beast. With square wheels.

Then, GCI came around. Now, it's smooth, but doesn't really care anymore about you leaving the seat or not. In 2008, it was just numb compared to earlier years.

How I want it back...
^ You mean Thundercoaster before 2006, that was before they remodeled the big hill and the drop after that, then it was even better with a lot more airtime over that hill. But I agree with you, I want the old Thundercoaster back!! (I do like the new tunnel though, it's probably the best part of the ride now.)

To give the rest an idea what we are talking about:
What GCI have done to Thundercoaster, is the same thing that would happen if B&M/Intamin would remodel the track of The Ultimate...
The first two that sprung to my mind were G-Force at Fantasy Island and Nightmare Niagara at American Adventure.

It might have been my age at the time and that fact that I grew up with the ride (I lived really close to American Adventure), but Nightmare Niagara is still one of the rides that I miss most of all. I always remember it as being absolutely crazy with it's huge height and amazing drops especially second) and it was just really sad to see it go.

G-Force at Fantasy Island was just mental. Really, REALLY missed.
The first thing that popped into my head was Old Indiana. That was the best thing. It was small, but it had charactor. Ok, so I really only rode the miniature train. But all the coasters looked really fun and I rode one of them before the park shut down, cant rememer the name though. i cant post links, so just search on google and there are several sites that have the park on them.
I'm really not getting a lot of people's responses on here.

"I rode blah blah blah, once, 10 years ago, had never been to that park before, have never been to the park since, but now that coaster has been removed. I really miss that coaster!"

Ok, a slight exaggeration, but you can see my point.

If you've regularly ridden something over a long period of time, and then it's removed, then yeah, that makes sense, but otherwise how can you miss it?

I LOVED Magnum Force. Do I miss it? No, because I haven't been to Flamingoland for years, and I'm not likely to go there anytime soon. However, when I went to Alton last year, I really noticed the absence of Black Hole since it had always been there since I was a kid.

Big difference.
it hasnt been long...but corkscrew at alton will be missed for a very long timee!! :(
Magnum Force & Bullet without a shadow of a doubt.
The backwards 'launch' so to speak on the Bullet... sitting at the back of the train then looking down near vertical and suddenly changing direction to shoot through the station, and the forces at the bottom of the loop <3

Magnum Force... the insane whiplash corner on the first drop, forces on that long straight before the third loop and the twists and turns before slamming into the brakes! Awesome.

I actually miss Crazy Loop loads too, I've got a soft spot for Pinfaris and Pinfari Loopers as Crazy Loop was my first looper. Its now at Brean but I'm never going to get there, if I do its a long time away. I guess thats why I'm going to miss Grizzly Bear at Lightwater when I visit too.
Corkscrew at Alton Towers.

The roughness, lift hill whine, cramped trains and low restraints were what gave it so much character in my opinion. :(

Oh and De la terre a la lune at Disneyland Paris. Mission 2 isn't as good imho.
Cyclone at Southport... Even if i never rode it that much.... When i was youger i used to go to Southport all the time... and it doesn't look right without it...
I have three

USO: Back to the Future (mostly because Simpsons ride is **** compared to it and I have childhood memories of it)

Drayton Manor: Klondike Gold Mine (so much fun, IMO more fun than G Force)

Alton Towers: Corkscrew (It was awesome, I actually loved it)
The original Runaway Train at Gulliver's World Warrington is one I miss, strangely enough, they removed it, then eventualy replaced it with a crap one, and it seems that there is an even worse one there now.
I loved that ride, even though I have few memories of it now, it was one of the first rides I rode and the memories I do have of it are very fond ones.
Reading what people have said about it, I miss the Black Hole even though I never actually rode itm which is strange because it was apparently crap when they removed it and that was one of the reasons why it's gone, but reading and hearing what people think now, I want to ride it, but I can't, and in that respect, I kind of miss it.
On the other hand, I do not now, nor ever will, miss the Corkscrew.
Python at Busch Gardens.

And Im gonna miss Space mountain if they replace the track.
Corkscrew at Alton, as it was a good time filler and the area seemed alive. The lift hill noise was good as you could hear it from the gardens.
Dominator, Xflight, Raging Wolf Bobs, Big Dipper.

That's pretty much it. I'd like to say I miss White Water Landing but I never actually rode it, besides, it peaced out for a good cause.