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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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southend_marc said:
Even when its open you still will not see a well themed coaster, station yes coaster no :)
Come on now. That is rubbish.

How many coasters -in the world- are themed from start to finish that are not entirely indoors? ...Can you even list 5? I'm not sure I could, and most of them would be family/kids coasters.

Saw is semi-indoors, so it's indoors section is clearly going to be themed. If it's not themed inside, then you'll have a right to a moan. It's near impossible to theme an entire coaster outside - especially if it's big. Slating it for not being themed throughout the rest of the course is utterly retarded.
Big Thunder Mountain
El Diablo

All within thirty seconds :)

Not five, but I can only name coasters I've been on, or have taken an interest in :)

I do agree though Joey, theming the entire ride is very difficult, and not really worthwhile...
1. Nemesis
2. Mamba
3. Thunder Mountain DLP
4. Thunder Mountain CA
5. Thunder Mountain Orlando
6. The Micheal Jackson Coaster
7. Indiana Jones DLP

Shall I carry on? Them 7 were very easy to name.

Saw is also a family coaster so same as 3 of the ones I have mentioned :)

A coaster can be well themed inside and outside. Yes you can not theme the lift hill, saying that you probably could.

Sorry Joey but my version of good ride theming is the whole ride not just a station, yours and other people might feel different.

I am sure the station and inside part will be good, I have said that all along. My problem is when people are saying this ride has great theming when quiet clearly the whole ride does not. That is what I am saying and please respect my view on it before saying its retarted, everyone has different views I am not saying I am right and I am not saying you are wrong. We are all different and like different things and view things in different ways. For me its not themed for you it is simple.

I still dont see how doing an in line twist in the dark is good theming but there you go :)
Saw is clearly not a family coaster. It's irrelevant what it's height restriction is. It's not aimed at families, it... Like the entire park, is aimed at teens and young adults.

5 of those coasters are owned by Disney. It's no coincidence that so few parks outside of Disney theme to say, Phantasialand's level.

The other 3 are rare occurrences. To expect that level of theming is silly. Why Phantasialand do it, God alone knows.

The only reason Nemesis is so well "themed" is because it sort of had to be. I think you'll find that level of effort was seen as a way to simply make the thing acceptable and bring it up to the level of a normal roller coaster, not surpass it. There is no need, what so ever, to go to great lengths to theme something which already has visual impact because it stands above ground towering over you and all it's powerful elements are on show.

It doesn't ever happen because it's pointless.

EDIT: Et also not cost effective, at all.
Yes it is very well themed forgot about that one, and its huge.

Joey I am not saying you are wrong so please do not think that.

My point simply was that people are saying that Saw the coaster is well themed, when as I have said 100 times to me its not. Yes the station is but that actual coaster is not apart from the part in the station.

What is the real point of Saw, well for me its the coaster after all thats what they are building. If they wanted a walk through attraction then build one but for me this is 2 in 1. A walk through attraction with a coaster at the end.

Thats my view on it.

Other parks theme their rides to give a good experience and to make them better than they really are.

Would the rides be as good at Disney and Phantasia Land with no theming, probably not.

It might be pointless to you but not to everyone. Whats not cost effective is to buy a cheap coaster and bump up the coast by building an expensive station.

I would rather go on Khan with no theming than a Saw with a nice themed station. As I bet most teens and young adults would. Ian and I both said Khan would be better if it had landscape like Kumba, so that says it all really even basic landscape make a coaster feel better and thats a basic kind of theming.

Merlin could and should do better. Yes the coaster is aimed at teens but at the end of the day its a family coaster, one that can be found in small parks and kids ride them.

After 3 goes on Saw with walking through the station people will be bored. It will offer nothing as people will know the story and just want to get on the coaster.

Thorpe better get the station right and the theme right or they have just wasted a heap load of money.

Sorry but I think we need to agree to disagree on this. I can see your view on it though.

I am looking forward to seeing whats its like for myself, if I was wrong I will admit I was wrong. But I bet even is some other people think its crap they will never admit it :).

I will see it for what it is, and you can bet the reason why so much work is going into the station is due to the fact they know they are going to have 2 hour queues like they do on all their other coasters.

Tbh I dont think I am going to post in this topic again until its all complete.
People should really be careful of the wording that they use. Just because they have a different opinion it doesn't make their opinion retarded.

The point is, the way I see it, this coaster has a themed station. Big deal. Whether the effects are all still working 12 months after this thing opens is also debateable.

I am also tired of people making comments such as "GP dont care about theming". Maybe they say they dont, but theming is all but of the layering of a theme, the adding to the conviction and making it all that little more believable. That is why Disney do bother. Because it is their opinion that even if people think it is irrelevant it still creates the scene that they want to and therefore has the overall effect of improving the feeling of the ride. People might not be aware of the theme on a fully conscious level but a fully themed ride will (normally) have a much better impact than something on a car park!
I'm sorry but this is the most boring topic in the world.

How much tripe do I have to wade through to find any updates on the construction?
southend_marc said:
1. Nemesis
2. Mamba
3. Thunder Mountain DLP
4. Thunder Mountain CA
5. Thunder Mountain Orlando
6. The Micheal Jackson Coaster
7. Indiana Jones DLP

Nemesis isn't themed, it's in a hole, Black Mamba however, which has false rockery crafted around the ride to it's extent, is.

How much tripe do I have to wade through to find any updates on the construction?

Too much.
bob_3_ said:
How much tripe do I have to wade through to find any updates on the construction?
Well since main construction is complete (aside from the queueline and the bottom of the first drop), there's not much to wait for until pics of the station interior are released.
Trains are onsite. Been told they look awesome!

..Just a bit of random information.

So I'd expect some pictures soon.
I can't wait to see them! I can't imagine them looking much different to the ones on Mystery Mine; maybe with a splash of blood on the paintwork and a darker tone. Thats pretty much what I can see Saw's trains looking like :--D

Don't take this as a bad thing as I think MM's trains are awesome! So I do hope they're similar in one perspective.

Other than that I could imagine them using a traditional Euro-Fighter train (Rage/Speed), painting it completely black and a splash of blood effects on a corner or something... :?

Anyway I really can't wait to see them! It's got me thinking on what they will look like. :)
The trains look brilliant. Kinda what people predicted but they do look pretty cool and fit right in with the theme. :)
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