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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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This is no where near completed. And it's still going to be a ride that almost everyone here ok coasterforce (aswell as myself) will make an effort to ride during the 2009 season.
^Is that post any different to your last posts?

Stone Cold said:
It appeals to the chav/teenage demographic, it doesn't create much more space or help with the cluttered layout

The chav teenage demographic is the one they are aiming for so what's the problem with that, and of course building something isn't going to create space, they're putting smething new in.

We are yet to know what the £12 million has bee spent on, so I can't see how you can complain about that either. If we find out that it is 12 million pounds worth of paint, then yes, you have a right to moan, but you can't judge it when you don't know what they've been spending it on.
Based on RCDB, the track for Spongebob was $2'900'000...

Though due to the economic crisis atm, can't say that makes much of an impression... But overall that should give Thorpe around £9/10 million odd to play about with on theming...

Depends on how much the track cost, and maybe the infilling cost was put into it, but it's still a good amount of the budget into the theming, over half at least, that should therefore give us relatively good looking blood on the trains... Unless they're UV set for Halloween, it which case with the correct lighting at night that would look rather good...
^ No and as far as everyone is aware it hasn't tested yet.

Stone Cold said:
Firstly, the £12,000,000 that has been thrown at this project. I know that Merlin can spend the cash on whatever they like, but equally, I'm entitled to point out that smaller (and better) parks don't throw that much cash around and they produce decent rides, thus by investing £12m, I expect Thorpe to be able to better these other park's efforts. You can buy a lot of poster paint with £12,000,000 and I want to see that reflected in the effort made with this ride.

Thats a very good point, if you gave £12 million to a park like, Paultons say. They would make a very worthwhile investment. Merlin don't seem to get that much for their money, I mean I still can't believe that Charlie and the Chocolate factory at Alton cost £6 million, where the hell did all that money go?
^Yeah it says on the SAW Blog what's happening. There will probably be plenty of videos of it testing as soon as the park opens. As they wouldn't want to miss a chance to show off to the customers to bring them back in March for when it opens. :)
I'm just glad they made an effort with the themeing, still the ride could do with some blood rivers and maybe loads of needles under the barrel roll or something, but still, I shouldn't be saying that as I don't know what will be inside.

Does anyone know if the spikes are confirmed on the first drop?
^Is that the first drop inside or the main drop.
They've fitted blades underneath the main drop now so you have a super headchopper.
^ The drop inside the building. Apparently as you go down it it looks like your'e going to hit spikes with blood on the end.
I thought inside was dark, maybe they will just light that part up then as you go past. If they light up the drop though it defeats the point of having the drop in the dark.
Maybe just the spikes would be lit up? But I swear that it will be there as even on the SAW: The Ride website on pictures it has a picture of the spikes, plus I remember hearing from somewhere else that the ride will contain loads of booby traps etc.
On the saw website there is a photo of the spikes similar to the ones I had on my NL ride.
It would make sense to put something there as you're crawling along and then suddenly drop so you have to have a near miss with something.
If anyone can find anymore evidence of it before the ride opens, could they post it please :)

I sure want to know what they are going to do with the barrel roll, they'll probably just keep it there.
Ollie said:
On the saw website there is a photo of the spikes similar to the ones I had on my NL ride.
It would make sense to put something there as you're crawling along and then suddenly drop so you have to have a near miss with something.

Yeah that's what I thought it would be like. The drop would still be a surprise, but the effect would be that you dropped away from being impaled on the spikes :)
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