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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Ollie said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
Theme = <img>
Because it's themed to the most famous horror franchise of all time I presume. ;)


The first Halloween movie grossed 47 million dollars in the US alone during it's release year (1978), where as Saw grossed 57 million dollars in the US in it's release year of 2004.

Thirty years difference and it only grossed ten million dollars more in the US, I wonder how much the value of the American Dollar has increased in thirty years?
I agree with Harvey and Hixee. Most people I know think that 5 films is pushing it.

Also, Saw isn't the most famous of all time. Of this time maybe, but not all time.
Harvey that's exactly what I was thinking. Nightmare on Elm street, Halloween, Scream and Texas Chainsaw are probably the most famous, well known horror films.

However, most of the chavvy scummy heathens that go to Thorpe Park won't have any hint of education or film taste, and will think Saw is the best thing that ever happened because OMG HIS HEAD CAME OFF!

It's ****, the films ****, the themes ****, but it works in theory because the stupid chavs won't know of any other films.
Smithy said:
Its **** , the films **** , the themes **** , but it works in theory because the stupid chavs won't know of any other films.

Wow, take it you wont want to ride this come March then? As its so ****?

I think the ride looks awesome, the theme will work if they do it right. Judging by the mini site I think they know what they are doing theme wise.

The layout looks like the biggest baddest Eurofighter out there and just to remind everybody of this scrumptious piece of coaster.


spicy said:
Smithy said:
Its <img> , the films <img> , the themes <img> , but it works in theory because the stupid chavs won't know of any other films.

Wow, take it you wont want to ride this come March then? As its so <img>?

Umm, where did I say the rides going to be ****? We were purely talking about the theme at that point.

I'll be there on opening if I can :p I just really dislike the theme. I can see why it'll work for what they want it to do, but that doesn't mean I have to like it personally.
ciallkennett said:

I suspect that won't be the case when it opens though. Retracking the train etc.

No, they are just building fences, infact they have, as they have only just relaid the train track, bet it will be scary if your'e in the train or a car of SAW, and you have a cross over! :)
wouldn't you love the queue to be like this? :p

Is that from another park or attraction Ollie?

If so I really hope Thorpe just dont copy.

Also Saw 5 done really badly so that does sort of show the franchise is at an end.
^ I agree, would have made me **** my pants. I hope its not like that, because ud be in the same room all the time and hear the same thing. I wouldnt like it even if you went through at that speed because thats too scary.
slash1994 just made a good point there. If you have to que for any length of time through the dark with continuing screaming that'll drive anyone insane.
^It's themed to horror.
If you can survive "It's a Small World" you can put up with queueing for this more adult theme.
^But I can queue for 'It's a Small World', as the actual song doesn't take place proper till inside the show building...

Having that as a queue would probably work at the beginning, with random crap and leftovers...

I've always seen TV screens being used in this queue, regardless of theme (as it was ALWAYS going to be horror-mine)...

Actual animatronics and crap is unlikely, it'd break/raped by chavs after a week anyways... :roll:
I think parts of that video would work in the queue. I just don't think Thorpe can pull it off. I'd be glad for them to prove me wrong though.
I hope it burns down, they could try and put the fire out with the tears of CF's fifteen year old Southern England population, and I would laugh, oh yes indeed.
They would stager the queue so you do a room at a time so you dont have to spend to long infront of one thing.
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