From what I can tell, it wasn’t really aimed at enthusiasts. Unlike a theme park documentary, I think this was intended to have a wider comedic appeal as opposed to being something where you actually learn stuff like an enthusiast might be interested in.
I watched it myself this morning, and I actually thought it was OK for an hour of light-hearted entertainment. Yes, you didn’t really learn anything, it wasn’t the most orientated around the rides, and I’ll admit that having never watched any of the comedians in there, I didn’t really get any of the “banter” between them, but as a bit of light-hearted entertainment, I thought it was OK.
Not my favourite theme park-related program I’ve ever watched by any stretch, but I don’t think the park itself was the focus here; I think it was more centred around the presenters and their antics. Taking it at face value as a comedy programme set within Alton Towers, I thought it was OK as an hour of light entertainment.