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RMC Raptor


Mega Poster
Hello all,

Hope you're ok. Just a quick question, in regards to the RMC Raptor, on the RMC website, there are 2 layouts:


Pic source

My question is, which layout corresponds to the protypes (WWGL / Railblazer) and / or Stunt Pilot?

Thank you!

Another question: is there much difference, experience-wise about the prototypes and stunt pilot?
Prototypes run three trains of 8 rows while Stunt Pilot runs two with 10. Parts of the layout banking have been modified so that the coaster doesn't kill riders in the back two rows, most visibly with the turnaround at the top of the lift and first drop.
Prototypes run three trains of 8 rows while Stunt Pilot runs two with 10. Parts of the layout banking have been modified so that the coaster doesn't kill riders in the back two rows, most visibly with the turnaround at the top of the lift and first drop.
The prototypes look more fun though 😂