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"SAW - The Ride" - Eurofighter for Thorpe Park

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Yeh, lighten up. I don't like the Saw francise and the whole Gorno thing, but i'm still excited about the ride. People seem to be forgetting about the actual ride, it looks great.
You forget Inverse.. this is a Enthusiast site. We nit-pick every part of the ride.. down to the 4th bolt in the 3rd support on the lift hill.

The name can play a huge part in the ride.. mostly for recognition. If your ride has an epic name, it will have more staying power in the minds of not just the GP, but Enthusiasts too.

From a Marketing standpoint, something I am studying to become after I get out of school, this is indeed a true epic fail for Thorpe.
I don't see how using a massive, popular film franchise like Saw constitutes a massive fail.

It certainly isn't going to prevent people from riding it who will have otherwise ridden it if it had an original name.

In fact, it's highly likely that it will attract people who never would've thought of riding it if it had an original name.

Quite a marketing success, I would say.
^Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you.

I'm gonna buy you a pint if you're to goin to GF for having some common sense!

Ultimate Coaster said:
no one here is saying Thorpe made a stupid business decision. We're just expressing from our point of view - enthusiasts - that the theme is disappointing and, from it sounds like from those that have been to Thorpe, "typical Thorpe."

You don't have to keep defending the park, because their business sense is NOT at question here.

Dude, I agree with that whole "typical Thorpe" statement. But I'll happily pass judgement after I've been on it and stop thinking too much about what it's gonna be like/should have been like.

So yeah, a few people's hopes were dashed and they're kicking up a fuss on the internet. Get over it.

My big point here is that some people really need to take a reality check.
Yes.. you say so now.. but how long will this popularity last?

Some would say calling a coaster "Matrix: The Ride" a perfect decision back in 1999.. but now?

I'm looking long term.. as this ride won't be demolished for some time. Yeah, immediate success.. more so because it is a new coaster.. not because of the name.

Eventually, Saw will fail.. like it has already been failing.. and it does not have the epic appeal.. YET.. of some previous lines of films.. Friday the 13th for example.

Honestly, until it reaches that status, it will be fail.
As long as you get the point. :)

I'm just trying to say.. Harry Potter? Win.

Saw.. which only really applies to certain times of the year? Fail.

I mean.. this is just me..
An idea: Could we ban any topics with the word "Saw" in the title? Would save us for the certainly more than 5 "Saw vs (insert Oblivion, Stealth, or some Eurofighter here)" topics we will see as soon as the ride opens.

And they could easily rename it, remove all objects that point to the franchise, and put up new signs. It may still be horror themed, without being "Saw".
Well after speaking to some people that went to Thorpe the other day it tuns out the station building is complete and its not that big.

I hope there are some pictures.

Part of me can not wait for the ride to open, just so I can see what its like and how it compairs to the other Eurofighters I have been on. But I just can not get excited at all as no matter what people say its about the coaster at the end of the day. Once you sit in the train the SAW part ends and it becomes Rage or Speed. I am looking more forward to going on Turtle Crush at DLP than this tbh.
southend_marc said:
Well after speaking to some people that went to Thorpe the other day it tuns out the station building is complete and its not that big.


Struck me that it was pretty damn small, and pretty damn full of track already. I'm guessing it'll just be stairs up the outside (seen in concept art), and not a lot else inside, cause as the structure currently stands, there isn't a lot of room.

There's also like, no room to actually build a path to the ride, so that'll be interesting.

Coaster looked crap, however.
God the levels of negativity throughout most posts on the latest pages of this topic are rediculous, is this an entusiasts site or a site where you just moan your arse off?

The way people are talking about this ride you would think Thorpe would be better off adding nothing for 09.

I was negative at first about it being a eurofighter as I really wanted the rumored flyer. But there you go, we have SAW: The Ride and I actually am really looking forward to riding it as the layout looks really good in my opinion.

And about the whole SAW theme aswellI have said to people I know that aren't interested in coasters have you seen Thorpes new ride? they said no not really interested, when I said it was SAW the ride they were immediately interested and wanted to know more.

The themes going to work, definately.
So let me get this right:

When we found out it was "just" a Eurofighter, we hated it.

Then we saw the track go up and decided it actually looked pretty good, probably the best Eurofighter layout so far.

Then we hear one word, "Saw," and it's back to being a crap coaster again.

Just making sure I was keeping up to speed...
Then we saw the track go up and decided it actually looked pretty good, probably the best Eurofighter layout so far.

I always knew that even with the "best" layout (bollocks, anyway), it was still just a Eurofighter and would still be crap.

I've never been enthused about it, I've always been miserable about it :p.

And I'm waiting til I can be like "yeah, did tell you..."
spicy said:
God the levels of negativity throughout most posts on the latest pages of this topic are rediculous, is this an entusiasts site or a site where you just moan your arse off?

Enthusiasts are better compared to critics in most cases...

We have very much our own opinions on what makes a good ride, much like food critics have their own opinions on what makes a good dish...
Most of us are moaning because we don't agree with various aspects of the ride's design, be it the choice of ride or the actual theme (which is my issue with the ride)...

The theme may as well work, but I'm not gonna agree it's the best choice for a coaster which in general is a family ride, due to the silly choice of theme content...

Such is life...
A few people also need to remember had this ride gone where it was meant to we would be saying this was a good addition to Chesington :)
spicy said:
And about the whole SAW theme as well I have said to people I know that aren't interested in coasters have you seen Thorpe's new ride? they said no not really interested, when I said it was SAW the ride they were immediately interested and wanted to know more.

The themes going to work, definitely.
That's exactly what happened with me. I was looking it up in college and asked a few people if they had seen Thorpe's new roller coaster? They just said "Nah, don't really like roller coasters" and as soon as I mentioned it was going to be themed on Saw they were away on their computer looking at the trailers and information and going "WOW! I can't wait!"
The theme WILL work and it WILL increase gate numbers as a ride like this WILL get people visiting the park just for this new coaster.
gavin said:
So let me get this right:

When we found out it was "just" a Eurofighter, we hated it.

Then we saw the track go up and decided it actually looked pretty good, probably the best Eurofighter layout so far.

Then we hear one word, "Saw," and it's back to being a crap coaster again.

Just making sure I was keeping up to speed...

For me:




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